The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 978: You come out

After breaking through the martial arts department, his martial arts posture became even more exciting.

The mountain wind fell at his feet, and Tiandishan was left behind by him.

He rode against the wind and soon came to the foot of the mountain.

Li Mi, Li Jiale and others rushed to embrace Zifeng.

The younger brothers hug each other, crying and laughing.

Feeling the excitement of the four brothers, Zi Feng's heart was full of warmth.

Countless monks around them all looked enviously or jealously, and the four who hugged Zifeng were Li Mi and Qu Xiuzhi.

At this moment, Zifeng had become completely different in their eyes. Before climbing the ladder, he was completely different.

If Zifeng was just an ordinary monk before climbing the ladder, then Zifeng at this moment, in their eyes, seems to have become a legend, a living legend!

The elders of the Lin family came forward to congratulate Zifeng.

Countless clan elders and heads of households stepped forward and stretched out olive branches to Zifeng.

At that time, Zifeng was surrounded by a sea of ​​people.

At this time, a phoenix song sounded from the air, and a cold voice came from the air: "You are all dead. Please share your heart. Zifeng is my disciple of the Pearl Sect. Today, I will take him to the sect. Door."

Zifeng looked up and saw a colorful fire phoenix. Standing on Phoenix's back was a woman in red. She looked like Frost.

The woman in red stood on the back of the Phoenix, looking down at the people below.

However, her gaze only fell on Zifeng.

"Zifeng, you have successfully climbed the ladder. Very good. Clean up, and immediately follow me back to the clan door." Ambassador Hong Quan said in a tone that couldn't refuse.

Lin Yi threw a punch at the red right envoy, his face went blank. "Senior, can you change the rules? I still have many friends who want to say goodbye, and I still have some things to deal with."

4. Hearing this, all the disciples of Zhou Mingzhu Academy were shocked.

Zifeng successfully climbed the ladder. Ambassador Hong Quan personally took him to the hinterland of the sect, which is his great honor. But Zifeng wanted to wipe the face of the rightist messengers and even postpone the time.

Many disciples of the Pearl Academy squeezed out a cold sweat for Zifeng. They think Zifeng's actions are too irrational. Once the tribe is provoked, it is not funny.

Hong Quan frowned and hesitated for a while. She said coldly, "Give you half a day. Tomorrow dawn, at the foot of Zhushan, follow me back to the sect."

"Thank you for accepting me."

Ambassador Hongquan said this, and sent the burning phoenix straight into the sky.

Bai Muya opened her mouth to one side, without even saying a polite word. The fire phoenix became a small black spot in the sky.

Congratulations to the Zifeng brothers for climbing up the ladder and successfully entering the hinterland of the Zongmen.

"Junior Brother Lin, you are amazing. First you collapsed the cliff, and then you climbed the ladder today. Your name will resound throughout the Three Wu Continent."

All the disciples of the Pearl Academy were pleased with Zifeng.

Bai Muya snorted coldly, waved her hand, and rushed towards the temple on the top of Mingzhu Mountain.

Qin, Chen, Tian Yan, Zong Mingde and others returned happily.

Originally, Zifeng should die today. They even held a celebration after Zifeng's death, but the celebration will eventually be cancelled.

Duke Wu pretended to be, ran over, patted Zifeng on the shoulder, encouraged a few words, and left grandly.

Yun Qingshan also came to Zifeng. He congratulated him heartily and left with his entourage.

The Dragon King praised Zifeng and told him to practice well in the future. When he encounters difficulties in practice, he can go to the Dragon Palace to find him.

Han Sheng waited for Zifeng to give a thumbs up, and turned to leave with a smile.

Master Bodhi nodded to Zifeng repeatedly. Before leaving, he gave Zifeng a Bodhi, saying that he hoped this Bodhi could help Zifeng break through martial arts.

Many great talents praise and encourage Zifeng. After the red power messenger warned, they dared not extend an olive branch to Zifeng publicly, but their mood of making friends with Zifeng was beyond words.

Zifeng was polite and courteous to all these great men and women, and won their unanimous praise.

The big countries left one by one. Zifeng was surrounded by all the disciples of the Pearl Academy.

Someone asked him what experience he had in the killing array, and some people asked him why he didn't break through the martial arts before entering the killing array.

There are many problems.

Even if Zifeng is eight-year-old Linglong, he is still working hard to cope.

At this moment, a woman's voice suddenly came: "Get out! I want to see what he wants to show off."

Li Yitian stared at Zifeng coldly with hands on hips, her face sinking like water.

All the inside information went back to one side, and Dean Li said that no one dared to question it.

Zifeng looked at the teacher's mother in surprise. He really didn't understand. Where did he anger his teacher's mother? She seemed very angry.

"Boy Ziyi, come here."

Li Yitian waved to Zifeng.

With a bitter smile, Zi Feng hurriedly walked to Li Yitian and asked cautiously: "Madam, what's the matter?"

"What's the matter? You son of a bitch, I've been scared for a long time. What else do you want me to do?"

Li Yitian reached out and grabbed Zifeng's ear.

"Little rabbit, I don't want to teach you. You will shake your head. You have to climb a ladder this time. Next time you want to poke a hole in the sky?"

Li Yitian's willow eyebrows were erected, her face was a lost face. Where was the calm and peaceful posture in the past, she was simply a tigress.

"Madam, you are too blunt. How dare I?"

"Do you dare to be tough? Come with me and see how my mother will deal with you."

Li Mi was aside, gleefully smiling and said:

Zi Feng called for help to Li Jiale. Li Jiale looked up at the sky with his eyes, his mouth was smiling, turning a blind eye.

Liang Fang rarely watched Zifeng flinch when eating. He smiled with one hand on his waist and gestured with the other hand, as if pinching Zifeng's ear.

On weekdays, Xiao Lao Wuqu, who admired Zifeng the most and followed his advice the most, blushed with a smile.

Wu Zixi was aside, still laughing with stomachache. Who can imagine that Zi Feng, who was admired, praised and encouraged by countless people just now, was so cowardly that he was taken away by Li Yitian twisting his ears.

When Long Yue and Zong Ruoxi saw this scene in the distance, they both felt a little strange.

Such a tenacious, such a tough Zifeng would be afraid of a little woman.

Although I don't know the relationship between this woman and Zifeng, the two people take it for granted that it must have a lot to do with Zifeng.

Yunyue had already come to the foot of the mountain. She silently looked at Zifeng's back in the distance. She wanted to run over to celebrate with Zifeng, but her feet seemed to be nailed to the ground, motionless.

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