The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 602: Be prepared

The vice president shook his head and said, "Do you know why the evil cultivation can become a cult?"

"Cultivate evil practice rules." Zifeng replied.

"No, this is just one of the reasons." Vice President Shen Sheng.

"The warrior, the power of greed, the desire to glimpse, and then despair, fixed the law of evil."

"There are evil thoughts in my heart. In the end, I can't control it. If I lose my normalcy, I will become a cult."

"You have been with evil souls. You have seen evil madness, dementia, etc."

"Yes." Zifeng pointed at your head.

"Do you have this situation?" the vice president asked with a smile.

"Blood and blood, although strange, but practitioners, if it is not crazy, crazy slaughter, in order to step into the power of heaven, then it is not the law of evil."

"Even though the kendo is vast and vast, it is swaying; but if the practitioner mourns for a long time, the sword heart will become the heart of the evil sword, and kendo is also an evil way."

"If it is evil, then it is only uncertain between the army and the mind."

"Between thoughts." Zifeng frowned.

In fact, he has consulted many classic books.

When ancient martial arts multiplied, it was brilliant and changeable.

Even with a sinister restoration of this great city with a sword array, the sword destroyed the entire city to increase his strength. "Oh." Zifeng smiled suddenly, but did not speak.

The vice president also laughed. "It's really easy to talk to smart people; you have explained it clearly, and I don't have many questions."

"Yes." Zifeng nodded.

In addition, Qinglin has been frowning. "I've heard a few words. Zifeng, you know that Elder Yun Yuan didn't hit you deliberately."

"No wonder you met Yun Yuan after you came back and didn't care about him."

"Otherwise, for your character, if he really kills you, you will have a sword for him."

"Of course it is." Zifeng nodded.

A vice president heard the conversation between the two and couldn't help but turn a blind eye.

"This is what you have been bothering you for so long. Elder Yun Yuan doesn't care about you and has a good temper." Zifeng said.

"Comment?" Qing Lin grinned. "He thinks the wrong hand killed you, and his heart is very upset. He cares about my good intentions."

"Are you coming back from the quartet field to prepare for the event in half a year?"

The vice president asked without hesitation.

"Half and a half." Zifeng replied.

In fact, he did not specifically come back from the Quartet.

Learning means that the activity will return in the first half of this year.

Now half a year has passed, and there are still about two months left.

He returned from the Quartet, but the Quartet experience ended.

"Half and a half?" The deputy dean nodded in a low voice. "After practicing, you can arrange it yourself."

"Compared to some idiots, you are more at ease, but I just asked."

After all, the vice president looked at Qinglin and then turned and left.

"Wait, old guy, who are you stupid?" Qing Lin glanced at it.

The vice president paid no attention to it and left.

Zifeng smiled.

The so-called half and half is that he does not necessarily participate in this event.

If it doesn't make sense, he will still go out to practice.

He gave himself very little time, only the past three years, no, to be exact, only two and a half years left.

If possible, he even wants to shorten this time.

"Forget it, don't care about him." Qing Lin grinned and looked at Zi Feng. "Hey, there is still time, go out and practice."

"Good." Zifeng nodded. "I just came back, took a day off, and accepted this task tomorrow."

"Yes." Qing Lin nodded.

The two went into teaching and learning.

After a while, a figure came over and saw Zifeng, he was full of joy.

"Sister Zifeng, you." The number said in surprise.

"Yes, I'm not dead." Zifeng had expected what he was going to say, but he had no choice but to interrupt him.

"Oh." The number scratched his head.

"My brother, my brother, just came out of the treasure chest?" Lin Lin asked.

Yes, the person who came is the younger brother.

"Yes." Zifeng's younger brother nodded. "Waiting to go to the gate."

"However." Zifeng's younger brother stared at Zifeng, looking forward to seeing him. "The last time Zifeng's brother said he had time to discuss with me."

"Cut a fart." Qinglin interrupted. "Xiao Yi just came back from the Quartet, he can't rest?" "You hurry up."

"Oh, good." Zifeng's younger brother was disappointed.

Zifeng smiled. "Next time, there will always be a chance."

"Xie Xiaoyi's brother." Zifeng's younger brother smiled, "The two brothers left."

After all, Brother Zifeng walked away soon.

"This guy." Qing Lin shook his head.

"How is it?" Zifeng asked suspiciously.

Qinglin grinned, "This is a good wind brother, a good man, and an excellent talent."

"Everything is fine with him, he is too honest, and the old vice president is also bullying."

"Forget it, don't talk about him."

The two left alone, and when they were not long, they met another.

"Zifeng?" The nursery rhyme was very cold.

"Yes, not dead yet." Zifeng interrupted him again.

"I will know." Tong Yu sneered, "The so-called scourge has been thousands of years, how can you die so easily."

After all, the nursery rhyme left, and I didn't even see Zifeng, and I didn't even play greetings.

"Hey, you guy." Lin Qing was dissatisfied.

"Forget it." Zifeng smiled.

He clearly noticed that he smiled when the nursery rhyme left.

"This guy." Qing Lin's face was very angry. "It has been a long time since I started, and I haven't even called a brother. I always look like a lunatic, and there is no one in my eyes."

"Oh." Zifeng smiled. "Isn't it exactly the same?"

Two people walked by alone, and after a while, they stopped at the collection area.

"I will read some books and go out to practice tomorrow." Zifeng said.

"Yes." Qing Lin nodded and turned around.

He is not interested in reading books, but would rather go to practice one day.

Zifeng walked into the collection hall and took a special rest. This is not a real break, but he intends to read some books.

If you walk for a long time, you will have some doubts.

As one of the most famous schools in the sky, it has a lot of classical knowledge.

In the early morning of the next day, Xiao Yi walked out of the collection.

It didn't take long before Qinglin came.

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