The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1072: First line of defense

As for how many points it will consume, Zifeng doesn't care at this time!

The energy beam violently collided with the protective cover, producing a huge explosion. Then a crack appeared. The highest level of protection light curtain that may crash in a wild war zone!

The remaining beams of energy fell on the ground, and in the end only a dozen basin-sized pits were hit. The crisis of destroying the holy city has disappeared.

Zifeng's hanging heart finally returned to its original position. At the same time, he breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at the residents of Shenlong City, who looked at him stupidly on the ground.

"The Lord of the City is back, we won!"

A **** Shenlongcheng monk shouted loudly, and at the same time he pulled the cavalry soldiers out of him, shouting with excitement on his face.

"Long live the Duke!"

The survivors of the residents of the Holy Dragon City looked up at Zifeng at this time, roaring like a mountain tsunami, echoing on the rebirth of the Holy Dragon City.

The residents who just opened the seal didn't know that the Zifeng and Three Dragon City monks who appeared out of thin air at the most critical moment had been separated from them for a long time.

At this time, although the crisis of destroying the city has been resolved, the war has not yet subsided, and the injured residents of Sacred Dragon City need timely treatment.

Fortunately in my heart, if it were not for the magic power of the mobile phone, Shenlong City had now become a ruin, and the wounded Monk Shenlong City would not be able to hold on anymore!

Save the wounded, put out the flames, everyone, hurry up!

Without the order of Zifeng, the monk of the Holy Dragon City guarding around rushed into the Holy Dragon City one after another like an arrow from the string.

There is no time to talk and celebrate with relatives and friends. The urgent Three Dragon City monks just rummaged through the ruins and rescued the injured Three Dragon City residents. After receiving simple treatment at the scene, he was quickly sent to the doctor's position.

The doctors and nurses who had been waiting for a long time were very busy, and they continued to treat the wounded. The sacred technicians also cooperated with the treatment.

The uninjured residents of Shenlong City either sat on the ground exhausted and fell asleep listening to the cries and footsteps of their companions, or tore off their companions' water sacs, poured the water sacs into their mouths, coughing and choking people from time to time.

"Brother, your life is so big that you didn't die?"

A Three Dragon City monk saw a friend lying on top of a soldier, smiled and walked up, and patted the other person's shoulder hard.

"Damn it, if you come again, I will really die!"

The injured Three Dragon City monk laughed and cursed, struggling to sit up and hug his friend.

"Brothers, you are finally back!"

"Yes, we finally meet again!"

When the voice fell, the two laughed at the same time, their faces full of luck.

Similar scenes can be seen everywhere inside and outside the reborn Dragon City. The uninjured residents also walked out from every corner, looking at the completely different scenery outside the city in surprise.

They vaguely realized that something they didn't know might have happened, so Shenlong City would appear in this strange place!

Thanks to the joint efforts of all residents, all the injured were treated and the bodies of the deceased residents were properly resettled.

For the residents of Shenlong City, death is actually just another kind of rebirth. Soon, the deceased will become a new corpse, reappearing in front of people's relatives and friends. Fatty, Tyson, Ling Xuzi and familiar faces appeared one after another. When they came to Tang Town, their faces were filled with the joy of survivors.

If the power of Uncle Tuo is too terrible, in this case Shenlong City can remain intact, this is definitely a lucky thing!

The residents still don't know that Shenlong City is actually the only surviving building city in the entire wild war zone. They were also taken back from the death **** before being destroyed by the purple wind!

Shenlong City is indeed very lucky.

While Zifeng was talking to the crowd, Murong Ziyue walked out of the building. Murong Ziyue held her sister tightly with one hand, her eyes were red like cherries.

The little girl had been worrying about her sister, and now she finally met again. She will definitely cry.

Fluttershy is also safe and sound, and is now following the sisters, but her eyes always fall on Zifeng, and her pretty face is full of joy after the reunion.

After looking at each other with their women, Zifeng stepped forward and hugged them tightly in his arms.

"Don't worry, everything is over!"

Feeling the trembling body in her arms due to fear, Zifeng smiled on her face and patted lightly for comfort.

Let everyone go to rest outside the city first, Zi Feng checked in the Loucheng alone, his face was very solemn.

Although the crisis of destroying this city has been resolved, the trauma suffered by Shenlong City is so great that it definitely needs a lot of resources and time to restore to its previous complete state.

In addition to destroying the environment, both the defense tower city and the mother tree tower city suffered a devastating blow, one collapsed, the other collapsed and withered.

The remaining buildings, including the main building city, have also suffered varying degrees of damage, but this does not affect normal use. As long as you pay enough brains, they can be repaired at any time.

When he walked to the withered mother tree, Zifeng slowly stopped, and at the same time stretched out his hand to stroke the withered tree trunk with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"City Lord, the mother tree died to protect Shenlong City. Can you resurrect it?"

Lisa walked over in a shabby white robe. She tidyed up her messy long hair and said softly to Zifeng. When she looked at the mother tree behind him, there was a trace of pain and sadness in Lisa's eyes.

"Don't worry, I will do everything possible to bring it back to life, instead of rebuilding a new mother tree tower city!"

Zifeng nodded and agreed to Lisa.

After the destroyed building city is rebuilt, a new architectural spirit will be born. Although it looks the same as before, it does not inherit the memory of the past at all and is basically equivalent to a substitute.

Lisa wants the spirit of Shumother Castle, naturally the proud petite girl everyone is familiar with, not the reconstructed Shumother Castle!

After hearing Zifeng's promise, Lisa nodded and knelt on the clearing in front of the mother tree. This is where Lisa and her family usually practice, but now not only the mother tree withered, but also the green grass like flowers, and even the gem-like gem lake is completely dried up!

Even if I don't ask, I know Lisa's heart must be hurting now.

After seeing Lisa kneeling, many mother tree monks like her spontaneously gathered in the training field to pray and communicate as usual, hoping that the withered mother tree would respond.

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