The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 618: Can really blow

But what the future field is, Zifeng is not known.

I only know that the battle scene that appeared today, the perception of the picture, has become very strange.

Zifeng closed his eyes and realized.

Around it, it is a huge battlefield.

In the battlefield, this time was filled with an astonishing smell of blood.

Around the body, the body is everywhere, afraid of giving birth to hundreds of thousands.

There are humans, and there are beasts.

"Evil?" Zifeng frowned.

He realized that these monsters were few.

But his breathing made him feel guilty.

In my heart, the air is filled with blood.

"Fight a great battle."

A huge monster lashed out at him.

Zifeng's sword came out.

At this time, the sword in his hand is the "comet."

Xiao Yigang wanted to put the sword in front of him, but his thoughts suddenly hurt.

"Hey." Zifeng screamed.

The picture in front of me suddenly became extremely "narrow".

The only picture that can be seen is him and the beast in front of him. Zifeng understood that this was because what he was experiencing was the battle of "the existence of a comet".

As for the battles of other people in the picture, other things have nothing to do with him.


A huge monster came in, and Zifeng's "Star Slash" was right in front of him.

The behemoth is huge and strong.

The comet did not actually damage it.

"A powerful monster." Zifeng was shocked, and then backed away.

"Comet Wanhua."

Zifeng screamed.

Ten sword flowers appeared in the air.

Zifeng took out a sword.

The sword flower blooms instantly.

The sword fell and the beast died.

I don't know how long it took, and Zifeng opened his eyes again.

Looking at the eyes on both sides of Jian Qi Road.

He has come a long way.

Looking back, I couldn't see the beginning of the sword.

In the front, I am afraid it will take a long time to reach the space on the first floor.

He already understood the source of this enlightenment.

The so-called enlightenment is to bring yourself into the identity of this predecessor.

One's methods, martial arts, etc., are not used in a state of enlightenment.

What can be used is only the means of the predecessor’s life, the means of the image stage.

The test of meaning is to give you the same opportunities, the same martial arts, and the same methods, and you can do better.

For example, in the battle screen.

I have entered the identity of this predecessor and have the same sword skills.

Can he end this battle faster?

Another example is the cultivation of pictures and martial arts pictures.

In the same situation, I can understand the same martial arts. Can I feel the success of success and control faster than this predecessor?

This is the test of enlightenment.

The same kendo, do it yourself, can be faster and better than the comet's predecessors.

If you are in these battle pictures, you will be defeated.

Or in these emotional pictures, my own understanding failed and it took longer.

Then, this understanding will fail.

Jianxin will also come to an end at that moment.

This also means that acquaintances will be lost in an instant and can no longer wake up.

The road to enlightenment will stop here, and only half a month will be forced to explode this space.

Of course, although the space at Jiandi Monument is only half a month.

However, the loss of enlightenment is tens of thousands of years.

This is a terrible failure, but it is also a very difficult time.

"Call." Zifeng took a deep breath again.

The eyes began to close.

The white mind entered the state of enlightenment again.

time has passed.

In the state of enlightenment, it has been thousands of years.

At this time, the picture in front of Zifeng suddenly became inexplicable.

The further you go to the back of the picture, the stranger it is.

Zifeng even thinks that these photos are a bit like "unclear" and "blurred".

Of course, Zifeng looks very real.

Here, it seems to be a blank.

Surrounded by darkness, there is only a huge flame in front of him, passing through the void.

"Xinghuo!" Zifeng responded immediately.

Then, I started to feel my knees.

I don't know how long it has been. Zifeng clearly understood martial arts.

He tried to control the flame.

But he found that he could do nothing at all.

There is only one reason, that is, in the experience of the comet’s predecessors, the comet’s predecessor never thought of controlling or even obtaining the flame of this star.

The comet’s predecessor had never done anything in experience; Zifeng could not do this in a state of enlightenment.

In the experience of Senior Comet, if you want to do it but you can't, Zifeng can try to do it through it.

But the predecessors of Zifeng didn't think of anything, and Zifeng couldn't experience it either.

At that time, Senior Comet’s mood should be that they knew they couldn’t control the flames, so they didn’t plan to try to control them.

The picture ends here.

Zifeng woke up from the enlightenment.

Zifeng's enlightenment experience during this period was particularly fast.

Because, in the state of enlightenment, when I realized the flames of the group, the speed of Zifeng was much faster than this year's predecessors.

Zifeng himself controls all kinds of powerful firepower in the world, and is also a fire control genius.

Of course, he was substituted into the identity of the comet predecessor, and the flame of star illusion was very fast.

The faster his understanding, the faster the picture, and the slower the time in reality.

I want to come, he really has no time to spend time.

and also.

He finally understood the words of the comet predecessors, "If you have the ability, you will find it."

In fact, in this picture, as long as Zifeng reaches this level in the future, the power level of the senior comet at this stage; then he will definitely reach this picture in the future.

He roughly wrote down pictures of existence.

In the future, if he can reach unknown strange places, he will know at a glance.

.Zifeng closed his eyes again and regained consciousness.

In the state of enlightenment, it has passed another thousand years.

The picture stopped suddenly.

In front of him, a strange monster suddenly appeared.

The strangeness of the monster, Zifeng could not describe.

However, with a sly face and an extremely gloomy breath, Zifeng felt a little familiar.

"Endless Black Sea monsters?" Zifeng suddenly thought of this.

Yes, the monster in front of him looks like the Black Sea monster he encountered in the east.

The endless Black Sea, the overflow of poisonous gas, the endless poisonous sea.

However, the smell of the monster in front of him was much stronger than the monsters he had encountered in the past.

As early as the "Spark Fire" stage in the previous picture, the strength of the singer's senior far exceeded that of peerless.

Then, the monsters encountered in the current stage of the picture are naturally much stronger.

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