The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 566: Determined

"What are you doing? Leave me alone." The guard ordered a cold drink.

"Command, offended." A garrison bowed his hands and sank.

"Lin Biao serves as the national commander. Unless the country is personally involved, we must not resist."

The "you" garrison commander looked ugly.

Regarding the Former Wind School, the elders just wanted to start, and thousands of guards were surrounded.

Thousands of wind masters frowned.

At this time, Zhao Kun had already arrived at Zifeng.

"Drink." Zifeng shouted, the Blizzard sword in his hand getting heavier. "Don't rely on yourself." Zhao Kun banged sharply.

Hey the collision between the sword and the palm will make a loud noise.

Zhao Kun, the silk doesn't move.

Zifeng was shocked a few steps.

"All right?" Zhao Kun's face changed, "I will pick me up?"

"Child, you broke through."

"Hey." Zi Feng snorted.

"Today you will die." Zhao Kun's strength is going all out, his body is raging.

"The hurricane field is banned."

The power of heaven and earth descends from the sky.

Zifeng's mind and killing can offset most of the hurricane field.

Dong dong dong

The fight between the two is roaring.

Zifeng has been behind.

But Zhao Kun became more and more shocked.

"Damn, I haven't seen it these days. This son actually increased his strength, but he also broke through and rebuilt." Zhao Kun thought secretly.

"So arrogant, if you grow up in the future, it will be a disaster."

"It is necessary to get rid of it today."

Zhao Kun thought of this, the more murdered his face became.

A sigh, condensed in his hands.

Prove that he is ready to use martial arts.

Zifeng is not afraid, the Blizzard Sword in his hand also condenses a small blizzard.


This is the collision between the sword and the palm.

However, this time the roar made the whole mountain tremble.

The terrible air current filled a square kilometer.

Yu Wei's stimulation caused the rocks to break.

"No, get rid of it." The garrison commander and the forward lord shouted.

They are naturally not afraid of the smell of rain.

But those guards, compared with ordinary warriors, are elites, and compared to the real strong, they are also weak.


A series of dense penetrating sounds.

Sword and palm, constantly spurting blood.

A few seconds later, mourning sounded and nearly a thousand guards were seriously injured.

"Damn it." The guard ordered a cold face. "Take me away."

With the momentum of a wave of hands and celestial spheres, thousands of garrisons surrounding him were forcibly bombed.

The battle in the heavens is not the participation of these ordinary guards or ordinary warriors.

The forward lord looked into the eyes of the elder Qianfengzong.

The elders nodded and said coldly, "Guards, this is the site of my former Fengzong. You won't go until you let go."

"The disciples listened to the order and knocked them down."

"Yes." Thousands of disciples drew out their swords.

Under the leadership of the rest of the thousands of winds, thousands of guards could easily be smashed into the mountains.

However, for a long time, the entire mountain was suddenly empty.

The battle between Zifeng and Zhao Kun continued.

"Zhao Kun." Qianfeng of the lord was cold and lashed out.

"Not good." Zhao Kun changed his face.

However, Zhao Kun is a celestial pole that has just broken through the celestial sphere.

The forward monarch is definitely a fighter with more than three celestial poles.

Thousand Winds and Nations have always possessed many heavens and polar regions; this is why he chased Zifeng before chasing the territory of the forward kingdom.

Zhao Kun slapped his palm and grabbed Qianfeng's palm.

Oh Dang Dang

Zhao Kun got rid of dozens of steps directly. "Qian Fengzong, do you really want to mix this up? Zhao Kun looked at Qian Feng."

"I tell you, Zifeng, this son, I will kill the Holy Empire."

"Do you know he was angered?"

"Oh." Thousands of wind masters sneered, "I care who he is."

"The enemy of your Holy Empire is my friend of the Kingdom of Thousand Winds."

"You" Zhao Kun looked ugly, looking at Lin Biao.

Lin Biao took out the kingdom's order again. "Lord Striker, this palace is not allowed to participate in this matter."

"Hey, order me?" Qian Qianzong sneered.

"Lin Biao, I am Thousand Winds, the first power of the Thousand Winds Kingdom, and the first martial arts holy land."

"Don't say that the chief commander of a country in the area is the owner's dear. If I don't want to do anything, the king is forced to do so."

"Not to mention that Zhao Kun is the enemy of my Thousand Wind Kingdom."

"Do you want to rebel?" Lin angered.

"You are not qualified to say that." Master Qianfeng snorted.

Immediately, I didn't pay attention to Lin Biao, but looked at Zifeng and said, "Little friend Zifeng, you are leaving."

"I see who dares to stop you."

Zifeng frowned and nodded in a semi-awkward manner.

"Xie Qianfeng's lord has helped."

After all, the number flashed by and flew away.

"Child" Zhao Kun just wanted to pursue.

"Good?" Qian Qianzong was in an advantageous position and locked Zhao Kun.

Zhao Kun's face changed, and he still dared not take any action.

Before Zifeng, he planned to leave the forward kingdom directly and cross the abundance area.

Due to the forward meeting, it took a little time to travel around the road and postponed it for a while.

Therefore, now he left the striker Zong and flew at full speed, but an hour later, he had left the territory of the striker kingdom.

By the way, the King of Thousand Winds is much more powerful than the kingdom.

Even the windy kingdom is far from comparable.

Xinjiang also has a much larger land area.

At this time, Zifeng had already left the realm of a thousand winds, but he didn't move away, but stopped nearby.

On the other hand, the territory beyond Qianfeng.

A group of warriors are chasing something.

Look at the truth, lead Zhao Kun.

However, at this moment, Zhao Kun's face was pale, and there was obviously some blood on his clothes.

"Six products, you are good."

Behind Zhao Kun are Liu Dao and others.

"No." Zhao Kun shook his head and held his breath.

"Thousands of wind masters really should not be underestimated."

"Fortunately, I had a backhand, squatted on the cards and fled after paying a little price."

The confrontation between the palm and the fist broke out into shattering weather.

Under this momentum, it even directly allows the melting of kilometers to cause a thousand feet.

Under the impact of this momentum, the flame barrier above it was also broken.

Two giant ships left the air.

The huge flame body looked at the huge ship leaving without paying too much attention.

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