The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 679: Crisis is coming

Let the six ghosts cover their faces. Now their own group is fighting against snow and snow. It has shown a certain strength, enough to avoid many unnecessary troubles.

"Snow King Kong."

"Ancient Snow Wolf family."

"There is a snow demon."

"Hey." Zi Feng snorted twice.

At his speed, in just a few minutes, it has been able to cross hundreds of millions of miles of extremely long distances.

Along the way, I really saw a lot of rare monsters during workdays.

For his hunter, this is really eye-opening.

Half awkward.

"The wind is getting stronger and stronger," Zifeng said.

The ghost replied: "In front of the Lord, the rules of snow and cold land will become more and more intense."

"If we fly at high altitudes, the rules of snow will become more and more violent, even reaching a terrible point."

"On the contrary, if you walk on the ground, the impact is minimal."

"Oh?" Zi Feng was a little surprised.

His first impression of the cold place is no different from the snow-capped mountains in the north central part. The only difference is that the cold wind here is even more impressive. But now it seems that the cold land is more different.

It passed again after ten minutes.

Zifeng frowned slightly as he watched.

On the side of the ghost, I smiled and laughed. "In front of the Lord, the cold land is here."

The cold land is the end of the big cold land, here is the family of the elves.

"I'm finally back, this family." The ghost and the other five ghosts are also the colors of joy.

The ghost smiled. "In the past, when I walked outside, I returned home. At least ten and a half days, this time it was half an hour."

For the strong, distance is never a problem.

The purple wind flew for half an hour, which was worth ten and a half days for the ordinary sacred world and the incomparable world.

"Is this cold land?" Zifeng stared at the front and frowned.

The place where it was was still white, the wind whistled, and it was cold.

It can be at the front, at the top at a distance of a few hundred meters, but it is black and lacquered, like a dark night, and also like a cold root.

Zifeng's eyebrows gradually frowned.

Standing outside alone, I can already feel the sullen breath of the cold and cold ground, which makes people shudder.

At this moment, the ultimate sense of danger broke out, as well as the unconscious fear.

I don’t know how to describe this feeling.

It is only visible to the naked eye, there is no danger at all.

You can feel the middle, but it is incomparable, and even the soul is trembling at this moment.

This dark and quiet place is like a black abyss, wanting to swallow everything near it.

"Lord." Just then, the ghost shouted.

"Yeah." Zifeng reacted from the horror, understatement.

"Oh." The ghost smiled awkwardly, his eyes a little baffling. "The Lord seems to be afraid."

"In the ghost's impression, the Lord has always been a master who is not afraid of fear."

Zifeng stunned her eyes. "I'm worried it won't be so good. It's just such a gloomy place. I saw you for the first time."

"The whole place is like a ghost field."

"This kind of unknown land, if I have not been cautious, I am afraid I will die many times before I die."

"It's you." Zifeng stared at the ghost and sneered. "It seems to irritate me."

"Oh." The ghost smiled without answering.

"Let's go." Zifeng said loudly, rushing forward.

The six ghosts seemed to jump a little. This is their family, and it seems that they are more accustomed and comfortable adapting to these darkness.


Zifeng's footsteps walked into the darkness.

After almost stepping on it, Zifeng suddenly changed his face.

"How is it possible, here." Zifeng smashed.

At this moment, Zifeng was dizzy and weak.

In the ear, there is an echo, ear pain.

"Hey." Zi Feng took a cold breath, but suddenly shocked his body for a moment and returned to normal.

"Lord. Lord. Lord."

In the ear, there is still a constant echo. Xiao Yibai looked at the six ghosts. "Listen, don't call."

Zifeng glanced at it and shook his head slightly. "The cold land is really strange."

At this time, his physical strength was actually suppressed in an instant.

Yes, almost the moment he entered this dark range, the huge power in the small world of the body was immediately suppressed.

That kind of suppression, it seems that suddenly it is full of power, and power does not exist.

In this case, the huge power suddenly disappeared, making him so weak at that moment.

Of course, he ended up with a stupid body, so he only reacted for a moment, nothing unusual.

The sound from the ears came from the sounds of six ghosts.

The voices of the six ghosts are not loud, but they are loud in the darkness.

"This is not the Lord." The ghost looked at Zifeng, surprised. "It reacts quickly, and the body adapts immediately."

In the eyes of the ghost, an inexplicable disappointment flashed past.

Zifeng stunned her eyes and said: "Let's talk about it, what happened here."

Zifeng frowned, some people were not used to it.

Even without any influence, none of the six ghosts were affected.

"Oh, Lord." GhostII just wanted to answer.

"I'm coming." The ghost took the first step. "Here, it is the cold land, the land of our elves."

"It's very quiet here, there is no sound, not even the wind can be heard. There is only endless cold, just like a ghost field."

"Our voice is a bit loud and we will get a response."

GhostII scratched his head and said, "We used to talk very little."

"Just after you followed the Lord, this is normal. No, I returned home and I did not respond."

In the past, six ghosts spoke with muffled voices that made people feel uncomfortable and even harsh.

Later, Zifeng was angry and told them to speak normally.

No, the six ghosts are talking now, they are no different from ordinary people.

Back in a cold place, even if you speak normally, your voice will be infinitely amplified.

"Let's go, say while walking." Zifeng deliberately lowered his voice.

First of all, in this dark and gloomy environment, the echo is constant, and the end is terrible.

Second, this echo will continue to make people feel uncomfortable.

The six ghostly demons suddenly adapted and spoke glumly.

As Zifeng walked along, he frowned more and more. Except for darkness, it is very desolate.

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