The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 722: Good at calculation

"In addition, after the first level, the player's attacks are also divided into two types: magical attacks and physical attacks. The corresponding equipment also has the difference between physical defense and magical defense." Firework Yi Leng continued to explain: "Heavy equipment attaches importance to physics. . Defense, magic defense is worse; cloth-style equipment is magical defense, physical defense is much worse; leather armor is between these two types of equipment."

"Oh, that's the wristband you can only wear. After all, you must change the archer, I must change the swordsman." Zifeng I understand easily, and then I thought about it, he was very confused. "But your Feixue is also a class equipment, how can it not have these differences."

"Maybe it hasn't formed yet. You also see a fake on this device. It is estimated that it will change after the upgrade." Fireworks are easy to get cold, and she urged: "Let's kill the monsters as soon as possible." Let's try To find my first job. "So far, the Novice Village has not successfully completed the transfer task. As we all know, the first person to transfer will be rewarded. The fireworks are easy to cold and want to complete the task quickly.

Zifeng didn't say much, it was more difficult to kill.

During the killing of the monsters, more and more players flooded into the Demon Wolf Valley, and they all knew that they were also doing transfer tasks here.

Seeing that the two of Zifeng kill the devil wolf so easily, those people thought that the devil wolf was a good bully, and after they hurriedly fight, many players became the devil's snacks, and later united and reluctantly mixed together.

"Defensive power is not higher, attack power is not higher. It is difficult to stand here." Fireworks Yi Leng suddenly said this sentence, her tone of voice faintly brought a trace of emotion: "More and more players are coming. Here. It seems that Novice Village’s transfer mission is the same, and I don’t have to worry about being the first."

The same is true. The fireworks and Yi Leng came here earlier. Both of them are masters, and they are supported by powerful pills, Xiaoxue Dan and Shantou. Others cannot match their speed at killing monsters.

After ten minutes, Firework Yicold finally collected all the wolf ears needed for the transfer, and Zifeng also completed three tasks, two separate actions, Zifeng paid for his task, and Firework Yicold went to transfer.

At this time, Zifeng, they killed hundreds of young magic wolves. With rich experience, he has risen to peace. He thinks he can also be promoted to the rank after paying the task, and then he can do it too. Assignments.

The first stop is still Zifeng. After taking the post, he gained energy experience and some silver coins as well as the good feelings of Novice Village, and the experience also increased. It was one step closer to the upgrade, which made him very excited. This is another device of Zifeng:

This armguard is much stronger than his previous armguards, and Zifeng hastily replaced it, and his defense has improved.

"Hey, mouse hair armguards, it looks like this is Zifeng made from the mouse hair I previously traded to him. I didn't expect she would vote for it. This is very interesting." Zifeng smiled in his heart, he It is invisible to him. The game is becoming more and more popular.

After that, Zifeng got another mission in Zifeng:

[Collect scorpion poison] (general task, difficulty: E)

Task content: Kill the magic scorpion on the scorpion cliff outside the north gate of Novice Village, and bring the scorpion venom back to Zifeng Sparkling Wine.

Task requirements: days.

Mission mode: no restrictions.

Mission rewards and punishments: You will get rich experience and some money if you are lucky, and you will get a piece of equipment if you are lucky.

It is also at the north gate. It is very convenient for Zifeng. After all, he must go to the north gate to kill the young demon wolf after taking over the transfer.

Say goodbye to Zifeng, Zifeng and go to Tailor Zhang. After the task was completed, he gained a lot of experience, some silver coins and some good feelings in the novice village. What made him a little disappointed was that he didn't get the equipment, but he only had a little bit, and he looked forward to it. Say goodbye to the tailor, Zifeng is ready to go to the blacksmith’s smithy, but I heard a system voice:


System Tip (No. Novice Village): Congratulations to Fireworks for being the first successful player in the village. She has successfully worked as a trainee archer. Since he was the first player to transfer to the village, he rewarded general skills. a book.


System Tip (Novice Village): Because Fireworks can easily complete the sacred trial mission and obtain the random hidden profession of the department, she successfully transferred to the hidden profession-Ice Elf Archer.

"Ice elf archers know that it is based on ice. According to fireworks, most ice-based professions are good at controlling." Zi Feng muttered, sinking slightly, and nodded: "Archer was originally A long-range attack career, Ice Spirit Archer is also good at controlling, which is very suitable for fireworks and cold, after all, she is quite good at calculation.

"I also have a skill book. It should be quite good. She eventually has combat skills, so we will team up faster." Zifeng, then he looked at it: "I should finish the task of changing work quickly. Otherwise it will pull her back."

It can be seen from the system news that the fireworks were very cold and were transferred to the ice spirit archers. Zifeng was also very happy. After a brief contact, he knew that she was very good at calculating in battle and that a frozen career was best for her.

After that, Zifeng also cheered up and went to the blacksmith's smithy. After paying more than a peak, he gained an energy experience, a silver coin, and a novice village friendship. He was promoted to the rank of high experience. What excites him is that he has got a piece of equipment. He currently does not have:

[Spider Necklace] (Necklace general equipment)

A very aggressive attack, Zifeng hurriedly equipped, his attack also greatly improved, and finally broke out.

"The attack is reached. I worry that the entire Novice Village is not as high as my attack. The defense has been reached. Now I can kill the young demon wolf." Zi Fengman.

Considering more important things, he checked the equipment of the smithy and found a sword that could be used for attack, and found that he needed silver coins. Because his novice village was very good, he played seven or five times. fold.

"Enjoy a discount and save some money." Zi Fenghey, seeing that his level has reached the level, he is ready to accept the job after the fireworks burst.

The iron sword has an increased attack power, although it is better than the novice iron sword, but the point of attack does not let Zifeng see it, so he did not waste money to buy it.

I went to the tailor's shop at the agreed place. The fireworks were very cold, so I got there. Looking at her, Zifeng's eyes lit up, and she couldn't help but feel surprised.

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