The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 981: Unparalleled

Zifeng was immediately depressed, and he said in his heart: "It seems that Wu's mother is real. My mother actually adopted this stray dog ​​as her son. Well, I have a hundred brothers."

"Oh mom, it's okay, don't be afraid. Xiao Hei looks scary, usually very docile."

Chen Cuilian smiled and comforted Mother Wu, and looked back at her young son, only to find that his face was different.

"What's the matter? Son. Why were you angry when you first got home? Who made you angry? Tell your mother."

"Mom, you have adopted so many dog ​​sons, what do you want my son to do? You might as well clean up for me and then leave the house." Zifeng protested.

"Hey, boy, do you still eat dog meat? Do you know how long you have been away from this family?"

Chen Cuilian raised her finger and said to Zifeng, "Eight months and ten days. You little urchin, you really need someone to die. I don't think you can remember your thoughts."

Zifeng was speechless at once. Knives, swords, and rain can't change his color. However, Zifeng had no choice but to admit defeat in front of his mother.

Chen Cuilian wanted to show off to her son the hundreds of stray dogs she had adopted. However, seeing her son's angry face, she immediately dismissed the idea.

Of course, Zifeng was just joking with his mother. Now her mother has a new hobby, and it is still so healthy and full of love that it is too late for him to be happy.

Finally, Zifeng took her mother's hand and offered to go to the big yard to watch the dog brothers. Chen Cuilian smiled and cursed: "Puppy, I have learned to swear in different ways. They are your dog brothers. What have I become?"

"Hey, my dearest mother, of course you are a beautiful and lovely girl."

"Huh, glib tongue. However, I like to listen to this."

Chen Cuilian was flattered by her son's flattery. She yelled at Ma Wu: "Mother Wu, you must tell Xiaolan and Xiaolan to make their dinner more abundant tonight. I will give my son a reception."

"Okay, ma'am, I'll be there soon."

Wu Ma agreed, and rushed to the kitchen like a gust of wind.

Accompanied by her mother, Zifeng visited the stray dog ​​adoption home she built. The old lady took his hand and pointed at each dog excitedly, explaining to him the origin of each dog, when it was adopted, what hobbies it had, and the changes of each dog before and after adoption.

Zifeng smiled and listened to his mother's countless explanations. She could have written a book part-time after the trivial matter of adopting a stray dog ​​was fueled by the fire.

After visiting her mother's stray dog ​​adoption base, Zifeng and her mother came to his father's small garden.

After more than a year of preparation, my father's garden has begun to take shape.

Rockery, ponds, pavilions, and small gardens with flowers in full bloom give people a relaxed and happy feeling.

Fulin is also very happy to see his son come back. He put down the big scissors for pruning the flowers, ran over and pulled him to see some newly collected flowers.

"Yi'er, this potted flower is called Bachelor of Eighteen. When the flowers bloom, the 18 flowers bloom together, and the color of each flower is different. When the flowers wilt, the 18 flowers will gather together, just like they are for heating. It’s the same huddled together."

"But when they hug each other, they can be combined into one, and the last 18 withered flowers will produce a mass of seeds. These seeds will fall in the soil in the coming year, bloom and bear fruit, and continue to grow. Some people call this flower. Eighteenth degree, some people call this flower the Eighteen Brothers. In short, this flower is very rare and precious."

Hearing the origin and story of each flower from his father, Zifeng was deeply moved.

After experiencing the unpleasant experience of the Lin family, both parents stepped out of the shadows and had their own hobbies and fun.

Today's mother, nourished by Zhu Yandan and various nourishing pills, looks like a teenager younger than before, just like a young woman, with beautiful words, grace, and extraordinary temperament.

My father became a real blessing, white and fat, with a big belly. The wrinkles on his face have also dispersed in the past. He also has a beard and walks like a tiger. He didn't irritate himself, but became a superior.

After Zifeng was away for more than half a year, his family was well-managed by his parents. It was discovered that two guards, a maid, and an old woman had recruited one each, and the compound was also cleaned up and scattered. Neighbourhood relations have also been handled well, and their good popularity is now widely known in Daoxiangjie.

Seeing all this, Zifeng finally let go of his heart.

In the evening, I drank some wine with my father, and the family of three gathered at the dining table. very happy.

Fulin asked Zifeng where most of the year was. Zifeng told him that he had been practicing at the Pearl Academy. In order not to worry his parents, he had to lie.

His mother urged him to get married as soon as possible. He can't wait to hug his grandson.

Zifeng ridiculed himself and agreed. As for when and whom to marry, it is impossible.

The three family members started eating when the lights were turned on and arrived at midnight.

The father was drunk and fell asleep at the dining table.

Zifeng takes his father to bed and settles him down.

Under the flickering light, he sat in front of the bed. Looking at the calm faces of his father and mother, the dog felt warmer than ever.

Father and mother will always be the harbor of his soul. Although he has now become a rare first-class martial artist, he is still a smart and docile son in front of his parents.

Gently hold the hands of your parents, the vitality will turn into strands of green silk, which penetrates into the parents' body, nourishes the parents' bones, nourishes the parents' meridians, and removes the dirt in the parents' body.

After half an hour, Zifeng slowly let go of his parents' hands and slowly stood up.

The father's snoring was louder, and his mother's face was slightly red when she was sleeping. After Zifeng raised them with RMB body temperature again, their bodies became healthier than ever.

Standing in front of the bed and being silent for a while, Zi Feng turned and left the room.

Entering gently, Zifeng came to his room.

God knows everything and feels everything in the compound silently.

Two guards are silently patrolling around the inner wall of the compound. The other two martial artists sat cross-legged in a room not far from the gate.

Mother Wu and the maid snored loudly in the room.

Father and mother snored like thunder in the room.

A crescent moon hung in the night sky.

Tonight is August 10, not far from the full moon.

On the night of the full moon, Zifeng can see Cher.

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