The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1113: Raging!

While waiting for the free soul transfer module, Li Yang carefully studied all the information about dreams, knowing that once he died on the battlefield, he would have to recuperate for at least one month to recover from his mental trauma! The family is in urgent need of treatment expenses. Li Yang couldn't wait that long. This is the real reason why he is afraid of death.

The fighting continued, but the gunfire gradually diminished. Most of the enemies have been wiped out, and only a few people are still fighting in the corners.

The other part of the enemy can't see the hope of victory, but hides in a hidden corner and never comes out, so as not to directly kill the red-eyed passerby!

When the five teams finally met in the center of the stacked city, the siege was basically over, and it only needed to be cleaned up.

Fortunately, the weapons and equipment of both sides are very simple, otherwise you will not easily win the battle!

The exhausted walker rested for a while and began to carefully clear the battlefield. At the same time, they stayed here for a while to prevent dreamers from occupying this place again.

After the battle, Li Yang's team retreated to the Sanlongcheng base, waiting for the next battle.

As time passed, more than a month passed unconsciously.

Today's Three Dragon City headquarters is crowded with people. The number of tourists has exceeded 2 million, and it is still increasing.

Through the flow of people, Li Yang came to the mission square where the Lord God No. 1 was located to see how many points he had won.

Compared with the primitive equipment, Li Yang has now changed his gun and shotgun. He is covered with combat equipment, and he has a special temperament.

Lord God No. 1, I want to see how many points I have?

As soon as Li Yang's voice fell, his murder record appeared in front of the holographic screen. All his records this month had a total score of more than 3,000 points!

Looking at the total number of points displayed, Li Yang's eyes flashed with excitement, and then he applied for a temporary return.

Request approval, please return to the battlefield as soon as possible!

As soon as the voice of No. 1 Lord God fell, Li Yang saw his body quickly dissipate, followed by a blank brain. When he woke up, he found himself back to the original world.

When the consciousness recovered, the soul transfer module automatically opened, and Li Yang slowly sat up from inside.

Although he stayed in the soul teleportation cabin for a month, Li Yang's physical function was not affected. All of this is due to the use of Shenglong Group, which widely uses cracking technology to make life in the original world more convenient.

I used my mobile phone to log in to the official website of Shenlong City. Li Yang intends to exchange his points for cash. The illness of his family cannot be delayed any longer.

But before Li Yang entered his account password, his operation was interrupted by a strange phone call.

Hello, is this Mr. Li Yang?

"I am, who are you?"

"Well, I know that your family needs a sum of money to treat the illness. I can lend you a sum of money, enough for you to buy a bottle of special medicine produced by Shenlong Group. After eating it, you can completely cure your family’s illness. !" Li Yang was silent for a few seconds when he heard this. He asked in a deep voice, "It seems you have been paying attention to me for a long time. Go ahead, what do you want?"

This is a very important thing. Li Yang must be cautious.

"Don't worry, I just want to be able to buy combat merit points in your hands, and the future combat merit points can also be sold to me. The price is definitely not low but high!"

The request of the other party is not excessive. Li Yang had no reason to refuse, and agreed after some consideration.

About half an hour later, a car stopped in front of Li Yang's house, and then two men in suits walked into his house.

The transaction process is very simple. After the two parties transferred money face-to-face and signed the agreement, the two hurriedly left.

Li Yang also knew the identity of the other party. He turned out to be a very famous travel team. Now, he is spending money to buy points everywhere, obviously preparing to take a big step in the fantasy world.

The behavior of the other party throwing money is not stupid. After all, they can get something only when they are invested. As long as they accumulate enough points, they can get more generous returns from the Shenlong Group. This business will definitely be profitable.

Although shocked by the boldness and financial resources of these teams, Li Yang knew it had nothing to do with him. All he has to do is to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, win good grades, and let his family live a good life!

During the three-day break, Li Yang bought a bottle of medicine sold by Shenglong Group and checked the effect on the spot.

After confirming that his family's illness was under effective control and gradually improved, Li Yang was relieved and couldn't wait to return to the dream world!

After a period of preparation, Shenlong City completely solved all the problems, and finally decided to attack the second largest city in the dreamer camp!

Now there is a powerful horse village on the side of Saint Dragon City, with tens of thousands of Loucheng monks, plus more than two million passers-by, who can definitely form a terrifying army. If you are in the Loucheng world, even if it is a country Loucheng can also be trapped!

But according to intelligence, the movement of the Dreamers camp seems to be bigger. They not only have thousands of monks, but also the same number of travelers and a large number of armed sleepless people.

In terms of quantity alone, Shenlong City is still behind!

Although Zifeng was unwilling, he was powerless. He has no world origin ability to control an unknown parallel world and bring all the residents of the entire city into the dream world.

At first, he still had some doubts in his heart. He didn't understand why the original power of the dream world was so huge. Now there are some reliable guesses.

Perhaps the original will of the dream world controls more than one world, thus explaining the origin of those crossing enemies.

This is not a good thing for a world controlled by the original will, because once the original will awakens, the whole world will be completely chaotic, and any strange things can happen. If the original will is provoked, he may destroy all intelligent life in the world and cultivate a new intelligent race.

In short, the world controlled by the original will is its playground, and you can play as you like!

Fortunately, the dream world is different from the real world, and certain rules must be observed, otherwise the whole world will completely collapse!

Yuan also expects to use the dream world as a protective wall to resist enemies, such as Brother Lou Cheng, so that it will never be destroyed, lest the enemy directly enter the real world!

Zifeng is very uncertain now. He didn't know what tricks the original will would use. Even if the rules of the dream world are not easily tampered with, he can still make some articles in the real world.

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