The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1063: stunt!

What is going on, is the monster city attacking?

The commander finally connected to the monitoring center of the isolated tower at the other end and asked loudly what had happened, because from their location, the fire could only be seen from the monster city, and then the isolated tower was directly broken.

The isolation tower was built for the abandoned people and radiation monsters, but the abandoned people will never have such an attack. The only explanation is that the dormant monster city attacked them, but I don't know why!

In this world, only monster cities can compete with mobile cities. The response of the monitoring center also confirmed this point. The isolation tower was indeed attacked by some high-speed weapons.

But this situation is definitely not in line with common sense, because the monster city has never actively launched an attack, and in order to avoid causing the monster city to be vigilant, they even set up an isolation tower at a safe enough distance.

So what caused the monster city to attack?

"Lock me the shooting position just now, I want to see what happened?"

After the commander's order was issued, the video immediately switched, and a huge metal wall appeared in front of him. When he saw the painting clearly, he gasped.

He saw the enemy in black armor standing hundreds of meters away on the open space on the top of the wall like a flagpole, shooting with a strange weapon.

"What's going on? Are they attacking the isolation tower?"

After a shock, the commander continued to observe.


There was another loud noise, and the last isolated tower in front of the entrance was directly blown to pieces!

But the commander saw this behind the scenes, and my heart was slightly relieved.

As long as it is determined that the attacking city is not a monster city, the commander does not need to worry about triggering a large-scale war. As for attackers of unknown origin, they are easily resolved.

Order the drone team to launch a precise attack and kill all these **** bastards!

The command was delivered, and the unmanned aerial vehicle that had been hovering in the air immediately responded. They formed a formation and rushed towards the edge of the monster city with a stream of air.

"In time, call me!"

On the top of the metal wall, Qianlong looked at the rapidly approaching drone group and waved his hand to issue an attack command.

The long-awaited Three Dragon City brothers immediately opened fire. In the continuous shooting, the drone exploded in the air, just like setting off spectacular fireworks!

Occasionally, there will be unmanned aerial vehicles close to the attack distance, but their attacks will not cause damage to the Holy Dragon City monk, because in front of the Holy Dragon City monk, a series of flashing energy shields appear out of thin air.

More than 20 magicians participated in the team's attack, providing enough defense for their companions so that they could attack without blinking.

Commanders in the distance have seen this scene. When he was shocked and angry, he cared more about where these strange and powerful enemies came from.

With the surveillance methods that floating cities possess, it is impossible for any armed forces to escape decades of investigation unless they appear out of thin air?

Maybe more than one tourist is from another world, but a group?

Thinking of this, the commander's pupils suddenly shrank, and his eyes were colorful.

Seeing that the number of unmanned aerial vehicle attacks was decreasing, he immediately decided to send troops to attack and subdue unknown militants in Monster City.

If it proves that they really come from another world, then they must live, which is of great significance to floating cities.

The soldiers who received the order moved quickly. They drove an armored vehicle and drove forward quickly, passing through the open space in front of Monster City in a short time, and suddenly stopped on the edge.

Teams of heavily armed soldiers jumped out of the armored vehicles and then tried to rush into the entrance of Monster City under the cover of their comrades. Everything seems to be going well.

But before they took action, they were suddenly sniped by the monks of Shenlong City. As the gunfire sounded, the soldiers in the charge poured a puddle of blood. The Three Dragon City monks used extremely precise shooting techniques to establish a death blockade on the edge of the monster city. However, in just a few minutes, the indigenous soldiers paid extremely heavy casualties.

After hiding in the armored car with holes, they did not dare to stick out their heads at all, lest the bullets would be smashed out of the rapid fire!

But the Three Dragon City monks would obviously not let them go easily. Soon, the miniature rocket flew out from the top of the metal wall, turning the armored vehicle into a burning fireball.

Many soldiers were swept by the shock wave of the explosion, and their bodies were torn apart in the air!

Soon there will be no more active figures on the battlefield. Obviously, the first attack completely failed.

The commander in the distance saw this scene and was very angry. The enemy's firepower exceeded his imagination, and his troops suffered such heavy casualties for the first time.

The **** facts finally made him realize that these enemies are not defenseless deserters or low-intellect radiation monsters, but a group of soldiers who have really experienced battlefield killings.

He didn't have time to consider where his opponent came from. He only knew that if he wanted to defeat such an opponent, he had to do his best. Otherwise, the final loser must be himself!

"Order the first, third and fifth robots to attack immediately and launch a fierce attack on the enemy's area. At the same time, the first group will participate in coordinated operations. They must rush into the monster city and kill these **** for me!"

The commander gave the order sullenly, because he couldn't shell the Monster City, which made him frustrated and vomited blood.

This group of hateful guys shamelessly used this feature of Monster City and faced themselves without fear, and indeed received the desired effect.

But the next fierce offensive, the opponent is destined to be unstoppable, and the ultimate winner will be yourself!

After the commander's order was issued, all personnel involved in the battle were in place one after another. They looked at the corpses in front of them from a distance, one by one looking solemn.

The officer leading the team was worried. They are very aware of the combat effectiveness of their soldiers, and they have also seen the cold blood and tenacity of the enemy.

More than a hundred well-trained elite soldiers were wiped out without even entering the entrance of Monster City. This is definitely a complete fiasco!

In the past 20 years or so, the army of Floating City has hardly participated in real battles, and some soldiers have not even touched their guns several times.

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