The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1060: go ahead!

If you never heard of me or know that I am dead, never forget that a boy who abandoned people fell in love with you at first sight and even gave his life! As Morris's voice fell, the rune on his little palm disappeared completely, and he shook it a few times before suddenly falling to the ground.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, sir!"

Morris was pale and smiled sadly at Zifeng, who passed out due to a nervous breakdown.

"No, I'm actually very happy, because you finally know what you want to do!"

Zifeng smiled and waved, Morris' body floated off the ground and fell in front of Uncle Jim and the others.

"Even if you leave the Monster City now, you will never escape the siege of the citizens, so I suggest you enter the building where the mutant plant was found just now and wait for my notice before you leave."

Uncle Jim seemed to be ready a long time ago. Now he is more obedient to Zifeng. Hearing Zifeng let them escape into the metal building, he immediately picked up Morris who was unconscious.

"Sir, take care, I'm leaving now!"

Uncle Jim knew in his heart that Zifeng would never give up on them, but would stay and deal with the enemy alone.

Tribute to Zifeng. Uncle Jim was about to turn around and leave when he heard a low voice not far away.

"Stop here, none of you want to leave today!"

Uncle Jim was about to leave, and slowly turned around, placing Morris behind him.

At this time, Zifeng looked straight ahead blankly, as if he wasn't surprised by the sudden appearance of the enemy.

With this low and indifferent voice, behind the surrounding metal buildings, a figure wearing a black windbreaker soon appeared, surrounding Zifeng and others from all sides.

The cold muzzle pointed at Zifeng and others. This special gun uses mental power to assist shooting and can fire a special wire-controlled bullet. The speed can be controlled within 50 meters at will. Even arc shooting is easy.

Once locked by this highly accurate gun, it is almost impossible to get rid of it, because where the shooter's sight falls, the bullet will follow it!

When Uncle Jim and others saw this behind the scenes, they immediately raised their crossbow and aimed at a man in black.

Although the number of enemies far exceeded them, Uncle Jim and the others were mentally prepared and did not show any fear.

When Xiao saw the reinforcements finally arrived, he immediately stepped back and stumbled behind the man in black, with the expression of a survivor on his face.

Just looking at Morris in a coma, a complicated meaning appeared in her eyes, but it quickly disappeared, and her expression returned to the original indifference.

"How dare you, do you know that kidnapping citizens is enough to kill you several times?"

The voice just now appeared again, and several figures appeared in the crowd. The first person is a judge of the black law enforcement team.

He looked at Uncle Jim and the others with cold eyes, seemingly full of disdain, and stayed on the crossbow gun for a few seconds, suddenly a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. "From the perspective of the manufacturing process of these weapons, it is obvious that the processing capabilities of the abandoned people have been exceeded, and even the floating air can only be barely manufactured!

These delicate weapons have many connections. They should be gifts from someone. Am I right?

Uncle Jim obviously didn't answer the judge's question, and the judge himself knew it well, so he went on to say: "Unauthorized possession of prohibited weapons is an aggravating circumstance, so if there is no accident, you are already dead!"

After saying this, the judge turned to Zifeng again, with a warm smile on his stiff face, but it seemed very uncomfortable.

"For the first time, let me introduce myself. My name is the judge. I am the highest commander of the Black Law Enforcement Team in the Floating City. What do you call me?"

Zifeng looked at the judge in front of him, and faintly replied: "You can call me Zifeng."

"It turned out to be Lord Zifeng. I may ask if the weapons held by these abandoned people were given by you?"

Zifeng nodded, "Yes."

"In this way, you have violated the laws of Floating Air City. In addition, you have also participated in the kidnapping of citizens and may use your mind to steal all the memories of a citizen. Therefore, you must be arrested and tried!"

Zifeng listened and sneered: "The abandoned people do not enjoy the benefits of the floating city. It is ridiculous to keep the law of the floating city."

The judge's face remained unchanged, and he said in a very serious tone: "You are wrong to say that. You know, if there is no floating city, these abandoned people may starve to death or be eaten by radiation monsters because of lack of food. !

In fact, they have already enjoyed enough benefits and naturally must abide by the laws of floating cities.

Zifeng could only sneer at the judge's words.

"If you think that donating garbage is a kind of welfare, I naturally have nothing to say, but I think you already know my origins and know that I don't belong to this world!

I have never enjoyed your "welfare", and naturally I don't have to abide by your laws. Are you right?

"No, no, no, no, since you participated in the kidnapping of citizens, you must accept punishment, even if you are not a deserter, after all, this is my territory, and I have the last say!"

"Sounds great, but what if I don't want to cooperate?"

Zifeng looked at the satisfied judge, and asked curiously.

"Then I can only see the real seal under my hand. In fact, I want to understand your magic methods. You know, even I can't steal all the memories of a monk!"

There was a trace of enthusiasm on the judge's face. As a madman in battle, he hasn't met an opponent for a long time. Now he finally met a master from another world. How could he miss it easily?

When the two sides talked about this, the smell of gunpowder was getting stronger and stronger, and the battle seemed imminent.

Zifeng looked at the people who were pointing the guns and waved to Uncle Jim to retreat to a safe distance to avoid accidental injuries in the battle. The judge immediately concentrated enough attention to raise his vigilance while taking out a similar iron weapon from his waist and pointed it far at Zifeng.


The horrible smell spread from Zifeng's body, making the nearest uncle Jim and other people difficult to breathe, and retreated again from a distance of more than ten meters. At the same time, the mechanical worms on the surrounding metal buildings began to proliferate uncomfortably.

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