The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1054: You are partial!

If you want to remove this control method, unless your strength is similar to or surpasses Zifeng, you will not only be unable to remove it, but you will even be seriously injured by yourself, and you will directly become an idiot or a corpse!

With Zifeng's knowledge and the vast sea god, it is estimated that no one in this world can match it, let alone dissolve this rune.

Although Xiao didn't know the horror of Zifeng, she had never seen such a method, but her heart was very clear, that is, she can no longer save herself now, and life and death can only be thought of by Zifeng alone!

She began to regret secretly in her heart. She shouldn't have been so impulsive and willful, and took the initiative to stand up and act as a hostage to Morris, so she is now in danger.

Only when things have reached this point, regret is useless. If you want to live, you must obey the orders of the mysteriously abandoned person, and then slowly find a solution to the problem. "Sir, you don't actually need to..."

Morris's voice rang, hesitated, his eyes dodged and dared not look at Zifeng.

"She almost killed you just now, don't you care?"

Zifeng's gaze fell elsewhere and asked Morris in a casual tone.

"This. I don't think she did it on purpose, and I'm fine too?"

After hearing Zifeng's inquiry, Morris plucked up the courage to answer.

Before Zifeng could speak, Uncle Jim suddenly opened his mouth. He said to Morris with a serious expression, "The reason you are safe is that your husband saved your life, otherwise you might be dead now!

Children, there are some things I may not say, but I still want to remind you that the people and citizens we abandon are completely two people in the world. Together, there is no result. You had better not do stupid things!

Morris blushed when he heard this, but he still argued: "Uncle Jim, you misunderstood me. In fact, it's not what you think. I just..."

"Well, you don't have to explain, just remember to be responsible for your actions!"

Zifeng interrupted Morris with a wave, then pointed at his eyebrows, and saw a rune on Morris's eyebrows.

Morris touched his forehead and looked at Zifeng with a confused expression.

"This is a little bit of spirit I gave you, enough for you to protect yourself, and this woman will also be controlled by you, life or death, going or staying, all in your mind.

However, I want to remind you that once the rune that imprisoned her disappears, the spirit you possess will also completely disappear!

After saying this, Zifeng no longer paid attention to Morris's face, and should walk towards the depths of the Monster City.

Uncle Jim sighed gently, patted Morris on the shoulder, and immediately followed Zifeng.

After standing for a few seconds, Morris looked at Xiao who had stood up with complicated eyes, and motioned for her to follow.

As for the young, her life and death have been controlled by others, and she is now back to the original indifference, even more indifference. At first, her attitude towards Morris had changed a little, but now she was like a stranger.

Morris is naturally aware of this, so his mood is also very low.

Zifeng noticed this scene naturally, but he didn't. Morris' training is only based on his nature.

At present, the most important thing is actually to search the Loucheng world and establish an airplane passage as soon as possible.

After his observation and understanding, he determined that this place should be a world with a large number of source rocks, which may have been mined and held in the hands of floating cities and monster cities.

Maybe these two people who are crazy about mining underground mineral resources, besides needing to build a city, are more likely to find rough!

Only rough stones with huge energy can be used to build floating cities and monster cities. These two special cities can be called miracles!

The rough mosaics transplanted between the eyes of the citizens can prove this. Routinely checking the search progress of the plane coordinates, Zifeng was surprised to find that the plane coordinates of the Loucheng World had been locked, and the transmission channel was also under construction.

This shows that he can return to Loucheng World soon, or send the Three Dragon City monks to start a new war!

Outside the monster city, the sandstorm did not stop. God knows how long it will take to dissipate.

The deteriorating environment cut off vitality. It is estimated that in another 100 years, only monster cities and purely mechanical creatures will remain on the ground.

As for the abandoned people who are still alive, if there is no accident, they will only become piles of skeletons!

Even according to Zifeng's estimation, even citizens living in floating cities must stay away from here as soon as possible and find new homes, otherwise it will only happen sooner or later.

The collapse of a world, when everything really dies, will never be changed by the existence of an intelligent creature!

On the windy beach, a huge plane appeared and slowly landed outside the monster city.

If in normal times, these ships from the city of floating air dare not get too close to the city of monsters, so as not to be shot down by the warning device!

However, before and after the hibernation period in the monster city, the spacecraft from the floating city can approach as far as possible without worrying about being attacked.

Of course, all we can do is get closer. If we take more excessive actions, such as trying to destroy the monster city, we will definitely be countered by the ultimate defense system.

This kind of defensive device similar to the dead hand system is enough to make both sides fall into a terrible disaster at the same time. It is for this reason that both sides are afraid of each other and try to avoid mutual destruction.

At this time, as the spacecraft stopped, the hatch quickly opened, and the energetic figure quickly descended.

This is a group of special citizens wearing black masks and black trench coats. Compared with the previous batch of white citizens, they exude a dangerous and **** smell without exception.

In addition, their weapons and equipment are more capable of killing people than the electric high-pressure air pistols equipped by Xiao et al.

After seeing this group of people in black appear, a citizen who stayed outside the monster city immediately welcomed them. Facing these ferocious and famous men in black, he dared not ignore anything.

To the citizens, these black law enforcement officers are the army of the floating city, and they are also special forces in the army!

Each candidate must reach a certain level of intelligence, so that he or she can use special standard weapons to obtain combat power far superior to ordinary soldiers.

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