The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 630: Perfect hunter

A trace of terror flashed in Zifeng's eyes.

The insider looked at the fire-control beast in the small world. To be precise, it is a pair of angles.

The ability to control the mines obtained from this diagonal far exceeded his expectations.

He always felt that after controlling the fire beast, they had a stronger power.

This is not only an improvement in color levels, but also a seemingly indispensable change.

Zifeng shook his head without thinking too much.

In any case, this kind of control power has become his powerful card and means.

Qiankun ring also has a high-quality thread.

Before the retreat, the owner of the celestial temple gave him two better spirits, which was used as an exercise representation method.

However, Zifeng entered the retreat room and directly took out the shelter in the sky.

It is much better to depict movement on the celestial board.

This is why he can fully understand the knowledge of formation in a short time.

However, one of them has already been used in the battle against the enemy, so there is only one left today.

As long as he doesn't arrange some very powerful battles, this top quality is enough for him to use it for a long time.

Zifeng's figure kept flickering high in the sky.

His speed has risen to the extreme, and his eyes are getting colder and colder.

No matter how powerful his poisonous roads and mines are.

Kendo and fire are the people he has been practicing so far, and he has more confidence in the way of martial arts.

Moreover, the warrior has no power, what is that?

Although, subverting the entire planting system, the power given to him now is not worse than the previous peak.

However, this is not a normal martial arts practice.

If he wants to go further in the future of martial arts, he will eventually need to recover. Look, he doesn't care.

But this body, he must recover as soon as possible.

Initially, he hoped to get one million dollars in fruit.

Today, there is no hope for 10,000-dollar fruits. He can only rely on himself.

The biggest problem with this organization today is not damage.

Xiaoyi has not tried any physical injuries.

When the space was turbulent, the bad condition of his own body was not worse than it is today.

If it is just a damaged body, he has a way to repair it.

The biggest trouble is poison.

The poisonous days after the outbreak of Poison Pill had completely integrated into his skin, meridians, bones and internal organs, including the small world.

In other words, the poisonous days of him and the scorpion have become one.

That day was very poisonous, or the power of poison.

It has been integrated into every corner of his body, every part of his body.

The poison is him, he is poisonous.

Therefore, he was unable to repair the ruined body.

This is also because of physical damage, he can't practice normally, he can't recover kendo and fire.

Therefore, his body is only suitable for practicing poisonous way.

On the other hand, he needs to remove poison from his body before repairing his body and restoring kendo and flames.

The biggest trouble is the first point, removing the poison from the body.

He wanted countless ways, but he tried his best to use his brain, he didn't know that he was also proud of himself.

If you want to remove these poisons, unless you remove his flesh, bones and meridians.

This is simply impossible.

There is no medicine in the stone, and all methods are useless.

Even the first pharmaceutical pharmacist among the drugs, the main pharmacist of the heavenly dynasty, could not do this.

However, a few days before Zifeng, he thought of a feasible method.

This is not a means to refine a pharmacist.

This requires a lot of heavenly treasures and practice.

According to his estimation, this is an astronomical figure, even if he is powerless.

But no matter what, he will try eventually.

The fastest way to get a lot of heavenly treasures and cultivation is not to buy, but to buy.

It can be caught by him, but the bottom is full of deep power, and there is only one evil monarch.

This is the most important reason why he chooses to experience.

Zifeng blinked and his eyes became cold.

For the evil monarch, there is long-term hatred, and he doesn't mind being thorough.


In Zifeng's hands, light was shining.

A strong ring appeared out of thin air.

This is Tu Qianqiu's Qiankun ring, but he forgot to look at it.

Now that he thought of what he cultivated, he would think about it.

It feels a little bit, there are indeed a lot of planted things inside, there are many but many high-quality stones.

"Okay?" Zifeng's gaze was placed on a book in the ring.

"Six swords?"

Zifeng took out the book and looked at them.

He squatted down, his pupils diminished.

"Awesome swordsmanship, six seals are open, heaven and earth are eclipsed, and the gods are shocked."

He is an incomparable sword repairman. With just a few glances, he can determine how strong this sword skill is. One of the powerful methods is very powerful.

It stands to reason that he cannot understand this book.

This sword skill must be exchanged for the advantages and tasks of the ground in the main hall.

According to the rules of the Dark Devil, these advanced sword or martial arts exercises can only be read by the converter.

It cannot be exchanged by one person, many people will see it.

However, Zifeng did not stop to understand and understand.

In the future, I will complete some tasks and save enough task points and achievements. I will change this kind of swordsmanship again in the hall.


Zifeng flew for a long time.

In the vicinity of the Skyrim area, or even further away, it may sneak sneakily from time to time.

But the division of evil decided that it could not exist.

Therefore, he can only fly for a long time, away from heaven.

Half a day is enough for him to cross hundreds or even hundreds of geographic distances.


At this time, Zifeng suddenly fell from the sky.

The land that fell in front is a big city.

"Freedom in the city." Zi Feng looked at the name of the huge wall with a big smile.

He happened to pass through this big city.

But looking at the name, he wanted to go in and take a look.

Entering the big city, Zifeng is like a humble passerby, walking freely.

Just like the name of this big city, the whole big city gave him a feeling of freedom, peace and peace.

This is not a big city, and there is no strong city.

However, it is a huge city among countless cities in this country.

Zifeng smiled and walked freely.

Passers-by, come and go in a hurry.

Some people are hunters in a hurry, the wind waits.

Some are experienced practitioners, young fighters, etc.

Some are just ordinary warriors living in this big city, heaven and heaven.

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