The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 703: Openly dig the foot of the wall

"Did Xiaotian really move the moving shadow to this point?"

Li Dahe's heart was roaring. He understands this body. It is easy to "fast" but difficult to "slow down".

In Bao Xingyu's eyes, the light of the gods burst, and two red guns exploded, turning them into shadows in the sky. I don't know which one is true.

Around Zifeng, the sand and gravel under his feet flew backwards, exploding in the center like a small bomb on both sides.

The sound of gunshots formed an original trend, but the power was concentrated at a certain point and suddenly moved up and down, which was uncertain.

Zifeng's body was spinning in the air, his eyes were very bright, his right hand was slowly stabbed by the sword, and he pointed at Bao Xingyu.

I heard Li Dahe sigh, and the fat man asked.

"Turn off your butt!" Li Dahe looked blank and ignored him.

"Insane, I care about you, I want to be jealous!"

The fat man's mouth was just wronged, his arm was a pain, and he couldn't help screaming.

"What did you mess up with me!"

He stared at Li Dahe.

"Hey, you must be jealous of me just now, and of course I must screw you up."

"Have you heard of it?" The fat man was surprised.

No, I did not hear a louder voice.

"No, guess!"

Li Dahe's answer left Zhang Chaoran speechless, so he moved a few meters quietly and had to keep a distance from the neuropathy.

Li Dahe just ignored him, but now continues to think about these ideas. "Hey, Xiaotian has taken us farther. Although it is now a Tier 2 source warrior, I am in his hands. It only takes a quarter of an hour, but this is what I majored in. It doesn’t change very well. I don’t know how this person practices. He even reached such a perfect firepower field thanks to three advanced martial arts."

"It seems that I didn't work hard! Three years later, I Li Xiaoyu didn't want to be the dragger."

Zhang Erhong's spear and knife reached into the "fog", the blooming green lotus petals suddenly became crazy, and there was a bang in the thick fog. "What happened seems to have a strong source of fluctuations."

He felt it in detail, and it seemed to have disappeared now.


Bao Xingyu didn't trust him, so he immediately got dressed and prepared to walk around.

At night, it was very calm and nothing unusual. Bao Xingyu can only be attributed to his exhaustion of studying during the day, so there is an illusion.

Zifeng is still in a dream, but the source of his body flowing like a river shows that he is different from the past. He is already the source of third-level fighters.

The battle in the dream continued, but Zifeng did not face Bao Xingyu at this time. The sword was similar to the gun.

In the dream, Bao Xingyu's muskets are still fast and violent, but they can no longer be Zifeng.

Improvements in the field not only bring an enhancement of the source, but also a deeper understanding of mobile. Now it is easy to achieve more subtle control of the body, such as many unused martial arts techniques.

The battle in the dream is more intense. Bao Xingyu's muskets are still fierce, but they are no longer cheap.

Zifeng is still on the defensive, but he is as stable as Taishan, he cannot attack the sword circle of Tianjian.

Gradually, the sword began to counterattack, and the cloud-like sword slowly expanded outward and penetrated into the muzzle like fire.

It's been a long time!

In the beginning, "fire" and "cloud" are intertwined, and they become evenly matched. Gradually, as Zifeng became more and more adapted to the power of the source of the meridian at the third level, the sword began to occupy. Prevail.

Li Tianshen stood in the yard, stood up and looked at the place where the sun rose. It is also the location of Tai O City.

Blood cloud, war will begin!


This Cui is not a bad thing, but unfortunately, I can't touch him.

However, he thought of Wu Dekui in the dungeon. After the man suffocated, he completely surrendered. He later said that he could not rely on his disgusting and disgusting Cui family.

If he can't kill him, he can't make this person feel good. At that time, other people will naturally have trouble finding him.

"At night, I should have set off. I have a few rains and they are also in the battle sequence. I can't let my daughter lose anything."

Li Tianshen looked at the time, his arms twitched, flew to the sky, and quickly disappeared into the sky.


When Li Dahe and Zhang Chaoran got up, Zifeng no longer lay on the bed. They are used to the perverted diligence of this guy, and they will definitely practice.

Li Dahe blamed himself secretly. "Xiao Tian is so diligent and so hard, he must cheer for himself, but he can't get further away."

The fat man took a wash, thinking about what to eat for breakfast.

For Zifeng, he didn't make sense to catch up. Only worship,. Some people are better than ordinary people and can't keep up with the chase. He comforted himself.

In the corner of the university yard, a group of swords and light dances, silk screamed like clouds. Cui's lack of simplicity sounded behind Huang Acai.

"As long as it can cause great harm to the goshawk, there is nothing wrong with the death of the Manchurians. Please rest assured, do as I say, and I will guarantee your safety!"

The voice was flat and deep in the cold of the bones, like a poisonous snake in a dark corner, making Huang Asa Khan sweat on his neck and his scalp numb.

For a while, Huang Acai turned around, and the rear was empty. Cui Wuqiu didn't know where to go.


He put in a lot of effort to stop the desire to vomit, just snorted in his heart, then turned and looked at the wall, and saw thousands of gray warriors standing in the open space in front of the door. The queue is neat and silent.

Not much to say, Huang Asai waved his hand and used the source to denote two words "leave".

The black door opened, and a group of wolves in gray clothes helped the disciples sneak out, then scattered around the city, and soon fell into the sea like raindrops and disappeared on the streets of Tai O. In the driveway.

Huang Akai stared deeply at the bottom, watching the crowd flowing forward, scattered, disappearing in the streets and alleys, and couldn't help thinking: These people don't know how many people can survive, do it right or should implement Cui Dashao's plan?

He always felt that Cui Dashao was not too trustworthy, but he did not dare to violate Cui's orders. He can only hope that Cui Dashao can truly fulfill his promise.

If I can really go to Cui's post after the event, even if I am abused by millions, it will be worth it.

In the sky, Li Tianshen looked at the people of the first team in Tai O City, his eyes narrowing. "This is for street fighting. Hey, Choi is not enough."

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