The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 990: Show anger

Soon after, people came to the foot of the mountain one by one. They saw the expressions of Zifeng and Lan Yi. They are all like Aunt Lan. After the shock subsided, they all followed Zifeng and Lan Yi, found a stone, and sat cross-legged.

Gradually, more and more people came to the foot of the mountain.

The raised rocks at the foot of the mountain are densely lined with monks.

There are more and more people. Later, there were not enough stones. The monks who came down from behind began to find an empty place by the rock to meditate.

At five o'clock in the morning, Wang Jianlong finally took Guo Yi and Xiao Jian down the mountain. The eyes of these two men passed over the crowd one by one. When they saw Zifeng sitting cross-legged, their eyes became murderous.

This **** made us almost miss time. Wang Jianlong said angrily.

"First, let him listen for a while. Next time, we must punish him severely." Xiao Jiandao.

Zifeng naturally heard the two cursing him, but Zifeng didn't take it seriously.

Since you want to assassinate me, you must be prepared to be killed and maimed!

The sky was clear, and the cold wind quietly appeared in front of everyone.

The monks stood up one after another.

The cold wind gazes like electricity, sweeping across the monk.

Finally, stay in Guo Yi.

"I told the examiner that my brother Guo Yi accidentally stepped on a loose rock while climbing and fell on the mountain. He suffered some injuries. The disciple replaced his brother and begged the examiner to let my brother get the best treatment from the clan." Wang Jianlong said modestly.

Leng Feng glanced at it slightly and said flatly: "Is this really just an autumn?"

Yes, I dare not hide the fact that the examiner is an adult. Wang Jianlong agreed.

Leng Feng gave a sneer, stretched out his right hand, snapped his fingers, and moved in the void, two black monks appeared in front of everyone out of thin air.

Before reaching Guo's house, two men in black set up Guo and left.

Leng Feng looked up at Dao Xinshan on the opposite side and said, "You have eliminated thirty-eight people."

Several sighs came from the hillside.

When Leng Feng turned his eyes, it looked at all the monks in front of him, and said without expression: "Same rules, at this time tomorrow, we will see you at the foot of Desire Mountain."

With that, the cold black cloak suddenly disappeared.

The monks began to climb the second temple, Mount Desire.

With the experience of climbing the first mountain, many monks started to slow down this time and only seek success.

I don't know how long it took, the sun came out, and the clouds around the mountains disappeared. Zifeng came to the mountainside. Four monks stopped him.

Three of the four monks know about it.

Wang Jianlong, who was beaten by him, came from Xiao Jian from Xichuan, Lan Yi, a genius boy from Donghuangbailiu City, and a young man with a little dark skin, who looked strange.

However, before going up the mountain, Zifeng heard people talking about this young man.

It is said that he is called Shen Gaohua, from a delta oasis in the northern desert region. He holds a superb Longyuan sword in his hand, which is a powerful enemy in the eyes of countless monks.

The four surrounded the unhappy Zifeng, worried that Zifeng would run away.

Faced with the siege of young talents from the four regions, Zi Feng's face was as calm as ever. He said lightly: "Do you welcome me?"

"Welcome? Hahaha, a joke." Xiao Jian stared at Zifeng and sneered, "Zifeng, you are really kidding. We all hope you are dead!"

Wang Jianlong stared at Zifeng coldly and said, "Zifeng, you are so arrogant. However, this time, you must peel yourself before you die." Aunt Lan frowned slightly. He asked, "Did you say that? Is he really the Eucharist of the sun?"

"It's natural."

Unexpectedly, Zifeng's name is far beyond his name, and it has spread to the northern desert area.

Aunt Lan nodded, took a deep look at Zifeng, and said: "Indeed, when I was in the Eastern Desert, I also heard that there is a solar Communion in Xichuan. It is said that the solar Communion is collapsing and staring. On the cliff. In the battle of Qin Ming, he defeated Qin Feng Academy by one to nine."

After hearing Aunt Lan's words, Xiao Jian's heart became even more angry, and his jealousy towards Aunt Lin became more rampant.

He suddenly said: "Brother Gao Hua, Brother Lan, Brother Stegosaurus, such dangerous opponents as Aunt Lin, how can we let him live in this world?"

"Yes, Brother Xiao Jian is right."

With a murderous look on Wang Jianlong’s face, he said, “Let’s kill him together! The blood of the Sun Eucharist is a great tonic. We killed him, cut him into eight pieces, drained his soul, and let He knows what it's like to break the rules."

After he finished speaking, suddenly, a shot hit the shadow of the void dragon.

I saw his body suddenly turned into an afterimage. A giant dragon sang from the afterimage, and two black dragon shadows struck Zifeng's side like lightning.

Xiao Jian's little dragon suddenly waved, and a cold and shiny sword hit Zifeng's throat!

at the same time.

Shen Gaohua held a Longyuan Sword in his hand and made a soft noise, suddenly slashing towards Zifeng.

Training of dragons, snakes and horses!

A fierce and terrifying giant shadow of dragon and snake flew out of Long Yuan Jian and flew towards Zifeng's back.

Aunt Lan sighed and said to herself: "I didn't want to go with you three shameless guys, but I must get the blood of the Sun Eucharist, so Zifeng, don't blame me for being ruthless."

With a wave of his right hand, his hand suddenly appeared out of thin air with a rich and blue gold-rimmed sword. This sword is very famous in Donghuang. Its name is Lan Jinjian. This is a rare sword that cuts iron like mud.

Lan Yi held a blue golden sword in his hand, let out a loud whistle, and slashed Lin Yi out with the sword. In the void, a blue light suddenly appeared!

"The blue flame burns the mountain!"

The blue light was as hot as fire, swept across the purple wind, and suddenly cut its direction!

In the face of the four genius terrorist snipers, Zifeng's face was as calm as usual, holding Ziyang sword in both hands, arms raised, and the sword cut out!

Draw a circle with a sword, the sky is round!

For an instant, Ding Dang's voice was heard all the time.

With only one sword, Zifeng blocked all four attacks.

All four of them were terrified!

Shen Gaohua saw Zifeng for the first time. He moved tentatively.

However, he didn't know that Zifeng's swordsmanship was so terrible that he used a sword to chop off the head of the dragon and snake he had transformed, which made his swordsmanship fall short.

Aunt Lan was even more shocked. He didn't know that Zifeng's sword would disintegrate his swordsmanship.

Zifeng's sword not only disintegrated his sword wind, but also injected turbulent vitality into his blue golden sword.

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