The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 1003: Send warmth

Zifeng's eye was slightly raised, and he raised his hand and hit Xue Ji with a punch.

In front of Wu Hou's strong presence, Xue'er's lower abdomen immediately drooped, the axe in his hand suddenly stopped, and his face was full of pain.

The sword in Xue'er's hand fell, and a five-foot-long sword light swept across Wuhou Qiang.

The strong fighter was cut in half at once!

Xueer turned to look at Zifeng. The murderous spirit on her was like a tide hitting her face. At this moment, her beautiful eyes have turned blood red. Her voice mechanically said to Zifeng, "Thank you for your help." Zifeng looked at Xue'er's expression at the moment, shocked. He urged eagerly: "Xue'er, calm down! I know you are very angry at the moment and want to kill all the animals in Qin Zongfeng, but don't be killed or swallowed by reason, it will be possessed!"

Xueer woke up suddenly.

She woke up like a dream, staring at Zi Feng in a daze, her eyes gradually turning red.

"My brother said, Xue is thought-provoking. Xueer understands."

Cher's eyes became extremely bright. She turned around and walked forward with a firm and steady step. The sword in her hand was shortened to about 10 feet, but its power was doubled from the previous one.

Under Jianmang, Qin Feng's disciples suffered many casualties.

More than a dozen tigers crossed the mountain to help Snow defeat Meng Na Wuhou. After Ren Xueer halved Wuhou, Zifeng suddenly looked back.

He found a very familiar face among the pearl disciples who followed him.

This face turned out to be beaten by him. Qin Nan is the first day of collaterals in the Qin family. I saw Qin Nan mingled in the crowd of Pearl disciples, secretly slapped her hands from time to time.

The hand he passed down immediately turned disciple Pearl into a dead soul.

However, what he did was so hidden that no one noticed the Pearl disciple next to him.

This guy is actually fishing in the crowd.

Zi Feng sneered, and took the obscene dragon out of the lotus space.

"Baby dragon, Qin Nan is on fire!"

Zifeng stretched out a finger to the crowd and ordered the little black dragon to say.


The poor dragon suddenly turned into a purple sword and shot Qin Nan in the crowd.

Qin Na is extremely sensitive to danger. He screamed and turned and ran away.

However, he forgot that he was in the crowd at the moment, surrounded by the crowd, and there was no possibility of escape.

With a whistling little black dragon, Qin Na twitched her whole body as she slipped in from his mouth, and fell to the ground on her back.

after a little while.

A spark suddenly ignited in his chest.

Puff, the little black dragon burst out of his chest.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Na's body was scorched by the dragon fire.

The little black dragon roared happily and rushed towards Qin Feng's unique disciple.

Zifeng simply released Xu Xiuzi's ghost, allowing this old fox who has practiced for more than 2,000 years to come out and make some contribution to the Pearl Sect.

At first, Xu Xiuzi still put on airs, self-reliant, and didn't want to talk to Zifeng.

But when Zifeng killed two warriors in succession, Xu Xiuzi swallowed part of the essence of the two monks, and he immediately tasted the benefits.

It turned out that Xie Jing, the monk, could actually repair his remaining soul.

Xu Xiuzi, who had tasted sweets, also joined the slaughter team. Although he is just a ray of soul, but after more than two thousand years of cultivation, his soul is still strong, and ordinary warrior monks are easily confused by him.

He bewildered the monk's attack, and then the sword in Zifeng's hand fell off, and then took the monk's life.

Xu Xiuzi enjoyed her success very much, and soon swallowed the essence and blood of the monk.

Xue'er and Zifeng gathered more and more pearl disciples behind them, and hundreds of them quickly gathered. Hundreds of people, including men and women, looked very excited, and followed Cher. They are fortunate to be able to fight alongside Lord Lord. They are proud of their death.

Killing all the way, blood, swords, corpses all the way.

Soon after, Zifeng suddenly saw a dozen monks not far from him, and they were playing very well.

He is very familiar with several monks. In the battle of Qin Ming, he defeated Xia Long, Han Rui, Wu You, Ye Meng and Qin Chenxi. The five of them are rounding up and killing the four female disciples of Mingzhu.

The bodies of the two pearl disciples lay on the ground. Obviously, before the arrival of Zifeng, five people in Xia Long had killed two pearl disciples.

Seeing that the five defeated people in the past were also here, Zi Feng suddenly became angry, his sword suddenly raised, Xia Long and others immediately felt danger.

They looked at Zifeng almost at the same time. When they saw Zifeng, they were all shocked.

"Ah! Zifeng!"

"Zifeng is here! Let's go!"

The five people began to flee. They have suffered a lot from Zifeng before. Now they don't want to be killed by Zifeng's sword on the battlefield of life and death.

Zifeng yelled: "Where to go!"

The sword in his hand turned upside down, and he wanted to chop it off. However, Zifeng suddenly changed his mind.

Xia Long is the prince of Daxia, Han Rui is the offspring of the sage, and Wu You is the offspring of the chess sage. The forces behind them are intertwined and extremely profound.

With a turn of his heart, Zifeng suddenly had an idea. Since I can't kill you, I will take you to the lotus seat space and use that piece of black land as a slave to me.

Thinking of this, Zifeng stretched out his hand and, in the blink of an eye, brought the five Xia Long people into the lotus space.

However, as soon as he saw Qin Chenxi, he was angry. He picked up the sword and hit Qin Chenxi's **** fiercely.


Qin Chenxi screamed and rolled into the lotus seat space.

"Humph, I'll pick you up later."

Zifeng left a word fiercely, and continued to follow Xue'er with a movement.

Xueer had fallen in front of a corpse, standing in the corpse ground, Xueer's expressionless face, continued to walk forward.

Zifeng followed Cher. Suddenly, his eyes turned and saw two old opponents.

Zhao Yunteng once urged Zong Mingde and Zifeng to gamble at Amber Villa, and Zhao Mingde’s cross-eyed genius Zhao Hu.

The two men had blood on their swords and murderous intent. The two pearl disciples had just died under the sword.

"This is a war between Qin Zongfeng and Mingzhuzong. What is the pulse of the Zhao family to join in the fun? It's time to kill!"

Zifeng held a giant sword, moved his steps slightly, and blinked in front of the two people.

"Zifeng? Are you even here?" Zhao Hu crossed his eyes and looked at Zifeng in surprise.

Zhao Yunteng stared at Zifeng and suddenly laughed: "Hahaha, Zifeng, how dare a little shrimp like you participate in the war between Qin Zongfeng and Mingzhuzong? Your time is up!"

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