The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1231: Don't be crooked!

Seeing the two French kings intercepting himself, the Bone Corpse King called out in his heart. He never dreamed that the enemy was shameless and powerful!

He has no chance to defeat any monk in the world. If he hesitates, he will lose his life.

"Don't do this, I surrender!"

Bone Corpse King Shengda shouted, regardless of whether the other party understood it or not, he simply raised his hand.

Stupid package!

The King of Bone, who had already raised the Bone Sword, immediately cursed in dissatisfaction, and threw a bone cage to imprison the King of Bones.

In order to ensure unhindered access to the world of the corpse clan, Building No. 9 has done a lot of preparations in advance, so when the surface passage is opened, it can smash the interception of the corpse clan monk as soon as possible. The mechanical legion, like a pair of claws, forcibly tore open the corpse monk's defenses, and beat them by surprise.

Compared with icy metals, the undead properties of corpse monks are less than half the price, because these metals have no concept of death.

Although the Mecha Corps is very powerful, its cost is also extremely staggering. The generally promoted ninth grade buildings are too exhausting to produce so many weapons of war.

This is the advantage of being attached to a strong architectural city. With the help and support of the main building city, there will be no shortage of combat support. The monks who participated in the battle were more experienced and no strangers to invading foreign lands.

What's more, from the perspective of strength evaluation, the energy concentration of the corpse clan in the world can only be regarded as average, and it is still a long way from the Loucheng world. This means that even if the corpse clan is very powerful, it is definitely not. The opponent of the Lou Cheng brothers.

So after the opening of the Shenlong City Mechanical Army, tens of thousands of Loucheng monks launched an attack. The corpse army did not last long before they were broken into pieces and eventually fled in all directions.

The monks of the Three Dragon City were so ferocious that even the King of Corroding Bone was arrested. What do they mean?

Sending people to kill the defeated troops, the rest of the monks are sweeping the battlefield, obeying temporary guardianship, and slashing directly without obedience, so clean and tidy.

According to simple statistics, 70,000 prisoners were arrested in this war, and the rest were either killed or escaped from here.

Such a large number of prisoners is also a huge burden for Shenlong City. Not only must monks be sent to guard, but also to prevent the trouble of the other party from escaping, so direct killing is the best solution.

Although this method is very simple, in fact few people would do this, otherwise once their personnel fall into the hands of the enemy, they can no longer expect to continue to live.

On the battlefield filled with gunpowder, the captured monks of the corpse clan lined up in a long queue, walking slowly under the **** of the monks of Shenlong City, looking depressed. Finally, they gathered in a clearing.

Their hearts are full of fear and trembling, they don't know how the Holy City will deal with themselves, especially when they see thousands of ogres, they are huge, devouring corpses. They are very worried that they will become food for these monsters.

Whenever the ogre's gaze swept over them, the corpse captive would subconsciously tremble and shrink his neck, so as not to arouse the monster's interest.

On the shoulder of a 6-meter-high ogre lord, a bear wearing a hideous armor scanned the surroundings coldly, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

This **** killing battlefield is the bear's favorite place, because there is enough food for the humans to devour.

After swallowing enough corpses, the power of the ogre will increase, and at the same time it will be stimulated by the environment to give birth to more little ogres.

Compared with the situation where the kitten had only two or three ogre legions, today's ogre legions have become stronger and stronger, and it can definitely be regarded as a terrifying force that scares opponents. Of course, in most cases, the main task of the ogre army is to clear the battlefield and fight the enemy. City brothers will not give it to others easily.

After howling at the two cannibals fighting for the remains and letting them continue to work obediently, the bear's body flew to the edge of the battlefield.

A young man is staring at the battlefield. When he saw the big bear coming, he smiled happily.

"Uncle Xiong, why are you here?"

As he spoke, the two arms behind the young man waved gently and pulled the **** combat knife out of the sheath.

Hold back the "haha" smile, when in front of young people, he will always show this gentle smile, like a harmless child.

The two stood side by side, watching the mechanical army of Shenlong City march forward, occasionally taking out a piece of candy and throwing it into the entrance with a happy expression.

The prisoner next to him thought he was dazzled. You know, when they were fighting just now, they witnessed the horror of these two guys, no different from the meat grinder on the battlefield.

The contrast between the two images is so obvious!

There was a sound of footsteps, which attracted everyone's attention. Looking along the sound, he saw a young man who came to their place under the **** of the monk.

"City Lord, why are you here?"

After seeing Zifeng, the six-armed young man's face was full of joy, while Big Bear smiled and followed him, clever like a child.

Zifeng looked at the two people in front of him with a faint feeling in his heart, then smiled and nodded.

The bear has been with whom he started since the beginning. Although his brain is not very smart, he definitely belongs to the group of people closest to Zifeng. This is known to all residents of Loucheng. Therefore, no one with eyes open dared to bully and humiliate him.

Over the years, the bear’s special blood vessels have been discovered, and its control over the ogre has become stronger. It is not too much to say that it is the King of Ogres.

Zifeng once studied the blood vessels of the big bear and found that it should be a genetic ability, which may be related to the parents he had never met.

Although the strength of the bear has now been raised to the level of a lord, it still maintains a childlike innocence, especially when facing itself.

Although this six-armed young man belonged to the National Tower City Council, he was nurtured by Zifeng using his mother tree. There are blood and spiritual traces of Zifeng in his body. It is for this reason that he is very close to Zifeng.

Compared with the bear that can control the ogre, the future development of the six-armed youth may be better. After all, his body is an indomitable super giant with the terrifying power to smash the mountains with one punch!

Perhaps when the six-armed youth is promoted to the king of law, he will be able to witness the majestic appearance of the six-armed giant again.

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