The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 995: Differentiated response

When the sacred knowledge entered the lotus throne space, a halo stronger than the pearls of Zongling Mountain enveloped our faces.

The poor dragon was the first to see Zifeng. It cheered and smiled and flew to Zifeng's side. Master, it’s been a long time, how is it? ? Have you successfully entered the pearl family?

Zifeng nodded and walked towards the seedling in the center of the space. The little blackbird and the old hairy monkey work hard and stay on both sides of the seedlings.

Seeing Zifeng coming, the little black bird glanced at him and continued to rest.

The old monkey followed the movements of the little black bird, glanced at Zifeng, and closed his eyes pretendingly.

Zifeng leaned forward and looked at the seedlings in silence for a while. The seedlings grow well. It is already a foot tall and has grown ten leaves. All the leaves are tender green and glowing with fluorescence.

It seems that the arrival of the purple wind is felt, and the flickering fluorescence of the seedlings becomes brighter.

Zifeng looked at the seedlings in silence for a while, stretched out his hand and gently stroked the green leaves. The seedling is like a shy little girl, shaking shyly.

Zifeng was suddenly taken aback. He quickly withdrew his big hand and gave the seedling a bright smile.

He turned and went to the hut. My sister-in-law is still sleeping. Zifeng inspected sister-in-law's body and found nothing abnormal. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Out of the hut, Zifeng came to the stone table, where Xu Xiuzi's ghost was waiting.

"Son, let's talk. What's the matter?"

Xu Xiuzi lost his temper after seeing all kinds of miracles from the sky in the lotus space, but he was still full of pride when he treated Zifeng.

Zifeng smiled: "I did what the predecessors didn't do at the beginning. Now I have successfully passed the test of Sanchongtang and officially passed the inner disciple of Mingzhumen. Tomorrow, I will have the honor to be with all my disciples. Witness the coronation ceremony of the saints." Xu Xiuzi's eyes lit up when she heard it.

"Good! Good. Good. Good boy, you are the first person to climb a ladder in 3000 years. Real people have not misjudged you."

Faced with Xu Xiuzi's admiration, Zifeng was calm. He asked: "The elder told me that when you climb the ladder, you want to borrow the sacred book of the Pearl Sect. I don’t know what is recorded in this sacred book. This is enough to attract the elderly, so even if the elderly risk their lives I will also take a look."

Xu Xiuzi took a deep look at Zifeng and said solemnly, "The sacred book of the Pearl clan records a great secret. Once this secret is successfully interpreted, we will know when and where the fairy gate will be opened."

"What? Is it Xianmen again?" Zifeng frowned immediately.

"Yes, there is a fairy gate record in the Pearl Sacred Book. However, this book is difficult to read. Only the patriarchs and sages of the Pearl Sect in the past are qualified to read this holy book." Xu Xiuzi said.

It is difficult to read the holy book, but Cher is qualified to read it carefully. Zi Feng said peace of mind.

Next, Zifeng asked Xu Xiuzi about Shengquan.

Xu Xiuzi told him that the holy spring of the Pearl Sect has the effects of the flesh and bones of the living and the dead, as well as many unknown magical effects.

Speaking of the magical effect, Xu Xiuzi couldn't help but glanced at his leg.

Zifeng immediately understood that Xu Xiuzi was a dwarf. He wants to take a bath in Shengquan of Pearl Sect. Initially, he hoped that his body would develop and grow taller in the second spring.

After clarifying these questions, Zifeng asked Xu Xiuzi about the holy beads.

However, despite Xu Xiuzi's good name, he did not know where the pearl saint disappeared mysteriously after being crowned.

As a result, Zifeng's mood was even heavier.

After chatting for a while, Zifeng knew how to leave the lotus seat space, but found that it was already midnight outside.

Bright moonlight came in through the windows, covering all the tables, chairs, and screens in the room.

After looking at the moon quietly for a while, Zifeng said to himself, "Xue'er, see you tomorrow. Don't worry, I will never allow anyone to force you to do anything against your wishes."

There was nothing to say all night.

The next day, at a very bright day, a deacon disciple knocked on Zifeng's door.

Wake up, wake up, today is the coronation ceremony of the Virgin, all the disciples go to Laoshan to worship.

Laoshan, in the mouth of the deacon’s disciple, is naturally Mount Zhu surrounded by nine spiritual mountains.

At dawn, Zifeng and 108 other new disciples, led by Leng Feng, came to the foot of Mount Zhushan.

Zifeng walked on the steps of Guangheren and followed the crowd up the steps to the mountain.

When climbing halfway up the mountain, for some reason, he suddenly felt a little uneasy.

He looked around, looking for the source of his anxiety, but found nothing unusual.

"It's strange. Why am I upset?" Zifeng wondered inwardly. Soon, a group of 108 people came to the temple on the top of the mountain.

The scarlet carpet covered the entire wide square, and gradually there were pearl disciples coming from all directions.

By late morning, thousands of people gathered in the square.

These tens of thousands are not the pearl of the elite. There are disciples, deacons, envoys and elders.

In contrast, Zifeng and other newly promoted inner disciples have the lowest strength.

Shangguan Xuan'er and Shangguan Hong'er sisters were both present. Zifeng was shocked to discover that Aunt Lark, who had been in a relationship several times, turned out to be the elder of the Pearl Sect.

The nine elders each guard a spiritual mountain. The rest of the protectors, messengers, deacons, and disciples lived on the thousands of mountains around them.

This is the eternal law that pearls have lived for thousands of years.

Only the patriarch and saints sit on Mount Zhu, surrounded by mountains.

Whether it is an elder, protector, messenger or deacon, they must obtain the permission of the suzerain to enter the Pearl Mountain.

There is only one exception, and that is the coronation ceremony of the saints is held every three years.

On this day, all the people living in Mingzhu Mountain gathered on Mingzhu Mountain to witness the coronation of the saint.

Three deafening horns sounded, and the square in front of the temple became more solemn.

Qingluan, the chief executive officer of the pearl, dressed in a red robe, surrounded by hundreds of people, slowly walked out of the temple.

Shangguan Qingluan, the ninth-generation master of the Pearl Sect, has unpredictable achievements.

As soon as she appeared, everyone bowed to her.

"Meet the patriarch."

Shangguan Qingluan was expressionless and walked slowly, without anger.

There is a fire phoenix embroidered on Dahongpao's skirt. The fire phoenix is ​​lifelike. With every step Huofeng took, she seemed to want to rush out of her skirt and soar for nine days.

Shangguan Qingluan ascended to the throne of the patriarch, took off his red robe, and sat on the throne.

"It's impolite, gentlemen."

Shangguan Qingluan said.

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