The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 983: Then hit it!

Zifeng walked out of the hut and left the lotus space directly.

As for Xu Xiuzi's ghost, there are small black birds and seedlings there. Zifeng believed that he would not dare to make waves in the lotus space.

After another cross-legged meditation, the sky began to clear.

Zifeng got up, washed, had breakfast with his parents, said goodbye to them, and came to the foot of Mount Zhushan.

I went to Wang Zhenfeng's house first, and after breaking up with my brothers, Zifeng passed through the hut to the edge of the cliff at the foot of Mount Zhu.

The Red Power Envoy and Huofeng had already been waiting under the cliff.

Seeing the arrival of the purple wind, the envoy of the red power tapped the wings of the fire phoenix lightly, and the fire phoenix made a soft noise, spreading its wings and flew. "Zifeng, come with me."

The red right hand let the air fly, and in a blink of an eye it jumped onto Phoenix's back.

Zifeng then jumped on Phoenix's back, one position behind the Hong Quan Ambassador, to show his respect for the Hong Quan Ambassador.

Huofeng slowly rose to the sky, Zifeng looked down at Mount Zhushan for the last time, and looked up at the clouds flowing in front of him.

Zifeng, tell me, why are you climbing the ladder? Hong Quan asked suddenly.

Facing the gaze of the Hong Quan ambassador, Zi Feng said: "Of course, if you want to practice well, you must enter the Pearl Gang."

Who knows, Hong Quan sneered and said coldly: "You lied! You climbed up the ladder and entered the Pearl family for a woman, didn't you?"

Zi Feng shook his heart and changed his mind.

"I climbed the ladder and entered the hinterland of Mount Zhushan to look for Xue. I only told Shangguan Xuan'er, but why did Hong Quanrang know? Did the wall have ears that night?"

No, with my keen insight and Shangguan Xuan'er's avoidance, no one can eavesdrop on our conversation.

But why does this red power messenger know that I am going to the Pearl Sect?

After turning a hundred times, Zi Feng said to the red power messenger blankly: "I don't know what the red power messenger is talking about."

"Don't pretend to be stupid, you don't know what am I talking about? You are going to the Pearl Sect, but you are going to see Xueer?"

However, Zifeng's heart was even more surprised, he was also out of breath, his face was still blank.

"Master Quanling, I really don't understand what you are talking about? Is Xueer also in the hinterland of the sect?"

Hong You made a pair of wonderful eyes look at Zifeng without blinking.

Suddenly, she smiled, and her smile was sloppy.

"Well, A Lin Huh, you are so good at acting. If my sister Xuan'er didn't tell me in advance, I would be confused by your performance."

"Dear sister?"

It turned out that the messenger of the red power knew Shangguan Xuan'er.

Zifeng knew immediately in his heart. However, he still had a dazed expression.

It is rarely confused for wisdom, and great wisdom is for wisdom.

Ambassador Hong Quan took a deep look at Zi Feng and said with a wry smile, "Do you know why I came to Xichuan this time? My trip to Xichuan was commissioned by Xuan'er's sister. My dear sister asked me to be at least on August 10th. Come to Xichuan Pearl Academy. She told me that maybe I will see something surprising."

The Red Power Envoy looked at the side of his body, unable to stop Liuyun. He smiled and said: "I just came to Xichuan with curiosity. When I arrived at the Pearl Academy between Zhongzhou and Xichuan, someone reported to me that the life energy spar on the ladder was suddenly lost."

"Then, from all sides of the hospital, there is only Amber Pearl College without a hospital. So, I was curious to catch it. Then I found you climbing a ladder."

Zifeng listened quietly, smiling from time to time.

Ambassador Hong You turned his head and took a deep look at Zi Feng. He said sincerely: "Aunt Xuan did not lie to me. I did see some surprising things in Xichuan. This is not a universal surprise." "Zifeng, do you know? You were the first to climb the ladder. People?" Hong Quan asked Zifeng suddenly and very seriously.

Zifeng nodded silently.

But there is no pride or complacency on his face.

"Your heart must be very proud, right? After all, the first monk to successfully climb the ladder in 3000 years will be recorded in history anyway." Hong Youshi smiled:

Zifeng shook his head.

"I would never climb the ladder if it was not forced to do so. Master Command, the disciple begged the adults to inform the disciples what Xueer would encounter in the hinterland of the clan? Why did the Lord of Shangguanting tell the disciple that this trip to the sect was the last time I saw you Cher?"

The Hong Quan envoy was startled. Obviously, she was digesting Zifeng's words.

"Shangguan Gezhu, you must be talking about my dear sister. In fact, my sister Xuan'er and I are twin sisters. My name is Shangguan Hong'er,"

"As for why my dear son and sister told you this, I can't tell you the specifics. However, although Zifeng successfully climbed the ladder and was lucky enough to enter the sect, entering the sect does not mean that you can see Cher. ."

"To see Xue'er, you must pass through the triple hall and become the inner disciple of the Pearl Sect before you can see Xue'er."

Zifeng sighed softly in his heart: "Another disciple of Inner Sect."

The family is very strict in recruiting disciples.

They enroll students in several grades.

The lowest level is the registered disciple, he has only one name. In fact, he is a handyman for the family.

A little higher than the registered disciples are the outer disciples, who can practice basic martial arts skills every month and allocate meager training resources, but they will never be able to access unique martial arts skills.

Generally speaking, in order to replenish blood, the family will select some inner disciples from the outer disciples.

These inner disciples are qualified to learn martial arts from their own clan, and enjoy several or even ten times the training resources of outer disciples.

Of course, it is limited to this.

As for the disciples of the clan, they are the disciples taught by the patriarch, elders, and other senior officials. The treatment they enjoy is self-evident.

When Zifeng was a member of the Lin family, he personally experienced the treatment of his disciples at different levels. This treatment is completely different.

In Mingzhu Academy, although he experienced many difficulties and risks, he became an inner disciple. However, in the eyes of Bai Muya and others, the middle school disciples handed down from them are incomparable.

Zifeng originally thought that after climbing up the ladder and entering the hinterland of the Pearl Academy, she would be able to see Cher. Unexpectedly, he must pass through the Triple Hall and become a disciple of the Zhumen Inner Sect before he is qualified to see Xue'er.

The three-story lobby of Pearl Gate is actually three-story.

Every August, every Pearl Academy in the Three Wu Continent recommends two elite disciples. These two disciples became disciples of the outer door as soon as they entered the family.

However, if they want to advance to the inner door and become disciples of the inner door, they must successfully pass through the triple hall.

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