The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 615: Domineering

The lights flashed.

Zifeng is also a white spot.

Waiting for the prospect of eye recovery.

Zifeng looked at the foreground and took a sigh of relief.

In front of you, it is no longer in the forest of ten thousand swords.

This is an absurd place. Around, there is no end, but nothing is empty, ridiculous.

"This is this?" Zifeng frowned.

By his side, Elder Yun Yuan had long since disappeared.

But Ding Qiuyue, who was hiding behind him and holding his clothes, was still there.

"Qiuyue gimmick, do you know where it is?" Zifeng will return to Ding Qiuyue behind him.

"Here?" Ding Qiuyue fixed her mind and looked around.

Still on the little face of fear, there was confusion, and then there was another terror.

It was revealed for a long time.

"This should be the space inside the Sword Emperor."

"The sword on the emperor's monument?" Zi Feng was shocked.

"Yes." Ding Qiuyue nodded. "Sword Emperor's tablet, but the sacred celestial body of our sword field, contains unpredictable power."

"I heard the master say that in the emperor's stone statue, it is a space."

"There is another incident. The opening of Wanjian Beilin is just the beginning and a qualification exam."

"As long as you succeed in enlightening sword repair, you are eligible to enter the sword emperor's space."

"Is that so?" Zifeng was stunned.

He knew that the Sword Emperor possessed tremendous unpredictable power.

The space inside such a sacred object is also normal.

"Brother, don't you look at the sword pillar the sword field gave you?" Ding Qiuyue looked at Zifeng suspiciously.

"I heard the patriarch's grandfather say a detailed explanation about Jian Zhu."

"Quantity." Zifeng stroked his nose.

In his opinion, these events are the same, so they don't care.

Come join

I didn't expect this sword field incident to be so strange, and he far underestimated the incident.

"I still look at Jian Zhu." Zifeng smiled.

A light flashed in his hand, and he took out the sword pillar he threw in the corner of the ring.

Taking a closer look, Zifeng was stunned.

"It turns out that there are three floors in this Jian Emperor Monument space." Zi Feng's expression was stunned.

The space of the Jian Emperor Monument has three floors.

Here, it is also the true beginning of the event.

In the forest of the gods, the enlightened person chose the sword he wanted to enlighten, and then began to enlighten.

If the enlightenment is successful, then you will enter the space of the Jian Emperor Monument.

If the enlightenment fails, it will stop and cannot be entered.

In other words, hundreds of people who have successfully enlightened at this time have all entered the space of the Sword Emperor.

Zifeng looked into the distance with his gaze.

There are two adjacent swords there.

The two Zifeng walked to the sword monument.

The sword monument is the two swords they learned outside before.

One is the comet sword monument that Xiao Yi learned.

One of them is the monument to Ding Qiuyue's Void Sword.

"The real sword monument is here." Zifeng said to himself.

Yes, the real sword monument is not outside, but in the space of the Jian Emperor monument.

Obviously, it can be seen that there is nothing outside the sword monument.

Next to the sword monument here, a sword is being inserted.

This is the sword of the sword before life.

Thousands of swords are actually on the first floor of this space.

However, compared with the thousands of swords outside, the real swords here are not neatly arranged.

According to the introduction of the sword, the size of the internal space of the Sword Emperor is no less than the size of the entire sword field.

Of course, thousands of swords are here, but they are a drop in the ocean, scattered throughout the space.

Zifeng noticed a sword.

Zifeng was embarrassed.

"The sword monument here is much stronger than the sword monument outside." Zifeng said to himself.

"Of course it is." Ding Qiuyue replied.

"I heard the master say that the outside swordsmanship is only part of the power."

"Probably% of life may contain the knowledge of sword memorial master kendo."

"The last two percentage points, the essence of the kendo that truly belongs to the sword monument master, is in the sword monument in the sword emperor space."

"It turned out to be like this." Zifeng nodded.

No wonder that before the battle with his predecessor, the predecessor used the fusion of comet kendo and star magic flame, but it was still broken by his enlightenment day.

Facts have proved that the predecessor did not do anything at all.

Moreover, it is no wonder that his predecessor said that his path of enlightenment is not over yet.

It seems that the final revelation is here.

and also.

Every time the sword is repaired, it enters the space of the Jian Emperor Monument, and it is all scattered throughout the space.

The reason is that their own enlightened swords are different.

The space of Jiandi Monument will automatically send everyone his own sword of enlightenment.

Of course, only through the enlightenment of the previous swordsman can you enter this space.

Otherwise, the outside% of kendo knowledge cannot be realized, so let's not talk about two kendo knowledge.

"On the sword, they will continue to be enlightened only when they enter the sword emperor's space." Zi Fengshen channeled.

"After that, I didn't say it."

"I know this." Ding Qiuyue replied.

"Do you know?" Zifeng smiled painfully.

"Yes." Ding Qiuyue nodded. "Before the master told me, don't be afraid after you come in."

"Afraid?" Zifeng was stunned.

Ding Qiuyue replied: "The next revelation is to realize the lives of these predecessors."

"Life?" Zi Feng was stunned again.

"Not bad." Ding Qiuyue held her hands in her arms, "If you don't realize your life, how to inspire them in their martial arts."

Ding Qiuyue said, letting go of his hand. "At that time, Master dealt with me like this."

"In this space, we will go all the way in the process of enlightenment."

"If it succeeds, it will reach the end of the first floor and enter the second floor." "But it will most likely get lost."

"Lost?" Zifeng's eyes narrowed.

"Big brothers don't have to be afraid." Ding Qiuyue replied: "The space of the Jian Emperor Monument can only allow us to exist for half a month."

"Even if we get lost, this space will force us to leave in half a month."

Zifeng shrugged. "It seems you are more scared than me."


Zifeng smiled and said, "Let's start."

"See you at the end of the first floor."

"Good." Ding Qiuyue nodded.

"Huh? No." Zifeng suddenly reacted, revealing the color of doubt.

"We are inspired by ordinary swords."

"How about Brother Wind?"

If they all entered the sword king's space, what kind of swordsman would they appear in front of the sword?

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