The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 684: By accident

The big man didn't make a fuss, but boxing hit Luo Siting from time to time, but he carefully avoided the key. He is not stupid. Of course, he knew that this person came from the power behind the Goshawk. He will definitely be unidentified. Otherwise, the lady will not avoid it, but it should be fine to punish him.

Luo Shixin left and right, I don't know how many fists he has. The arrogance in his heart has been crushed, but he cannot ask for mercy.

He also saw the opposite black carbon head and must have guessed his identity. This is an opportunity to humiliate yourself, **** it!

However, he also let go of his heart, at least the other party couldn't kneel down.

A good pass.

The enthusiasm that Rosie wanted to skip before the battle was over had passed, leaving only the sadness and anger struggling under his fist.

A fierce battle, no, a good pass.

When Rossi passed by, the black-faced man's nose and green face were swollen, and his five companions were downcast. The thin man was as soft as noodles and was looked at by his companions. A pair of sinister eyes looked at the big front. Tall.

A group of disciples were silent, no one dared to speak in a low voice, their eyes focused on the big man. Seeing him throwing Luo Shixin on the ground, standing with his arms in his arms, his eyes glanced at everyone.

Zifeng hiding in the crowd looked at the big man cautiously. The man's arms are thick and strong. The muscles under the sleeves swell. The palms are broad and strong. The palm of your hand is the size of a futon. In the scorching sun, he was as straight as a javelin. Very oppressive.

A dozen purple disciples stood behind him, neatly arranged, looking straight ahead, each face was blank.

Five of Luo Shixin's companions were in the middle, unable to move forward or backward. Looking at the color on Luo Shi's face, each one had no primitive arrogance, everyone bowed their heads and dared not look at people.

It's shameful that the boss was knocked down!

The black eyes turned around, silently observing the appearance of the new couple. Suddenly, "You were very happy yesterday, but you were not very happy, but now you are not far from here. Helping the official disciples, not even the peripheral members, do you want to help? Then, let us stand for five hours, Then talk about it!"

At this time, almost noon, Mengzi Island in the south was already under the hot sun. Let alone standing for five hours, that is, one hour is enough.

"What are you doing here, not yet."

Seeing a few foreigners standing in front of them, the big man glanced in his eyes and shouted.

At this time, some people have learned a lot, no matter how they think about future revenge, they can only bow their heads now.

"But what about Rollo?" someone asked.

"Hey, since I'm awake, what are you doing on the ground?" The big man glanced at Luo Shixin, who was lying on the ground, pretending to be dead.

Luo Shixin didn't really want to wear a faint, but he really felt that no one was meeting. I was embarrassed to get up, and then I couldn't hear the big shots.

I got up, did not speak, and I entered the crowd.

Several other people have the same way of learning, but they also get into the crowd. An hour later, even if the world’s physical health is super strong, some people cannot support it, and a young woman fainted in the past.

The big man and a group of purple disciples stood motionless in front of the crowd, and saw a man lying on the ground with no expression on his face: "Take out and deduct a little."

A purple disciple became more and more popular.

The woman who was dragged out was already in a coma. She didn't know what she had done, and her score became poor.

The other disciples of the trial were ashamed, and they struggled to protect themselves one by one.

Unfortunately, their remains will not become stronger because of their will. Some people can't help but fall down. Most of the people who are still supporting it look very sad. There is a feeling of sadness and sadness.

Zifeng looks the same as usual, this consumption level does not exceed five hours.

The same face is still the same as Li Dahe, and a group of Luo Shixin is also very ordinary. There is a face on his face. The gloomy Luo Shixin faces the screams of a black-faced man. Standing at the gunpoint, his eyes are like one. A knife.

"Special mother, everyone has been beaten into pigs by the bull team, what are they still wearing."

Behind the big man, a purple disciple saw Luo Shixin's appearance and mumbled to himself without a word.

The sun moved westward from the top of the head, and the numbers were attracted to the old man. The crowd on the playground was sparse, and at least half of them were dragged away.

Fatty Zhang Chaoran was also a little shaky, and Zifeng was cheering for him. "Fatty doesn't let up, the time is almost up, at this time, the previous persistence may be wasted!"

Zhang Chaoran didn't speak, but he insisted on his teeth. This is a period of time. He only felt dizzy and cold sweat on his forehead.

"When it ends, I can't help it anymore, I want to be a negative point!" The fat man cried in frustration.

Just when the fat Zhang Chaoran intentionally couldn't hold it back, a cold voice sounded, "This is really a pig. You can't hold on to this level of test. A waste of one!"

"Tang Niang, who do you mean to waste!" Zhang Chaoran glared at Li Dahe.

"No matter who accepts it, whoever is it!"

"You are a waste. You can't open your eyes and see, I can't hold it, I'm fine!"

Zhang Chaoran has a body, the original swaying figure, unexpectedly stabilized and stood there straight.

Zifeng's heart is smiling. It seems that the power of resentment is stronger than encouragement. This Li Dahe is also good. This is obviously deliberately stimulating the fat man. He smiled and looked at Li Dahe.

Li Dahe turned his head. He looked at the sky forty-five degrees, ignoring the two people.

It was another quarter of an hour. The rest of the people fell a bit, even Li Dahe was sweating, his body was sour, he quietly turned and looked at the two people around him.

I saw the fat man closed his eyes, his face was pale and his body was as wet as water, but he still stood upright and his mouth was still whispering.

Li Dahe doesn't have to guess that he knows he must be licking himself!

However, this fat man can suppress him and really surprise him. Looking at Zifeng, Li Dahe was surprised.

Zifeng's mouth was smiling, not so panicked or depressed. He likes to fight against such opponents. For him, winning with ease is neither fragile enough nor much taller than him, causing him to lose his hand. This kind of combat that is slightly depressed but has no chance of winning can maximize his potential, allowing him to learn nutrition and make progress.

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