The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1068: Golden combination

After walking for some distance, the remains of the armed robot began to appear in the passage, with obvious marks of fighting around it. There is nothing else.

Zifeng looked around and continued: As a result, he saw a dismembered corpse of a citizen, which was randomly discarded on the edge of the tunnel. On his remaining limbs, some metal parts were also installed, which were obviously removed from the armed robot, and then assembled a pair of weapons similar to power armor.

In addition to the corpses of citizens, there are several extremely delicate mechanical remains. Compared with the giant mechanical guardians killed by Zifeng, these small mechanical relics are undoubtedly more perfect!

As for the rough stones in these mechanical organisms, they have been dug away. Obviously, this is the job of civic leaders and others.

After seeing this scene, Zifeng immediately put away the mechanical and biological debris and rushed towards the front passage.

When he approached, there was the sound of fighting, accompanied by human screams.

The passage was over, and a brightly lit underground hall suddenly appeared in front of Zifeng!

After slowly entering the hall, Zifeng saw the huge source stone floating in the center at a glance, and the expression on his face also appeared.

If you observe carefully, you will find that this huge source stone is not complete, but is made up of many small source stones, but under the constraints of a special force field, many source stones are always together.

Only in this way, its value will be greatly reduced.

Under this huge pieced together source rock, there are countless upward floating metal wires, which constantly fly in the air like the roots of plants, constantly absorbing the overflowing energy of the source rock.

Look down these wires and you will find a huge transparent container filled with unknown liquid, soaking a super brain the size of a car!

The flashing light from the brain sulcus can confirm that it is not a real biological brain, but an artificial brain.

The metal wire that absorbs the energy of the source stone protrudes from the metal brain, and the flash on the groove is obviously the absorbed source energy!

Zifeng has reason to believe that the operation of the entire Monster City is accomplished by controlling this metal brain.

At this time, in front of the sealed transparent container, stood dozens of white armed robots with smooth bodies, and a row of antenna-shaped objects, like peacocks, extended from the back of their heads.

Compared with civilian armed robots, these white robots are more similar to humans in appearance and have more realistic facial features.

The white robot holds a strange weapon in his hand. They aimed at the armed robot in the hall and fired continuously. The energy beam fired by the weapon burned the metal wall. The molten iron kept dripping.

Armed robots are full of holes, but they continue to attack. From time to time, the white robot was hit and was thrown on the ground by heavy smoke, showing a painful color on its face.

At the edge of the hall, three civil leaders wearing mechanical exoskeleton are approaching the position of the metal brain under the cover of armed robots. Obviously, the purpose of their travel is related to this metal brain!

Zifeng looked at it and turned his attention back to the metal brain. He wanted to know what the civic leaders were looking for after experiencing so much trouble.

After a period of careful observation, Zifeng discovered that there was a smaller container beside the container with the metal brain, and inside it was a metal brain that had been shrunk countless times!

After seeing this tiny metal brain, Zifeng's eyes lit up. Zifeng finally knew why the civic leader had come.

If we can get a miniature version of the metal brain, then activate and nurture it with rough stones, and invest enough resources, a brand new monster city can be built!

The so-called monster city is actually a metal city designed and constructed by a metal brain uncontrollably, and the floating city where citizens live can build designated buildings according to the requirements of the citizens!

As long as it is transformed by special means, this metal brain can be completely built into a brand new floating city, and it will continue to grow and develop!

The value of this article is extremely high, not only for citizens, but also for Zifeng.

In addition to the upgradeable construction city, the construction of Shenlong City has been completed by humans, but if you get this metal brain, you can give the construction work to the metal brain, and Zifeng only needs to provide enough metal raw materials!

According to the terrible division and consumption rate of Monster City, the resources of the entire world will not last long. This world that is about to collapse due to exhaustion of resources is the best proof!

However, for Shenlong City, which can continue to invade other worlds, it is not worried about the exhaustion of resources. When the resources of one world are exhausted, it can be replaced by another world to continue collecting.

In the past, Three Dragon City would only collect the origins and treasures of the world. If it has this kind of metal brain, there will be many special metals in the collected items, so as to ensure that the built metal city will be very strong!

Thinking of this, Zifeng no longer hesitated, his figure flashed to the center of the hall, and went straight to the miniature metal brain.

Seeing Zifeng suddenly rushing into the battlefield, the civic leader and the white robot changed their faces. At the same time, they regarded him as the target of attack, and the intense firepower immediately surrounded him.


With a cold snort, Zi Feng took out a pile of spirit jade talisman from the storage space and quickly injected it towards the surrounding area.


A fierce roar sounded, and flames, frost, poison gas and lightning erupted in the exploding jade ornaments, surrounding all the enemies that attacked him.

These jade charms have terrible power, and even the lord monks dare not touch them easily, and the robots are naturally not immune, one after another explosions ensued.

The original intensive gunfire suddenly disappeared at this time. In this short moment, Zifeng had reached the edge of the metal brain, and reached out to take the miniature metal brain next to it.

When he stretched out his hand, two special souls appeared and attacked him in an disorderly manner.

Zi Feng sneered and mobilized his huge seagod to counterattack, and directly defeated the spirit of these two sneak attackers!

At the same time, screams came from the edge of the hall, and the two companions of the citizen leader fell to the ground, completely unconscious.

These two guys went too far when they attacked Zifeng, and ended up stealing chickens and not eating rice. Who knows if they will become idiots?

As for the civic leader, he was looking at him coldly at this moment, but there was no attack.

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