Seeing this, the abandoned people were immediately terrified. They quickly gathered together and looked at the cold-armed robots equipped with crude weapons. They don't know what happened.

Gather everyone together, I have some questions to ask them! The leader of the citizens issued another order, and then all the abandoned people were driven by armed robots and continued to gather in one place. During this period, some abandoned people tried to resist, but armed robots easily subdued them!

"I don't know? Very good, I will remind you what to remember!"

The civic leader's smile became more relaxed and kind, but his eyes became extremely cold, as if these eyes and this face did not belong to the same person at all!

Armed guards, tortured him immediately, until he spoke!

According to the order, the two armed robots immediately stood up and firmly grasped the struggling abandoned person.

Morris's companion yelled loudly, but was shocked, and his body immediately collapsed.

"Damn bastard, what the **** are you doing? Let go of him!"

After seeing what happened to his companions, Morris couldn't stand it anymore. He shook the palm of Uncle Jim's hand and aimed the civic leader with a crossbow.

After seeing Morris' action, the armed robot immediately locked him with a weapon and issued a cold warning.

The civic leader smiled and looked at Morris angrily. "Now you can tell me who is in the raid, of course you can choose not to say it, but in that case, your companions will suffer!"

Looking at Morris, who was struggling, the civic leader's smile became brighter and brighter!

With a crossbow and gun in his hand, Maurice V will be defeated when he tries to attack the deserter.

Even though Zifeng's hands survived at the last moment, Morris and his family, their performance in the battle was truly extraordinary, and they showed their faces on all the deserters nearby.

However, when their opponents become citizens, the original advantages of weapons are completely shattered, and the crossbow gun alone no longer poses a threat to the enemy.

Even if it desperately wants to kill a few citizens, the ultimate destiny is life to death!

This truth is understood not only by Uncle Jim, but also by Morris and them. Therefore, they are unwilling to completely tear their faces off the citizens until they are exhausted.

However, Morris' patience will never be replaced by the patience of citizens. He believes that he is superior to others, and at the same time, he has a powerful force. If he doesn't hit the enemy hard and step on a few feet, he will never give up.

It is undoubtedly crazy to abandon the people and citizens, let them understand each other and live together peacefully!

At this time, seeing his companion lifted off the ground by an armed robot, his thin body convulsed from the electric shock, and even his urine soaked his pants, Morris only felt that his anger was beyond description.

This is not the first time he has seen such a scene, nor is it the first time he has heard about bullying citizens, but he has never paid much attention to it, and even thinks it is a reasonable thing.

Whoever makes them humble, citizens will always be aloof!

But when there was unwillingness in my heart, it happened that this kind of thing happened to him, Morris was stunned to find that this feeling was so painful and desperate!

Morris looked at these mocking citizens coldly, feeling as if he was in a furnace, either burning the enemy to death in the First World War, or succumbing to defeat and turning his dignity to ashes! In addition, Morris still has an idea in his mind that even he himself does not want to admit, that is to change his life so that the women in white clothes among the citizens can face themselves and even become their own women!

Otherwise, as she is now, she will always be an ordinary passerby who doesn't know her name, and will soon be forgotten.

As for the poacher who harmed citizens with his soul, Morris had already determined that it was Zifeng, and he knew that he must have shot to protect himself. At present, the choice of hiding is also very good, but because the enemy is too strong, the injured Zifeng is probably not the opponent.

Even if he guessed it, Morris would not betray it, even if he died!

For this mysterious man who fulfilled his life's greatest wish and sent weapons to him and his companions, Morris has long regarded him as God and will never allow anyone to blaspheme him!

In the crackling sound, Morris went through a process of struggle, pain, hesitation and final determination, and finally understood what his future life would be like.

The fire of desire in his heart was also deliberately aroused by Zifeng. It appeared from scratch, and it burned more and more!

The fingers that had been released from the trigger of the crossbow gun were put up again, and the trembling arms suddenly became calm. Morris looked at the proud citizen leader coldly, with a flash of ridicule in his eyes.

"Do you think this will make me succumb, and then watch me kneel on the ground like a dog, begging for your forgiveness?"

Hearing what Morris said, the civic leader showed consternation, taking it for granted.

"You are right, so will you succumb? Or watch your companions continue to suffer to protect the sneak attackers with their heads and tails hidden?"

When the civic leader said this, his tone became even colder: "I can tell you that a floating city will never let anyone dare to harm the interests of citizens!"

The civic leader’s remarks have shown his attitude, that is, if the attacker is not found, he will never let go.

Turning his head to look at Uncle Jim lying on the ground, a trace of guilt flashed in Morris' eyes. As a result, he saw the color of approval in Uncle Jim's eyes.

The two have been together for many years, and many things only require eye contact. This is exactly what Morris immediately understood Uncle Jim's thoughts.

He is supporting himself, encouraging himself with his eyes!

He nodded to Uncle Jim, then turned to look deeply at his companion and Zifeng. Morris turned to the civic leader and smiled, "Coincidentally, I will never let anyone want to hurt my companion!"

As soon as the voice fell, Morris' body suddenly rushed forward. Before everyone recovered, he had rushed in front of a citizen, and at the same time pointed the crossbow gun at the opponent's head.

"Get out of the way, or I will kill him!"

Morris's face was a little distorted. He put his arms around the shocked citizen and yelled at the unprepared citizen. "Damn bastard, are you crazy?"

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