The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 783: Infinite bloom

"Old hybrid car, you still talk so early."

"The door of the Wu Ji crowd is listening to me, join me and kill this old man!"

At this time, a chuckle suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth, followed by a figure wearing a bright red armor. On the emperor's back, a figure sitting cross-legged standing high above the sky. Gu Yue shot over the battlefield.


Gu Yue was entangled on the Wuji Gate of Huangwu, which was represented by seven digits. If he is expected to suffer such an attack suddenly, he will be hit directly by the bombing. The whole person fell to the ground screaming, was hit hard, and then smashed by a knife. sudden death.

At this time, the expression of the old man with eyebrows suddenly became stiff, looking at the figure wearing the armor, and the cold in his eyes: "Chen Mo!"

That's right!

This is soaring, and it is Chen Mo who faces the ancient cross-border on the battlefield.

He is a half-step great emperor-level powerhouse. Among such extraordinary powers as the Jagged Emperor, he is noble and admired. Even though his character is cold, he is very conscious and polite.

And now Chen Mo is not too bad for him, can he still kill him?

In Chen Mo's case, it spread far under the power of Emperor Wu, and it spread between heaven and earth, and the guards of Wu Ji were shocked.

The old man with long eyebrows is the half-step emperor!

In the era when the real emperor didn't come out, Banbu Great was an invincible existence. It is the most powerful, and one of them can shock one side, let ordinary warriors squat down, and become the pillar of the first-class or even the top sect.

Now, does their guard want to kill Banbu the Great?

This is crazy!

"Made, Banbu Great, what? I get Wuji, I will die!"

"Everyone, let's kill these guys together, and then follow the gatekeeper to create great achievements!" Huangwu, the title of Fengdicheng, screamed towards the holy fire and the iron-blooded emperor, leaving the title of Huangwu left-handed.

"Yes, with so many of us, can we still kill the Emperor Banbu?"

"Hahaha, since the door is crazy, then I will wait for the door to go crazy today!"

"Kill kill!"

The other fighters reacted with the title of Emperor Wu, excited about the battlefield on their faces, and the remaining enemies flew out.

Gu Yue is the most powerful force on the battlefield today, and also the most difficult bone. Because of his existence, Wu Jimen's counterattack was prevented.

After being killed here, the remaining warriors of the Jagged Battlefield and the Holy Fire were defeated. The recent champions (Huangwu) also screamed and fell into a pool of blood.

At this time, the titles of "Iron Blood and Holy Fire" (Huangwu) are all dropped!

The famous iron-blooded troops dispatched from the Iron and Bloodline region have all fallen! Due to the battle of the Beast Army, only four of the Wujimen's titles of Emperor Wu fell, and the other was only injured, and the strength was still very strong.


Under the leadership of Emperor Sword, he took herbal medicine to stabilize the wound with the title Emperor Wu. After supplementing the food, everyone vacated, resisting the pressure of terror, and slowly marched towards the old man with long eyebrows in the sky. Forced to walk, standing in the distance, surrounded Tian Lao and the old man with long eyebrows.

The sniper half-step emperor was strong, and only the title Huangwu had this qualification. The ordinary warriors of Wujimen all rushed to the wall, picked up the big bow, and pulled the bowstring between the old man.

at the same time--


Standing on the snow mountain konjac head, Xiao Bai roared, and suddenly there were many beasts left. The birds of prey swayed to the sky, and the flying imperial beasts raised their heads. The old man with long eyebrows was in the air, and the beast was full of tyrannical awns.

As for the ordinary beast, it could not bear the half-step emperor's breathing. It stood on the periphery, densely wrapped, blocking this place like a tide.

The Wujimen warriors and the Beast Army surrounded the Changmei Old Man Group. This was a heroic killing on the battlefield, so the warriors from far away were all dull and their hearts beating.

Wu Jimen, too crazy, actually want to attack the emperor one and a half steps!

If it succeeds, it will definitely shake Zhongzhou and let the Jagged Domain fry.


Seeing this scene, the old man with long eyebrows was not angry and laughed.

"Chen Mo, do you think you can kill old people by relying on these people?"

"It seems you are not so sure, the Half-Step Emperor is terrible!"

Every word of the old man with long eyebrows would cause a tremor in the void, and the half-step emperor's momentum swept the entire heaven, igniting the discoloration of the clouds in the sky, causing the body of the title to walk back involuntarily around the sky. Let's go, it looks terrified.


Chen Mo stood in the sky, and the eerie imperial martial arts ideas were injected into the half-step emperor's body, making the body bloom infinitely, as well as numerous martial arts runes and dances. Void was trembling, resisting the horror of the old man with long eyebrows together with Tian Lao.

"My imperial military thought has recovered. I can control half a step of the emperor's body at most and make two strongest attacks, but..." Chen Mo blinked excitedly.

"The battle just now, let me control Dayan, start Scorpio, and make a lot of money!"

"The body of Huang Wu's predecessor is engraved on his life skills. I should be able to control the display of the body, not just the simple realm previously suppressed." At this time, Chen Mo, the secret technology and the void were in the middle of the emperor's half-step. The body begins to produce some kind of induction.

Fighting is always the best way to increase strength. After experiencing the blood and fire experience, you can gradually reach the peak.

Chen Mo showed the wild goose several times and controlled the Scorpio, controlled the half-step emperor's body, and wrestled with the strong. This made his control of this secret operation more and more convenient, and finally broke through the entry level, really entered the room, and reached the imperial martial arts. s level. This is also Chen Mo. This was discovered after the damage stabilized and the mystery was revived.

"Little guy Chen Mo, the old man can accompany you crazy in the second year. It's worth it." The old man's smile and burning blood exploded with a terrible half-step great imposing manner, and he turned to the old man and rushed up.


Chen Mo spit out a cold word.

When his voice dropped, fifty titles of Emperor Wu and dozens of imperial beasts commanded by Xiao Bai rushed towards the old man with long eyebrows.

at the same time--


Below Tian Lao, the gate of martial arts, while waiting for the arrow.

An arrow shot into the sky, lit the sound of whistling, released a burst of cold, and rushed towards the old long eyebrow.

An earth-shattering war broke out completely.

Tian Lao shot, which suppressed the breath of the old man with long eyebrows, and the title of the martial arts door Huangwu could launch an attack.

However, Chen Mo did not shoot immediately. Instead, he stood on the top of the sky, closed his eyes, and brought the flesh of the Emperor Half Step to generate sympathy. This is a vague message of phlegm, which was uploaded from the body of Emperor Half Step. Yes, it came to his mind.


The next moment, Chen Mo both fell apart and violently pulled out two gods.

At the same time, the half-step Great Emperor's flesh in the air is moving at the same time!

I have to say that Chen Mo comes from the Grand Palace, and his treatment effect is very counterintuitive and precious. It can be called an insurance policy. Everyone is worthless and can make the title Huangwu crazy.

These treasure pills not only have an excellent healing effect of Emperor Wu Tianlao, but also have herbs that can quickly restore the idea of ​​Emperor Wu.

Under the dual role of hegemony, this will make Chen Mo so fast and stable, and even Huangwu's ideas have been restored a lot.

With the injection of Chen Mo, that is, Huangwu's thoughts, the body of the Emperor Banbu rose in the air, rising to the old man with long eyebrows.

In the long eyebrows at high altitude, the old man threw a pair of white long eyebrows. His body was repaired by a devastating landmine, which contained impeccable power. The arrow on the wall was not far from him. They were all shocked.


Dozens of Xiaobai's imperial beasts attacked Longbrow with frenzied attacks. The huge figure concealed the sky, but it was not an opponent at all. Old men with long eyebrows are like soldiers, with sharp swords. A gap was torn from the sheath, which easily penetrated the bodies of several royal beasts.

The long eyebrow slapped the old man and picked up the foot-high snowy konjac. The blazing beast blood filled the starry sky, and the huge body burst.

The title of Huangwu headed by the emperor is not very good either. It was completely suppressed. Even the knife is coughing. The terrible half-step pressure of the Great Emperor disappeared, which made him look like a normal "crack".

If it weren't for the old age, and the old man with long eyebrows was shelved, these emperors and the title Huangwu would have been dropped. This scene shocked the Wujimen Tianlao. Is this the power of the half-step emperor?

Even the title Huangwu is like a child in front of the other party. The gap is too great to overcome.

The fierce battle from high altitude almost destroyed Jianwu City, unable to withstand this level of battle.

"Hey, some bastards, but it's fantastic to want to kill the old man together. You, no matter how many, will die."

"Waiting for this old man, the blood is decreasing, the strength is decreasing, the old man is going to kill!"

The elder man with long eyebrows suppressed the heaven with one palm and slammed the heaven with his fist. The gods were invincible and swallowed thousands of miles. Standing in the invincible field, the sword spirit resisted all attacks, and most of his attention was focused on the sky. elder

In any case, the elders are also half-step emperors, but their bloodlines are decreasing. If you are desperate now, it will not be able to draw.

At this moment, the old man with long eyebrows suddenly jumped into my heart and felt the majestic volley coming from the air, and locked him firmly.

"Hey, you little bastard, the old man thought you were scared and didn't dare to shoot. Now I dare to attack."

The long-browed old man turned his eyes and saw the emperor walk towards his volley in half a step, his eyes flashing with greed.

He has noticed that this is the body of the half-step emperor, not the real half-step emperor.

Before Jianwu City, Chen Mo inspired a half-step emperor's body to fight with him, which consumed all the emperor's thoughts. At that time, he felt that victory was a foregone conclusion, and was not eager to seize the remains of the half-step emperor. Come.

But it's different now.

"Yes, the old man took the meat, and see what else you have!"

The old man with long eyebrows yelled long and flew directly to the title of Royal Beast and Emperor Wu who attacked him, and retreated from the old man's attack. He clenched his hands tightly, tore the sky, and grabbed half of his body to go with him.

In his opinion, an ordinary half-step emperor's flesh, he must shoot and grab it, this is not coming with one hand, and there is no need to bother.

"The half-step emperor in Zhongzhou is really extraordinary!"

In the old man's cloudy eyes, gleaming light, he rushed to the old man with long eyebrows, preventing his opponent from shooting.

But at this moment--

"Hey, old bastard, do you think this half-step emperor's body is easy to be taken away by you?" Chen Mo rose into the sky in the eyes of the gods, madly urging the wild goose to open the sky.

With the infusion of Emperor Chen Mohou's thoughts, the emperor's body bloomed infinitely, and the eternal glory of the dynasty flew, flooding the world with martial arts runes, and the sound of the avenue was in the body. Surround sound rang.


The old man with long eyebrows saw this pupil shrink and his heart felt bad.

"Kowloon's Law of Holiness!"

Chen Mo's loud voice, as the embarrassing news in his mind came, his hand slowly swayed towards the sky.

At the same time, the fierceness of the emperor's body, like a cloud of dust, suddenly illuminated countless stars. The body of the emperor's body was completely restored, exuding some charm, his hand passed through the void, and the old man's long eyebrows Screams echoed between heaven and earth. This scene is like the invincible emperor at the same time, with amazing qualifications and a chance to attack the real emperor's half-step emperor Xifeng, travel through time and space, fully recover, and kill all enemies in town.

The nine sacred dragons rushed out of the emperor's palm half a step, and they rushed to the sky. Everyone was hundreds of feet high. The sound lasted for nine days. All the gaps were shattered and rushed to the old man.

The old man with long eyebrows hoped that the emperor could take this half step. He would use these skills and directly bombard with strong defensive power, and then spray blood from his mouth and fly back.

Tian Lao followed closely behind. When I see such a good opportunity, I naturally refuse to let it go. I slapped the old long eyebrows, and then hit the old long eyebrows again. The chest sinks and the bones are broken. The sound kept ringing, and a pair of long eyebrows were stained with blood.


The sword king is titled Emperor Wu, his eyes are red, and various attacks turn into torrents, which also flock to the old man with long eyebrows.

Xiaobai ordered the emperor to rush and beat the dog.

"Xifeng's predecessor was a very powerful half-step emperor during the time of the Invincible Emperor. The power of this fighting technique is shocking."

"My burden is too heavy. I can only use it again."

Above the high altitude, Chen Mo's face became pale, and I couldn't see a trace of blood. I just feel that my face is dark, my head is cracked, and I only took two medicines again, and I feel much better. Staring in the direction of the old man with long eyebrows, he urged the wild goose to drive the Scorpio again.

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