The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 976: Pig teammate

Wu Cheng's master licked his tongue and said, "Five thunderstorms! The ordinary monk broke through the martial arts routine with only one thunder, while Zifeng broke through the martial arts routine with only five thunders. This is a disaster!"

Yun Qingshan sneered and said, "That's because Zifeng's physique is a natural body of the sun, which has been rejected by the heavens. That's why he made such a terrible thunder. I heard that when Zifeng broke through the fighter jet, he had dropped six. Thunderstorm."

"What? Six thunderstorms?" Duke Wu opened his mouth in surprise.

Master Bodhi said lightly: "Zifeng was born with the sacrament of the sun, which cannot be accommodated in the present heaven, but he has never stopped strengthening himself and has a firm will. With the help of demonic blood and thunder robbery, he can refine his body and Spiritual. If this path is really traversed by him, maybe he will really embark on a completely different path of practice."

Hearing Master Bodhi's high praise to Zifeng, Yun Qingshan smiled coldly in his heart. He now hopes that Zifeng will die from the thunderstorm.

In his opinion, the most talented and promising young monk in the world is his son Bai Yunfei, and Zifeng is not even suitable to carry shoes for his son.

As early as six months ago, the sons and daughters of many clans and families in the Xichuan area unanimously threatened that Zifeng was born with the sacrament of the sun and could not break through martial arts in this life.

Of course, in their view, Zifeng's breakthrough in fighter jets was just a fluke.

Today, they witnessed the purple wind that was hit by five terrorist thunderstorms on the top of the mountain. They even believed this idea even more.

Chen Aotian said blankly, "I have been bombed into dregs, how can I break through martial arts? This is a consequence that God will not allow."

Qin Tian sneered and said: "Who would have thought that Zifeng was not killed in the ladder formation, but buried under Lei Jie. This confirms the fact that God's grinding work is slow but very reliable."

Zhao Yunteng interrupted and said, "Brother Tian Yi and Brother Tian Ni are very reasonable. Although Zi Feng should die this time, after all, he is the first person in history to successfully climb the ladder."

Zong Mingde smiled and said: "If I were you, I would not be satisfied. I just finished an unprecedented job and died in the blink of an eye. If it were me, I would not die peacefully."

Zong Mingde blinked, his expression was rich and exaggerated, which made everyone around him laugh.


There was a loud noise.

The sixth thunder hit the top of the mountain, drowning the laughter at the foot of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, a huge boulder that could not withstand the thunder was blown into dozens of rubble. All the stones whizzed and flew down the mountain.

Suddenly, an exclamation came from the foot of the mountain. Although the boulder was blown into dozens of pieces, each piece was the size of a house.

Dozens of boulders fell from the sky.

At the foot of the mountain, several powerful people flew around in the air, waving their hands or their sleeves. Dozens of big rocks were broken, I don't know where they flew.

After a false alarm, the crowd once again looked up to the top of the mountain.


The seventh thunder and lightning disaster has come!

At this time, someone vaguely saw a virtual shadow and stumbled up to the top of the mountain.

The virtual shadow is like the reflection of the human body in the moonlight, hazy, without facial features, only light gray outlines.

"That is. Zifeng is reborn!" Master Bodhi shouted in disbelief: "After death, this young man has great courage, perseverance and courage."

All the big countries around, all eyes are flickering, looking at the top of the mountain, looking at the dim shadow on the top of the mountain.


Another thunderbolt!

Like a huge whip, thick smoke enveloped the hazy figure, which almost emerged from the top of the mountain.

Yunyue stood not far from the mountainside, watching such a tragic scene, her eyes moistened.

She muttered to herself, "Damn thief, my God! Why are you so cruel? Lin Diyi is very kind and chivalrous. Why are you treating him so cruelly?"


The answer was deafening thunder.

Under the eyes of the public, the ninth Lei Jie collapsed.

There was a loud bang!

The top of the mountain was cut off by lightning. At that time, the gravel rolled down and smoke was flying in the air. Seeing such a tragic scene, everyone at the foot of the mountain was shocked.

"Zifeng is too unlucky. Breaking through the martial arts department encountered such a terrible lightning disaster. I can't imagine what kind of lightning disaster he will encounter when he breaks through the martial arts department."

"That's because Zifeng was born with the Sun Eucharist instead of being contained by this heaven. Therefore, the heaven must be destroyed by thunder."

"Fortunately, I am not the holy spirit of the sun. Otherwise, let alone nine thunderstorms, even one thunderstorm can make me hiccup."

"Now, Zifeng is dead and has been blown to ashes. I am afraid it will be difficult to find one of his bones."

The monks are talking about it.

Bai Muya couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief.

"God really helped me," he said. Zifeng, how can you successfully climb the ladder? In the end, he was not buried in Lei Jie. Humph, this is the price of betraying me!

The messenger of the Red Power looked at the top of Tianti Mountain from a distance with his hands on his back. His face is as sinking as water.

From the moment Lei Jie fell, she maintained this posture until all nine thunderstorms fell. She stood there quietly, motionless, no one knew what she was thinking.

Zhang Kun wanted to yell excitedly at this moment.

He said in his heart that this turning point was too sudden. Originally thought that Zifeng would die in the stepped killing array, unexpectedly, he was beaten with chicken blood and passed through the 49 killing array in one breath.

I thought it was over. Unexpectedly, Zifeng was unfortunately punished by Lei Jie.

"It's time! Deserve it. This is the end of my fight with my master. Zifeng, what do you have today?" Zhang Kun Hart Daoan.

All of Zifeng's friends burst into tears and were in pain.

"Don't pull me! Let me save the third son. Let go. You all want me to go!"

Li Mi struggled to rush to Tianti Mountain. However, Li Jiale and Qu Xiuzhi held on to them tightly.

"Second brother, calm down. Third brother is crossing the robbery. No one can help him. You will only be killed by lightning." Li Jiale said anxiously.

"Yes, the fourth brother is right. The third brother is crossing the robbery. Once the robbery is over, he will successfully break through the martial arts department. Let's not run to make things worse." Qu Xiuzhi urged anxiously with tears in his eyes. write.

"The second, fourth and fifth brothers are right. The third brother is crossing the robbery. Once the robbery is over, he will become the most powerful monk in the martial arts world. We don't want to disturb him." Lu Liangfang said.

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