The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1090: hybrid

Compared with his clumsy movements in the past, Gus has become more sensitive now, and he has become a dreamer. A few night monsters can't pose any threat to him!

With the help of the bricks in his hand, together with Zifeng and the others behind him, Gus soon surrendered a few night monsters. Then he looked at Zifeng excitedly.

"Sir, this thing is too easy to use. It's ridiculous to use it!"

Gus wiped off the gold brick in his hand, raised it reluctantly, and gave it to Zifeng, ready to return to its original owner.

"Take it and play, when you have a better weapon, I will change it for you!"

Naturally, Zifeng would not retract the test, but turned around and ordered the Three Dragon City cultivators to pick up all the tiles to see if they could still refine similar weapons.

He suddenly realized a problem just now, that is, the spirit of the cultivators in the Dragon City is far inferior to that of himself, so what are the weapons they refine, and will they have the same power as the gold bricks?

As for Zifeng's orders, the monks of the Three Dragon City always executed them quickly. At this moment, one by one, the bricks were picked up from the ground and refined according to Zifeng's instructions.

In a fairly spacious house, they were immediately surrounded by various groups of lights, and gradually dispersed even at night.

Compared with the magnificent scene when Zifeng made bricks, these Three Dragon City monks showed different scenes due to their different strengths, and even their progress was completely different.

It took a whole hour for a monk from the Three Dragon City to complete the refinement and obtain a mottled red copper brick.

Compared with Zifeng's gold bricks, the Brother Three Dragon City curled his lips, obviously dissatisfied with his work.

The other Three Dragon City monks continue to refine, but compared with the "bricks" of Zifeng, the bricks of these monks have hardly changed, and the estimated power cannot be compared with the gold bricks of Zifeng! Refining weapons for dreamers is also a long process. Only with continuous investment can the quality and power of weapons continue to improve.

The first cultivator of Shenlong City, who completed the refining, took the slabs and rushed to the door to fight the nightmare. Although he eventually killed the nightmare, the role of the bricks in the battle was very limited.

Compared with the gold bricks refined by Zifeng, the bricks refined by this Three Dragon City monk are simply scum!

Seeing all this behind the scenes, Gus immediately realized the preciousness of the gold bricks in his hand, and hurriedly clamped them with his arms, afraid that others would take them away!

After comparing before and after, Zifeng also confirmed the influence of training on tempering. It seems that if you want the monk of Shenlongcheng to take advantage of the equipment, he must personally reach this level!

Trying to take out the weapon in the storage ring, Zifeng immediately felt the rapid loss of his spirit, which scared him to cut off the connection with the storage ring.

I don't think it is so difficult to remove a solid object, and the damage is still unknown. Zifeng hesitated and decided to give up temporarily.

Looking around, I found that apart from the bricks, there were no sticks around me. Who knows why people with insomnia treat me so clean?

Zifeng shook his head slightly, waved his hand, and collected all the bricks around him, which once again completely enveloped him.

This time, it took nearly a minute for those ordinary bricks to become "bricks" soaked in alcohol, which looked gleaming!

Zifeng breathed a sigh of relief, placed the gold brick on the ground, and waved to the crowd. Don't waste your energy, use it one by one!

When the monks heard this, they immediately threw away the bricks in their hands with a look of disgust, each hand had a golden plate!

Only this scene looks strange. The Three Dragon City monks who had been wielding swords turned into slabs as weapons, without armor, and looked like a robber.

When he thought of taking his brother to grab the site, Zi Feng felt that his head was covered with black lines. In order not to embarrass himself, he decided to change his weapon as soon as possible.

It was already midnight, and nightmares were wandering everywhere, which was not conducive to the actions of the monk in Shenlong City. Zifeng wanted to go to a nearby city and had to wait until dawn.

In any case, there is plenty of time, and it is best to search around to see if we can find materials for refining armor, so that our residents will not appear too poor!

In the past night, more than 100 monks from Shenlong City successfully entered the dream world. They were holding a golden brick in their hands, and it looked like they were breathing deeply.

There are only these crossing monks, and the highest cultivation base is no more than five. There is no monk at the lord level.

After inquiring about the monks in Shenlong City, I learned that Dream's Notes had little effect on the lord. After such a long time, almost no lord fell asleep. The strange thing is that all the lords who should have rested long ago did not feel sleepy tonight. I don't know if this is related to the musical notes of the dream.

However, the little monk fell asleep in a large area, and the snoring of thunder almost opened the whole building!

Because I can't sleep, I can't enter the world of dreams. Fortunately, I have enough manpower, and Zifeng is unwilling to wait any longer. A few Three Dragon City monks were left to guard the scene, and they went to nearby cities under the leadership of Gus and a few sleepless people.

Because Zifeng wanted to study the magical objects that moved during the day, he avoided it specially and surrounded the two magical objects he was looking for everywhere.

Seeing the monks around the holy city, a fierce light appeared in the two blood-red eyes, and they rushed up without fear.

Subdued them, but don't kill them!

After hearing Zifeng's command, the surrounding Three Dragon City monks immediately stood up, brandished his golden tiles, and screamed at the two monsters.

Beside Gus, seeing this behind the scenes, he was stunned. This was the first time he saw a scene that required nearly 100 experts to fight against two low-level magic objects.

Fortunately, Zifeng ordered the capture alive, otherwise these two poor monsters have been made into meat sauce by the bricks!

Although I really want to go up and hit two punches to satisfy my desire, but considering my current strength is not the opponent of magic, Gus also dismissed this idea, just grinned, seeing these two magics soon Was subdued.

Under the **** of four Three Dragon City monks, two humanoid demons were pushed in front of Zifeng. Although they were beaten all over, they were still struggling, looking fierce and abnormal.

Zifeng looked at the two human-shaped magic objects. After thinking about it for a while, he slammed his hand into the body of a magic object, then screamed and saw the magic object, desperately struggling to get rid of the restraints, and gritted his teeth at Tang Yizhen at the same time.

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