Enter the lounge, wave his hands, and quickly pose a few obstacles.

Then he sat down on his knees and closed his eyes.

He is very confused, so he must consider and think about the future way.

But he knew he was angry.

So he wanted to calm down.

After half an hour, Zifeng sighed in a low voice.

He is not a martial arts arrogant, it is easy to slowly stabilize his mind.

The mentality is like water, heart, no waves.

He easily enters the state of enlightenment that other people dream of.

Sitting cross-legged, his heart is like a mirror, the mystery of heaven and earth, and the unpredictability of martial arts are now very simple and clear in his eyes.

He is already a celestial quadrant, he controls four complete martial arts.

If you continue to practice, it is natural to control the fifth complete martial arts.

Vigorous and vigorous. The power of martial arts from heaven and earth descended from the sky, and after the ban on retreat, came straight.

Zifeng tries to integrate the power of martial arts into this small world.

Of course, he is only trying to cultivate, not for breakthroughs.

After all, his gas spring is far away from the height of the fifth floor.

Therefore, he only intends to slowly absorb some martial arts power.

Then, after he got enough things, he got enough training, and when he filled the gas bomb to the fifth floor, he could pass through the water and break through instantly. However, he just brought a martial arts force into the small world.

In this small world, a huge explosion occurred.

The fifth complete martial art he chose to cultivate is the martial art of Star Fire.

However, at this time, the pressure generated during the last breakthrough is again generated.

The terrible horror in the sky, the moment he was overwhelmed.

This oppression far exceeds the last time.

"Hey." Zifeng vomited blood, sweat covering his forehead.

"Come back." Zifeng whispered.

Zifeng tried to absorb it again.

The next second, poof, is another **** saliva.

His mentality is inexplicably irritable.

"Come back." Zifeng shouted.


Another **** sprint.



"Come back, come back, come back, come back."

But for a moment, the whole ground was bloody.

Scarlet blood, staring eyes.

But in a closed room, it was loud and loud, it never stopped, and it became more violent.

A few minutes later, Zifeng's eyes darkened and he passed out.

He knew he was angry, but he didn't want to be angry.

He wanted to calm down, but he couldn't calm down.

Fainting in the past may be the best way to stop a little irritation.


An hour later, Zifeng slowly woke up.

The bloodshot eyes have faded a lot.

The cold eyes are still exhausted, but they are brighter than before.

The irritable mentality is completely flat.

After passing by, he suddenly had a choice.

The corner of the mouth, with a slight confidence in the usual arc, picked it up slightly.

In the enclosed room, Zifeng sat on his knees.

Bai Ze has a strong palm, slowly lifted it, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

At the gate of the retreat, the forbidden barrier is still there.

Even if he fainted before, he couldn't beat him.

H. Zifeng's big hand waved, the power of martial arts from heaven and earth came again.

He tried again to absorb the power of the spark of fire.

The feeling of frequent vomiting blood and refusing to complete martial arts in a small world made him very confused.

Yes, the complete martial arts of the small world was excluded just now.

In particular, the two complete martial arts of Amethyst Lingyan and Dimai Jinhuo were the most severely rejected by the force of Starfire.

The collision of the small world was the cause of his vomiting blood.

H. There is no doubt that the power of martial arts has been sucked into the small world, and suffered a fierce impact in the small world.

Zifeng also spurted blood.

"How is this possible?" Zifeng frowned tightly.

This feeling, he endured the same feeling before absorbing the martial arts power of the golden flame.

However, this time, it was ten times stronger than last time.

Whether it is the pressure of the sky or the violent collision, it is more violent than before.

Zifeng didn't even doubt that if he forced himself to absorb and force the martial arts power of the planet fire into the small world, his own body would not be able to control it.

"How could this happen?" Zifeng thought of this. For a long time, Xiao Yi waved his hand, sacrificing the area of ​​purple inflammation.

Prosperity. Just like the last time the city government retreated, a terrible momentum suddenly swept the entire retreat.

However, this time Zifeng was ready, but did not destroy the retreat room of the Hunting Demon Hall.

"Okay." Zifeng blinked, this time, he felt it.

"Strength has surpassed the promise."

But the situation is also the same, so Zifeng feels very strange.

You know, he has only four times now.

On the battlefield, the more complete the martial arts stack is, the stronger it is, but it is impossible to soar so much power.

After all, in this field, there are only three martial arts, such as domineering kendo, amethyst spirit rock martial arts, and geological gold fire martial arts.

Commitment of promise, but control exists in a complete martial arts.

There are only three complete martial arts, but more than complete martial arts.

Compared with the previous martial arts routines and Amethyst martial arts martial arts, Zifeng may have calculated this comparison.

Today, in this field, only one complete martial art with golden flames has been added, and its power is almost ten times that of the previous one.

Such explosive power is not uncommon.

Zifeng waved his hand and retracted Ziyan's field. He also wiped out the martial arts power that fell from the sky.

He couldn't understand these two doubts anyway.

There must be certain planting rules after heaven.

After the complete martial arts, the upper level must also exist, such as Qiqi's powerful and strange gun position.

"But it." Zifeng sighed and shook his head.

After all, Zifeng turned and left to retreat.

After that, he didn't have any mission and left the hunting demon hall directly.

Next, he plans to go to Tianzhu School.

In the Hunter's Hall, he did not find news about the holy month, but other types of information, but he knew a lot.

For example, the location of the Temple of Heaven.

Tianzang Academy is not near the square.

The so-called square inch area is the large square mile around the square.

Because Fangcheng is the most powerful city, it calls the entire area a square.

If you want to leave the city, even if you take Aquila, it must take more than three months.

It must also be everything above martial arts, plus the full power of strength, can not stop for half a minute.

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