The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1100: lesson

The corpses of the dreamers were scattered on the ground, lying on the ground, looking shocking.

After clearly seeing the equipment used by these intruders, the dreamers who came to support them were shocked at the same time, because just from the equipment, the intruders completely crushed them!

Let us unite and kill all these invaders!

With the arrival of the roar, the Legion of Dreamers launched a charge from three directions at the same time, trying to eliminate thousands of invaders.

But unexpectedly, the shouting and killing sounded again, but from behind the dreamer, turned around and looked at it, only to find that at least 5,000 intruders suddenly appeared, forming a golden ocean, to the dreamer’s place. Location outflank.

The more than 1,000 invaders who were initially surrounded by dreamers suddenly became extremely fierce at this moment. Obviously, they had hidden their power before. Now they have let go of their hands and feet, and even expanded outward like a harvester, cutting down the famous dreamer to the ground.

At this time, the Dreamers Corps is under attack from both sides. In an instant, the formation became chaotic. In order not to be surrounded by invaders, a large number of dreamers began to flee this deserted area.

However, their plan was doomed to fail, because just as they rushed to those positions, groups of intruders suddenly appeared and stopped them with smiles on their faces.

It's no use crying over spilt milk. The dreamer must fight to death!

When they looked up, they were all fighting. Dreamers who have run thousands of miles are fighting the invaders who are waiting for their jobs. In addition, the number of people no longer dominates. As a result, they were soon at a disadvantage, and dead bodies were everywhere.

After the dreamer died, a streamer appeared in his body, flying from another dimension to the base camp.

No one noticed that there were two faintly visible figures hidden in the air at this time, constantly intercepting those who carry the source stone of the broken dream soul, preventing them from returning to the base camp of rebirth! As for the monks who died in the battle, they will disappear into the white light and return to Shenlong City after escaping from the dream world. Although we will not lose our lives because of this, it is inevitable that we will suffer mental trauma and we must recover for a period of time to recover.

Taking advantage of equipment and maintenance, the number of casualties in Shenlong City was less than that of a broken dream. In less than ten minutes of the war, more than half of the broken dream had been killed.

Two-thirds of the original stone was intercepted, and less than a thousand people successfully returned to the base camp of rebirth!

Seeing that their numbers are getting smaller and smaller, the dreamers panicked, and at the same time they launched a crazy breakthrough without hesitation. Under their attack at any cost, the casualties of Sacred Dragon City began to increase, and many junior monks changed. Become a white light and disappear.

The lords of Shengliuzhou, who had been imprisoned before, began to move. Wearing gleaming armor, they crashed into the dreamer's camp like a meteorite, and immediately leaned around, with corpses everywhere.

The power of the dreamer is not weak, but few can surpass the level of the lord. Even if there are such masters, the number is quite limited.

This is the advantage of Loucheng World. The cornerstone platform uses the origin of the world to turn Loucheng into a place of bliss, and continuously improves the strength of Loucheng monks, allowing them to easily crush most native monks!

As the main monk of Shenlong City joined the battle, the Dreamer immediately fell into a state of collapse, and was quickly divided into small pieces by Lou Cheng's brothers, and then completely eliminated!

When the last dreamer was killed, the army sent from the base camp was completely wiped out!

There are too many similarities between the rebirth mode of the dreamer and the soul delivery of Shenlong City. This model has advantages and disadvantages. At this time, the dreamer was pinched by Shenlong City!

With the cooperation of Zifeng and Hehewang, more than 3,000 rough stones were intercepted, which also means that 3,000 dreamers cannot be reborn, which is undoubtedly a huge blow to dreamers.

After the battle, Zifeng began to deal with these intercepted source stones.

He is interested in the power of the source contained in the source stone. He has no interest in the soul of the dreamer, and destruction is unnecessary. Therefore, he just imprisoned them in the mirror of reincarnation.

When the souls of these dreamers are tamed, they will be of great help to Zifeng.

He was not able to get up until then. The spirit body in the reincarnation mirror does not seem to be very different from the nature of the dreamer. They are all pure energy bodies.

The dream world is a special energy world. The insomniacs and dreamers who live here actually exist in the form of energy, not real entities.

The metal materials he brought from the dream world are real entities, but like buildings, they are also allowed by the rules of the dream world. Only after refining can they exert their real power.

In this process, physical materials will be gradually eliminated, and the final weapon will become an energy body! Realizing this, Zifeng immediately took out the reincarnation mirror and carefully released a batch of spiritual bodies to see if they could move freely in the dream.

Sure enough, as he expected, the environment of this dream world is like a duck in the spirit body facing the water, no different from the mirror of reincarnation!

Zifeng looked at the big man. He had known so long ago. Why did he do his best to let the monk from Shenlong City come in and how convenient is it to drive the spirit body directly?

However, after careful consideration, Zifeng still discovered the shortcomings of doing so.

Regardless of strength, wisdom, and obedience, these untested souls cannot be compared with the monks of Shenlong City. Unless there are higher-level souls, they cannot be as satisfying as the orders of weapons.

A group of soldiers with mixed good and bad, how can they compare with these monks who have fought for many years?

However, if used properly, these miscellaneous soldiers can also cause a lot of trouble for dreamers, or can be used to accommodate a large number of people with insomnia.

Making up his mind, Zifeng called out the janitor of the Samsara Mirror, wondering how much mental power he can use now.

The gatekeeper was still the same as before. After seeing Tang Earthquake, he was flattered.

Zifeng had long been accustomed to this kind of behavior by the janitor, but directly asked about the amount of spirits available.

After listening to Zifeng's question, the janitor thought for a while before answering.

"The total number of souls in the mirror of reincarnation has exceeded 10 million, but more than half of them are incomplete, and you don't even know what they are. Once these guys are released, it is estimated that they will run away soon!

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