The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 708: An amazing idea

Once he saw this number, he immediately rushed to the other side.

The long sword unfolded, shrouded in the mist like a cloud, the sword was bright and bright, and the hidden murder was really embarrassing for Yun Xiaming.

With the appearance of this sword, the air was filled with mist, showing the colorful brilliance and the surrounding stars, smashed into colorful colors, and every heavy expansion was like a sword.

"This sword is still a bit like!" The middle-aged man poked his right finger, and the sword stone broke through the sky, which was a different feeling. He broke into Zifeng's sword with a feeling of breaking through clouds and fog.

The two obviously made the same sword, but they gave a completely different feeling.

Dangdang's voice continued, and the middle-aged man's majestic sword pierced many fakes and collided with the killing and the long sword.

Zifeng's position is wild, brilliant and brilliant colors flood into his own consciousness. Under the pressure of other swords, he gradually merged into his self-consciousness, and then did not split each other.

And his sword, like a poem, a move, unfolds, takes a half step back, and fights against the middle-aged.

"Oh, fun! Will this use me to make a whetstone to hone my sword skills, and at the same time use the external pressure I bring to accelerate the integration of these different types of mental power?"

"Is a shrewd abacus very shrewd?"

At this moment, Zifeng couldn't stand the foreign body in consciousness. He only focuses on feelings and feels the essence of other swords to attack his own jade.

The rare color of the middle-aged man revealed the color he recognized, and he became more and more satisfied with this body. He inevitably has to carry such a powerful body.

If he is thinking, his right hand and five fingers suddenly change, the sword is arrogant, sometimes arrogant, sometimes old, sometimes fierce, sometimes smart, and Zifeng seems to be equal.

But this seems to be the case!

I saw him suddenly point out in the complex, sending out a kind of ethereal, invisible, incomprehensible, unaware of the traces of the sword, and the previous Chaos Sword seemed to be completely different.

The image of a middle-aged man in Zifeng's "eyes" seems to be here, because it is difficult to measure from a distance.


As expected, Zifeng's "body" collapsed again and appeared behind the middle-aged man the next moment. I saw his left hand standing in front of his chest, right hand sword fluttering, if there is no power, the cloud is moving.

This imaginary sword diving, smashed in half, suddenly changed, from "clouds of misty sword art" to "strong cow magic knife method", bursting out just fierce and pure power, hissing at the invisible sword The ringing suddenly dissipated.

The middle-aged man floated and retired, his mouth continued: "Yes, yes, this sword has become a little more interesting."

The change of Zifeng's sword already has some meanings of mustard, and the hidden power is hidden. As long as the range of the sword can be affected, it will not weaken its power due to distance, and the conversion between the two powers will be reversed. This is the "real" power, a powerful way to adapt to the "virtual" trend of Yun Xiaojian!

After two compliments from the middle-aged man, he started shaking his head again. "Unfortunately, what you learned is too complicated. Although the conversion between the two swords is very good, they are not perfect. Today, you will see, see, practice. What exactly is the appearance of a cloud? !"

In the speech, the middle-aged man has a spin, his posture is chic and elegant, his right hand is five fingers, or invisible, or invisible, or pure simplicity, or fatal, the sword is separated from the sword, or tangled, with him. The body of the body unfolded, as if floating in water, floating in the void, like a cloud, drifting with the wind.


A sword energy hit Zifeng's chest, and then a series of screams sounded, countless swords of different shapes hit Zifeng, and the newly concentrated figure exploded again.


This number is fluctuating, and reuniting directly in the same place this time is a sword.

This sword has changed before and is very pure. It only needs one word "fast" and one word "force". However, the movement change seems simple, but it can always cover the surrounding area and combat the weakness of middle-aged men's swordsmanship. It seems that wisdom is available, and any defect is difficult to overcome. Even the swordsmanship of the other party that is confused with the line of sight is like a dream bubble that dissipates directly.

The mind is limited, the truth is broken!

Break the air!

This is the combination of Zifeng's method of breaking qi and swordsmanship. In this conscious world, this technique is "magnified" and magnified many times, and the capture of blemishes is more acute and transparent.

"Somewhat interesting!"

Although the middle-aged man is praised, his face is full of arrogance, and the use of the other's spiritual power is also effective in this sea of ​​consciousness. After all, this is the opponent's home.

However, if in the real world, by using one's own spiritual power to cover up the other's spirit, it is impossible for children to peek through their own tricks.

He took a step back, then just turned sideways, and Jian Qi slipped over. He didn't do it this time. Instead, he "squirted" a sword from his mouth, stirring and shaking. The remaining power and white mist like Huayun Hidden Dragon rushed towards the "Purple Wind"!


The consciousness in the sea is like changing the sky, lightning thunders, thunder is in the air, the sword is tuned, more torrential rain is falling, and the lightning to it seems to be falling. mad!

Zifeng breathed a sigh of relief, and the sword rolled down. This seemed to be a wave of tides, it screamed, and the middle-aged man's sword "sprayed" directly and hit it.


What is this place?

The seven people who were swallowed underground by this pattern only had a few hours of breathing time. They came to another cave, and they remained alert to the source.

However, except for the meter-wide area controlled by the faction, all other places were filled with black gas, which made it impossible for people to see the cave.

it is good?

Xia Qinghai looked at his left side suspiciously. Except for Hu Peng and Hu Yue'er's younger brother, there is nothing unusual.

"Is this wrong? I just think a faint breath flashes by?"

"What's wrong, Xia Laoda?" Hu Yueer was very sensitive. He knew Xia Qinghai's abnormality.

"Nothing, maybe I'm too nervous." Xia Qinghai shook his head.

Hu Peng heard that he could not rely on his sister, but he was afraid but wanted to protect his sister.

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