The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1234: Everything is clear

Because it was full of resentment towards the world, it began to use the origin of the world to make pranks, so that all creatures began to turn into corpses, and eventually killed the consciousness of all creatures, and then woke up again to become monsters like him!

"This is the reason for the change. If this monster is not resolved, the entire world will be completely destroyed!"

When the King of Corrosion said this, he had gritted his teeth and his eyes were full of hatred.

When Zifeng heard this, he finally understood why the Soul Brain Corpse King would invade the world of Loucheng. His real goal should be to get rid of the corpse world and this terrible nightmare.

The priest of the corpse clan cannot leave the curse of this world. Maybe the corpse of the King of the Brain already knows it. His method of entering the world of Loucheng may also be a deliberate attempt.

Now that you understand the causes and consequences of the event, as long as you continue to expand your results and find where the world originated, it will be much easier to deal with it.

For example, to solve the problem of the origin of the world, and then completely control the world of the corpse race, the Holy Dragon City can dispatch millions of troops out of thin air. This is definitely a pretty cost-effective deal.

"In that case, I will solve the problem. Besides, you can rest assured that I will never take away the origin of all the world. The remaining money will definitely be enough to keep the world running."

Zifeng did not cheat in this sentence, but Zifeng will give this living world a chance and will never do anything like that.

Wang Wenwen, who suffered from bone erosion, smiled. He couldn't believe all the promises of Zifeng, but he also had some expectations.

If Zifeng does not participate in this matter, then in a hundred years, the world of the corpse clan will be over.

But if the Holy Dragon City is involved, it is very possible to kill the Golden Armored Corpse King and let the world of the Corpse Clan escape the tragic ending of all creatures.

If Shenlong City fails, it will also be an indirect blow to Shenlong City, or even revenge for their invasion.

Judging from the current strength displayed by Shenlong City, even if it fails to win, it will definitely cause heavy losses to the Golden Armor Corpse Emperor and greatly delay the time of world destruction.

Using this precious time buffer, the zombie monk may be able to find a solution to the problem and get rid of this sad situation.

And even if the Holy Dragon City monks finally win, it is absolutely impossible to take away all the origin of the world, unless they use the anger of man and God to extract the rest of the origin power after destroying the entire world.

It's just that the remuneration of this approach is not commensurate with the income. Unless there is endless hatred, no one will do it, and no one has the power to do it! Regardless of the outcome, the world of corpses can retain the chance of survival, which is far better than the current state of death.

The King of Bone Erosion was clearly premeditated in telling the secret through this cooperation.

What plan does the King of Bone Erosion have? In fact, this will not affect Zifeng's next action plan. In any case, the original power of the corpse clan world will be in his hands. Anyone who tried to stop him would be expelled without hesitation.

Although the King of Bones was unpredictable, he hinted that Zifeng could have made more targeted preparations for the First World War and eliminated the Golden Emperor.

In order to deal with such a powerful enemy, it is inevitable to mobilize superiors to assist in the fight. Currently, there are two kings in the corpse world, one is the king of bones and the other is the king of silver wings. Blood River Wan is responsible for the war in the dream and can be summoned at any time.

In this way, Shenlong City has three rules of kings to fight, and then mobilize some brothers of kings, perhaps it is possible to solve the golden corpse emperor.

What Zifeng cares most now is how powerful the Golden Armor Corpse Emperor is, and whether he has used the origin of the world to reach a higher level.

He also inquired about the secret place where the world originated. It turned out that it was in an area controlled by King Lingzhi, and there was still a long way to go from the flight path.

In this way, the holy city only needs to continue to advance until the territory of the Soul Brain Corpse King.

Zifeng still has plenty of time to make adequate preparations.

After ordering people to take away the king, Zifeng hesitated for a while, got up and returned to Shenlong City.

He had a faint feeling that even if this golden armor zombie emperor was difficult to deal with, even the king who sent the three rules and a large number of king brothers might not be able to solve it.

It is impossible for Zifeng to stay away from this critical battle of World War I, but his power is limited. Even with magical applications, he cannot provide much help.

This feeling made Zifeng very uncomfortable, so he decided to take a shortcut to improve his performance in a short time.

The most important point is that Zifeng doesn't have much time wasting on the Golden Armor Corpse Emperor. You must know that in addition to the ninth Loucheng, there are nine Louchengs that need to be promoted, and he must complete it in the shortest time.

Through the airplane passage, Zifeng returned to Shenlong City on a small battleship and went to the room where the cornerstone platform was located.

"Main platform, I want to improve my strength in a short time. Is there any good way?"

Because of the limitation of the power level, even if Zifeng had illuminated all the laws and stars, he still did not dare to use them easily, otherwise he would die because of the terrifying energy itself.

The power in his two places is too fragile to withstand high-intensity shocks. Only by improving his strength can he improve.

This feeling is like a child with an incomparable magic weapon, knowing it is powerful but unable to use ordinary bad hearts.

The main control platform was silent for a while and gave an answer.

"Using the force to irrigate the body is the fastest method, similar to transforming a monster, but it is extremely harmful to the body.

This process cannot be fully controlled. It may burst your body and cause damage to your brain, so I don't recommend this. "Moreover, instilling promotion is very futile, and the future troubles are endless, so few people do this, and there is no condition to do so. After all, not everyone has the ability to transform the power of the source into irrigation.

One more thing to note is that the limit of irrigated body promotion is a monk at the king level. A person needs his own perception to be promoted to a king.

Zifeng nodded and added: "Besides, are there other effective methods?"

"Do not."

Zifeng nodded, a glimmer of speculation flashed in his eyes, and said to the main control platform, "I have thought of a method, but I need to try it."

Having said that, Zifeng turned to leave, and quickly left again, not knowing where to go.


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