The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1236: Teach to be a man!

"The impact is not great. With the emperor's power, recovery only takes a short time."

Zifeng nodded in satisfaction, and said to the main control platform: "In that case, help me build a few members."

Main control platform". Can you tell me, what are you going to do?"

"If you want to build a new war zone as soon as possible, you have to upgrade all ten architectural cities to the national level, but so far, only the ninth architectural city has plane coordinates, and the other nine architectural cities are still cracking. But the situation is not optimistic.

Perhaps all the items stored in the wild buildings have been analyzed, but several sets of plane coordinates have not yet been obtained. This is definitely something that cannot be ignored.

The main control platform was silent. Compared with Zifeng, it wants to establish a new theater as soon as possible.

"So we must find a solution to this problem as soon as possible. The reason why I want a few members is because I want to send them to different worlds by random transmission, build a rune array to transmit coordinates, and forcibly open the plane channel ."

"This method is feasible, but the probability of success is very low. After all, random transmission is uncontrollable. Ninety-nine percent of cases will be infected to death and space gaps."

In this regard, the main control platform must have tried it, which is why it answers like this.

"This method may be unreliable for others, but don't forget, I have a luck card. Although it has little effect on the body, it is very useful for busy people!"

When the main control platform heard this news, it did not know why it remained silent for a long time. Then it faintly replied: "Sometimes I am really curious about what you are, even I feel ashamed and low self-esteem." Zifeng shook his head, but he was full of confusion because he was trying to find the phone from beginning to end. Secret.

"You can create two locations at the same time. Do you have any special requirements?"

"Naturally, the better the aptitude, the better. If you can, you can use the power of the source to water your body and improve your achievements. In this way, you will avoid the trouble of practicing again!"

"It can be done, but the troubles are endless. These two places may collapse at the same time in less than a hundred years!"

"It doesn't matter. If this task cannot be completed within a hundred years, it means that the plane barrier of the world it is in is extremely strong, and its energy intensity is no less than that of the Loucheng world. In that case, even if the plane channel is successfully established, we will not It must be someone else’s opponent!"

The main control platform stopped talking, and at the same time, in the open space in front of Zifeng, five light **** suddenly appeared, and a shadow flickered.

The power of origin has been injected into the light sphere one by one, making the human form inside become clearer and clearer, but not all of it comes from the outer human form.

Zifeng watched him frown, and said to the main console: "Mom, what are you doing, why are you bringing two women out?"

"I just took this opportunity to do a test to see which **** has a higher survival rate. If you can do this, it is definitely a pioneering work, and it is easier to get the coordinates of the aircraft."

Zifeng sneered and said lightly: "If there are luck cards in these two places at the same time, otherwise it will still be ten to nine!"

"In the future, you will be the master of this war zone. They are all yours. Will you be stingy with your people?"

Zifeng was silent. That makes a lot of sense.

In the dialogue with each other, the work of shaping two places at the same time has been completed. For the main control platform, this kind of thing is actually very simple, but the premise is that it must know the forming method, and it must also consume the original power.

The main control platform does not lack the origin of the world, but this method of shaping the body comes from dreams, and he has just mastered it.

When the light was removed, the five double bodies that completed the shape appeared in front of Zifeng. Their faces and bodies are perfectly shaped, with almost no defects.

Zi Feng touched it and found that they all had the strength of a four-star lord, only one step away from a king-level monk.

For ordinary people, the ninth-level monk is comparable to the existence of the gods, so Zifeng is not too demanding.

Walking to a busy face, Zifeng exchanged his ontology and blended a spirit into the opponent's body, then hurriedly opened his eyes and grinned at Zifeng.

"It feels good, as if the whole world is different!"

Number One hurriedly said something, waved to Void, and put a set of fitting clothes on her body.

Zifeng nodded and turned around to activate Number Two, a stunning woman's body.

The second member.

After being silent for a while, No.2 stared at the main control platform and took out a black training suit from the storage ring.

After a while, all five members were activated, and then Zifeng gave everyone a complete set of equipment and took out a thick stack of lucky cards to them. As the cards were torn apart one by one, the room was shining with gold, and the faces of the five members showed confident smiles.

Building 9 continues to carry out activities in the world of the zombie tribe, and a large number of resources are transported back one by one. The battlefield situation is very severe.

Under the indiscriminate bombing of the monks in Shenlong City, the corpse monks were unable to fight back, and countless people fled.

In order to control the world of the corpse clan as soon as possible, City Lord Qianlong on the 9th began to increase manpower. A large number of residents of Loucheng also entered the world of the corpse clan and participated in the collection of resources.

If there is no accident, at most one month, the world of corpses will be completely occupied by Shenlong City.

Because there are the King of Bone and the King of Silver Wings on the front line, the corpse world does not need to worry about the purple wind, as long as it fights against the golden corpse king.

Of course, before that, he must improve his achievements to a certain extent, otherwise he will be powerless.

The battle in the fantasy world is coming to an end. An army of more than 7 million pedestrians launched an attack on the last major city. Although the dreamers are still dying, their ultimate destiny is doomed.

After winning the last major city, the Three Dragon City will launch an attack on the real world of the fantasy world, and there will inevitably be a big battle.

As for the three major empires, they are now heading for destruction, and Zifeng has long been indifferent to them, just waiting to clean up the mess.

After solving all the problems, Zifeng began to concentrate on practicing, trying to improve the king’s rule before attacking the Golden Corpse Emperor. Then, under the king’s four rulers, the Golden Corpse Emperor had to live to death even if he was a superhuman power. !

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