The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1056: Have to guard against

Even he vaguely guessed that the young person who took the initiative to stand up as a hostage might have been affected by the other's mental power, and she didn't know anything about it.

It’s just why the other party chose to be a smaller person. Does this have any special purpose?

"Immediately connect to the database of the law enforcement team to conduct a comprehensive analysis of this abandoned citizen. I want to know all the information related to him!"

The judge issued the order, and his people naturally executed it immediately. Soon two players came forward. They were running at full speed on the spacecraft equipment, inputting the photos of Zifeng for comparison.

This floating city doesn't know how to abandon these people and let them die. Instead, it keeps secret surveillance from a very high position. Over time, it naturally collected and sorted out a lot of information about abandoning people.

In fact, the main reason that the floating city can do this is to monitor the movement of the monster city, observe and record people's abandonment.

The result of the comparison is very disappointing, because there is no record of Zifeng in the database, as if he appeared out of thin air.

The judge looked at the slightly frowning expression and ordered his men to search for Morris' information. Soon, the video data belonging to this area was collected, and then part of the file was intercepted for observation.

In the first video broadcast, the pit where Morris and his family lived was clearly displayed. Morris and Uncle Jim appeared from time to time.

According to the photo, Zifeng did not appear at this time. Obviously, he later came into contact with people who were abandoned like Morris.

With the fast forward of the image, the purple wind never appeared again, and continued until the garbage release day.

In this video, Morris and his team found a comatose man on the garbage dump and rescued him from danger.

The judge's eyes were fixed on the screen. When he saw the abnormal situation during the rescue, his expression became more serious.

Zifeng's magical performance made him more and more aware that there must be a huge secret hidden behind it!

"Give me a lock on this trash mountain, I want to see who can hurt him like this!"

According to the judge's request, his staff quickly took out the image record of the garbage mountain area, and the injured and unconscious Zifeng appeared in front of everyone again.

At this moment, his clothes are different from those of Monster City. The conspicuous purple and gold armor and terrible damage made people feel scared at first glance.

The judge carefully looked at Zifeng who was unconscious, and he felt that he was getting closer and closer to the truth.

The video keeps going backwards. When it reaches a certain period of time, the screen immediately shakes violently, and nothing can be seen. There seemed to be some kind of special power erupting around.

Fortunately, the photo returned to normal after a few seconds, but the purple wind that was lying there was gone! After seeing this scene, the judge's pupils suddenly shrank, and he suddenly stood up from his chair.

"My God, what the **** is going on? How did this guy pop up out of thin air?"

Someone next to him exclaimed, it seemed shocked!

Everyone around looked at the judge. They don't know how to deal with this incredible thing and this obvious and mysterious person.

The judge got out of the chair and began to pace back and forth on the ground, as if thinking about something.

"According to the video record, this mysterious person obviously did not abandon this person, but appeared here out of thin air as an outsider. Even based on his appearance and clothes, he may not belong to this world!

I was very surprised just now, how could an abandoned citizen wake up naturally, his power is still so powerful, but if he comes from other worlds, it can be explained.

His spiritual power and his original world are extremely important to today's floating city.

Today's floating cities look prosperous, but it comes at the cost of overdrawing the world’s lifespan. Those in power have long been aware of this and have never stopped exploring new homes.

The appearance of this mysterious man may make an unexpected breakthrough in the delayed exploration work.

The judge said more and more excitedly that the excitement on his face was almost uncontrollable, and his arms were constantly waving in the air.

"This is an extremely important opportunity, so we must not miss it, otherwise it is an unforgivable sin!"

After the judge said this, he did not hesitate to withdraw the unrelated personnel. At the same time, he rushed to the communicator and applied to the highest official of the floating city to be connected.

In an emergency, a judge with special powers can talk directly to the chief executive. The current situation is in full compliance with the standard.

After waiting for a minute or so, the communication was successfully connected, and the judge immediately reported all the information he had in an eager tone.

Regarding the judge's story, the Supreme Governor chose to believe that because the other party is his most trusted hand, he would never make a joke about this kind of thing.

The highest consul on the other side of the screen took a deep breath and realized the importance of this matter, so he asked in a majestic tone: "Then how do you think we should handle this matter to ensure that the other party will not run away! "

Upon hearing this, the judge said immediately: "I suggest starting the ‘quarantine’ procedure and mobilizing all troops to enter the ground to completely seal off this monster city and prevent it from escaping to the greatest possible extent!

At the same time, all members of the law enforcement team were deployed into the monster city to start a search. Once the target is found, it will be captured at all costs!

Archon, the opportunity is fleeting. We cannot hesitate this time.

Seeing the eager and enthusiastic expressions of his most trusted employee, the top officer was silent for a while, and finally nodded slowly.

A streamer cut through the sky and quickly fell to the ground, dragging a striking flame in the night sky.

With the appearance of the first beam, the second and third beams appeared quickly.

The meteor-like light centered on the monster city spreads evenly until it falls to the ground at some point.

A huge tail flame ejected from the bottom of these cylindrical objects, slowing down the force of falling so that it would not sink to the ground due to inertia.

When the force of falling is cancelled out, these huge special cylinders will take root directly at the precise distance measured by the ruler and stand upright on the desolate ground.

From a distance, it looks like a tall metal watchtower.


Four bright lights appeared from the top of the cylinder, illuminating the surrounding area like searchlights. At the same time, there were exquisite armed drones flying out of the cylinder like bees, hovering around the swimming trail!

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