The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 3 Chapter 65: collision

Seeing the only remaining second-stage pollution beast with an old body, Zifeng couldn't help but regained his spirit again, slowly raising the double spears in his hands.


Just when Zifeng was about to shoot, the old second-stage pollutant beast was polluted for a while, and the originally dim pupils turned into a **** color.

"Oops, the illusion has wiped out its remaining spirit, and it has returned to its nature and become violent again."

Seeing the polluted beast in the second stage of the old body at this time, Zifeng couldn't help but screamed, but the movement in his hand did not stop at all. In the mode of the sonic gun, the armor-piercing and explosive flame bombs were fired continuously, and they were brought out in the air. There were golden afterimages. However, none of these golden afterimages was able to successfully hit the second-stage polluting beast of the old body, and they were all blown away by the hurricane that it fanned out. Moreover, after the polluted beast of the second stage of the old body blew away all the bullets, the entire huge figure suddenly disappeared in front of Zifeng's eyes.

"not good……"

Seeing the polluted beast in the second phase of the old body disappeared again, Zifeng's pupils shrank again, and no longer stayed. With instant steps, the whole figure turned into afterimages.


The speed of the polluting beast in the second phase of the old **** body is comparable to the speed of Zifeng when using instant step, so a wild chase battle started on this gray-brown land. However, unlike the second-stage polluted beast of the old sex, when Zifeng was fleeing, he would turn back and shoot a few shots from time to time, while the polluted beast could only keep chasing Zifeng. However, the distance between the two has not changed much, and none of the bullets fired by Zifeng can be shot into the body of the second-stage polluted beast of the old sex. It was either blown away by the hurricane or blocked. Outside that hard shell.

"Damn it, the power of the ammunition expert simply can't let the old-body second-stage polluted beast suffer any harm."

In this way, Zifeng chased and fled with the second-stage polluted beast of the old body. Time has passed, and Zifeng finally discovered the current situation.

"It seems that you can only use the gunner's skills or close-range attacks...ah..."

Just when Zifeng was thinking about it, the speed slowed down a little, and the old-fashioned beast seized the opportunity to give it a hard hit.

When Zifeng slammed to the ground, a few pink petals floated to his side.

"Fengfeng, how is the situation now."

"Fei Li? I have killed an old polluted beast of the first stage, and now I am fighting another old polluted beast of the second stage, but how long has the time passed now."

Hearing Feili's voice, Zifeng quickly got up from the ground, and at the same time, his figure quickly flashed to the side.

"About a day, during this period of time, Jerney has changed his direction and moved away at a fairly fast speed, so Fengfeng should come back here as soon as possible."

"It won't work...but Jerny stays away from me and feels relieved."

Hearing the concern in Feili's words, Zifeng's mouth raised a slight smile.


Before Feili could say anything, Zifeng interrupted.

"Evolving into an old body with the ability to fly, it is easy to catch up with Jerney. Besides, this old body second-stage pollution beast with the same speed as me, so it can only be present here."

With that said, after reducing the alchemical steel in Zifeng's handle to its most basic form, he took out two pure white alchemical steels.

"Since the long-range attack is temporarily not possible, let's go to close combat, and see if your shell is hard or the sharp edge of the alchemy steel I made, recovery, AD, burst war blade."

As he said, Zifeng put the four alchemy steels in his hands together, and then a dark red light flashed, and the four alchemy steels miraculously turned into a dark red sword with weird golden runes. At the same time, Zifeng's body also burst into a golden breath.


Seeing the golden breath coming out of Zifeng's body, the second-stage polluted beast of the old body also roared unwillingly, and then the huge body swooped down thinking of Zifeng.

"Come on, see if your shell is hard or my big knife is sharp, see if you recover fast, or if I cut fast."

Faced with the subduction of the second-stage polluting beast of the old sex, Zifeng didn't feel a trace of fear, and the whole person turned into golden lightning and greeted him instantly.


The Pollution Beast collided with Zifeng and produced a huge explosion. Zifeng was blown away by the energy of the explosion and hit the rocks on the side. On the other hand, the Pollution Beast relied on its huge size. It didn't even retreat, but the green liquid gushing from its head like a fountain showed that it was not easy.

In general, this blow to the purple wind completely took the advantage. Although the body was a little embarrassed by the blow of the explosion, there was no damage to the body, and the head of the contaminated beast was successfully destroyed. A long crack was cut.

Looking at the long cracks on the huge head of the polluting beast, Zifeng estimated that within an hour or two, he would not recover again.

"Haha, the hardness is nothing more than that."

After getting up from the ground, Zifeng was holding a big knife, and his face was full of smiles.


Zifeng's laughter obviously angered the second-stage polluted beast of the old sex, and the wings behind it flashed quickly, and then the second-stage polluted beast of the old **** disappeared again.

However, although he was a little tired at this time, the purple wind with strong fighting spirit was not to be outdone. The golden qi enveloped his body and turned into a golden lightning again.


In the sky above the dry earth, fierce explosions continued to sound. This is Zifeng's small body advantage (this should be regarded as an advantage) to successfully climb the back of the second stage polluted beast of the old sex, and then various race hardings. 'S trick violently used the explosion of a slash.

However, the bursting sword is a mode that consumes very much energy, so after Zifeng slashed for an unknown number of times, he suddenly felt dizzy in his head, and then he fell straight from the back of the second-stage polluted beast of the old body, but The second-stage polluted beast of the old **** body also paid the corresponding price. The back was chopped to blood by the purple wind, and the huge pair of wings on the back were also cut off by the purple wind. The ground.

"Huh...huh... so tired."

Lying on the ground, Zifeng began to gasp quickly, his physical strength was almost exhausted, and the magic power in his body was exhausted to the extreme, and the polluting beast was temporarily unable to move because of the fierce collision just now. It was also lying quietly. On the ground, the huge body began to fluctuate violently.

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