The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 598: revenge? Give it a try

"Congratulations to Xiao Yi, the deputy of the temple." The main hall of the wind brake hall smiled. "This news comes from the lobby, and the order of the lobby has been returned."

"The promotion of Zifeng's deputy master has also been completed."

"Oh? So fast?" Zifeng was very happy when he heard this.

At first, he thought that the order of the main hall would need to arrive at least tomorrow.

"Yes." The main hall of the wind gun hall nodded. "There is a record on the side of the hall. Later, the deputy master of Zifeng will go to the hall to change the token."

"Good." Zifeng nodded.

"Oh, yes." The deputy host of Fengcha Temple continued. "There is an assessment on the side of the hall. If Zifeng's deputy is free, he must go."

"Evaluation of the hall?" Zi Feng frowned.

"Yes." The deputy owner of WindBrakeHall said with a smile: "Zifeng's agents don't have to worry, this has nothing to do with your promotion title."

"That is an evaluation, only Tianjiao Fengpao Temple can participate."

"All the people who are recognized by the hall and participate in the evaluation are not ordinary people."

"If it's over, there will be rewards in the lobby."

"Oh?" Zi Feng was a little confused. There is no reason, how can there be such an assessment?

The deputy lord explained: "Although the ancient Eighth Hall did not participate in the disputes of various powers, it still vigorously cultivated because of the arrogance of each temple."

"It turned out to be like this." Zifeng nodded.

"This evaluation may be difficult? Maybe it takes a long time to pass?"

This assessment can also be counted as an experience.

However, Zifeng had limited time and had to rush back to Heiyun.

Moreover, as far as he knows, the main hall is not far from here.

If the time is not long, you can go there.

"This." The deputy master thought for a moment and said, "It is impossible to say that the powerful Tianjiao may pass within a few months."

"Weak, one year, even years."

"However, although it is difficult to evaluate the main hall, it is not difficult to deal with the charm of the deputy Xiao Yi."

"I'm here too." The deputy head of Xiuluo Temple said with a smile.

"On the other side of the Shura Temple, there is also Zifeng's deputy."

"This." Zifeng frowned, and the two evaluations took a long time.

"Can you go later?" Zifeng asked.

"Of course." The two deputy directors nodded. "This evaluation is not mandatory. Zifeng's deputy can also choose freely."

"But, of course, the sooner you are, the better."

"The higher the arrogance of the young people participating in the evaluation, the younger the talent, the stronger the talent, the easier it is to gain recognition of the strong in the hall." "If you can get the help of this kind of power, Xiao Yi, the deputy head of the temple Will be able to sing all the way."

"Oh." Zifeng smiled slightly. "let me see."

"We are gone, let me go back to the lobby and change the token." said the deputy.

Zifeng nodded.

"Two homeowners, left." Zifeng shook his hand.

Next to him, Fang Muxue didn't want to show up, "Young Master Zifeng, are you going so soon?"

"Sifang City and Sifang, there are many places where you can stay for a long time."

Zifeng smiled and said, "No, Sifang is very big, but I have been to many places."

"Mu Xueyan, I have to say goodbye." Zifeng held his hand.

After all, Zifeng turned and left the two deputy masters.

At the same place, the two owners watched Zifeng leave behind and smiled inexplicably.

Beside, several deputy princes looked at the two strangely. "Fang Jiazhu and Gu's hometown, are they willing to hand over the position of city master to others?"

"I remember outside the main cities of Sifang City, this is not the first time these three families have taken over."

Fang Jiazhu smiled. "Is this weird? The position of the city boss is someone who can do this."

"In addition, Zifeng's friends have a deep friendship with my family, and there is nothing to worry about."

"Yes." Gu's homeowner also smiled. "The children of Zifeng share the same friendship with my family."

"Moreover, Qin Zhen and the emperor of North Yinzong were the ones he killed, and Sifang was the first to be taken over."

"Oh." The lieutenants snorted. "I worry, it is the martial arts genius of the two lords who have taken a fancy to Zifeng's deputy."

"When you were young, you had this power; first, kill the evil, and then kill the two royal kings."

"So charming, as long as it doesn't fall in the middle, there will be some unparalleled powerhouses in the middle."

"He has such a powerful refuge in the four squares of the day, even if it is Bei Chongzong, he does not dare to shake his mind."

"In addition, you and the two of you have a good relationship with your deputy, Zifeng. Let him become the master of the city. This is the best."

"This is a good abacus."

"Oh." The two homeowners smiled proudly. "So, we can't let Xiaoyi's children, no, it should be said that the city boss can't degenerate."

"Okay? This is terrible." Fang Jiazhu was suddenly shocked. "The relics of the city lord forgot to give him."

"I will go." After that, the owner of the house gleamed and went to the main hall of Feng Pao Temple.

"City boss token?" Several deputy masters smiled.

"Although the master of Sifang City is controlled by three people, they are also selected and recognized by the three parties, and are protected by the forces of the four parties."

"With the help of his deputy, Zifeng, it is impossible for you to control it."

"This is this refuge, not bad."

Gu's family smiled and said, "A few deputy directors are very heavy."

"In the Quartet field, there are rules."

"The owners of the four cities have been recognized and sheltered by all the forces of the Quartet."

"When the token holder is attacked or killed, it is equivalent to a hostile quadrilateral field, and it will be pursued by all forces in the entire quadrilateral field, and it will not be endless." Several deputy directors nodded.


The main hall of Feng Pao Temple.

Zifeng replaced the token and was about to go to Shura Temple.

The party master came suddenly and gave him the token.

"Little friend Zifeng, this is the commander of Sifang City. There is only one."

"With this mark, you have the right to be the owner of the city, and you are protected by Sifangyu. You can accept it."

"Yes." Zifeng nodded.

Defeated the deputy, and Xiao Yi, the owner of the house, went directly to the Xiuluo Temple.

Arrived at Xiuluo Temple, replaced the token, and Zifeng Yufei left.

After a while, Zifeng left Sifang City.

In the air, Zifeng thought about it quickly.

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