The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1239: Great victory!

Once discovered by a higher-level native, his next move will be very difficult, so he must escape as soon as possible.

The strength of the two places cannot be compared with the strength of the body at the same time, especially when there is no mobile phone application. The only things you can rely on are your own achievements and the various items in the storage ring.

Take out an invisible card and chop it up. As the silver light flickered, the purple wind suddenly disappeared. A few minutes later, the door of the emergency room was severely knocked open, and a group of heavily armed secret service personnel broke in. As a result, only two unconscious people were seen. Zifeng himself has long since disappeared.

"What's wrong, where are people going?"

After seeing the two old men lying on the ground, the person in charge of the operation took a drink and immediately pointed the weapon at any possible hiding place.

Unfortunately, after searching, nothing was found.

"There is surveillance video here. Find it for me right away!"

His people quickly carried out the order. Therefore, when they saw Zifeng disappearing strangely a few minutes ago, they all looked shocked and suspicious.

This method does not look like high-tech, but some mysterious methods beyond imagination, combined with the various forms shown by Zifeng, make the operation team leader more aware of unusual things.

"He shouldn't go far. Lock this place immediately, and if he finds anything unusual, warn me immediately!"

After the order was placed, the team leader took out another item the size of a mobile phone. After a few clicks, the scene around the hospital immediately appeared.

"Start Skynet monitoring, turn on automatic scanning, and connect all fighters' tactical glasses.

At the same time, those patrolling the surrounding area were also ordered to capture Zifeng as soon as he was discovered.

Judging from Zifeng's injuries, he should be very weak now, but even so, Zifeng's weird ability cannot be ignored, and it is enough to be classified as the most dangerous criminal.

As the orders went down one by one, the entire hospital was crowded with chickens and dogs, and the floating cars were also advancing fast. Special service personnel with guns wandered around the passage and never let go of any hiding places.

This shows that the opponent will not give up before catching Zifeng.

In a corner of the inpatient department of the hospital, Zifeng slowly appeared, but his face became more ugly.

He still despised the vanity of creatures, thinking that his injury would only take a few days to recover, but in the process of escaping from the operating room just now, he felt a strange energy in the wound that absorbed his vitality and hindered his wound. heal.

Zifeng, who originally wanted to escape from the hospital, had to change his plan and found a place to hide temporarily.

If this strange energy is not removed, his wounds will not heal at all, and the establishment of the rune circle is even beyond imagination.

Zifeng glanced at his hiding place and knew that this place would be searched by the secret service sooner or later. At that time, the seriously injured have no choice but to end in death.

We must find a way to immediately solve the immediate difficulties, hide from the pursuit of secret service personnel, and at the same time remove the strange energy that prevents the wound from healing.

Only in such a short period of time, can you really do all of this?

Zifeng had nowhere to go, but he immediately became cheerful, holding back his headache, and took out a lucky card from the storage ring.

This is a 10 times bonus card. Whether we can escape the current predicament depends on the fate of heaven. The lucky card turned into a streamer and disappeared. The anxious Zifeng immediately refreshed. At the same time, he heard the voice of the family members of the two patients talking.

"The guy in ward 5 is very pitiful. He is covered with stab wounds. He won't survive today!"

Deserve it, such scumbags should die, they are the cancer of society!


After only a few words, the two gradually walked away, but Zi Feng suddenly became cheerful now.

He thought of a way to escape and hide himself. If he succeeds, he doesn't have to worry about exposing his identity for a long time.

Zifeng sneaked to the door of Ward No. 5, glanced at it, and found a person wrapped in a bandage.

Feeling the breath of this guy's life, he lived for a few hours.

Pushing the door out, Zifeng stretched out his hand to press on this guy's neck, ending his pain early.

Since the opponent is a scum, there is no such thing as dying early or a few hours late.

Then Zifeng unwrapped the bandage from his body, wrapped his body with his soul, put his body in a storage ring, and took out a plastic surgery card to change his appearance and figure.

After tearing off the card, Zifeng's face changed quickly, looking like the hapless person.

After all this, Zifeng was sweating, his body was trembling constantly, and his mouth kept chucking with teeth rubbing, matching his distorted face, almost indistinguishable from the devil.

At this time, he was suffering to the extreme, and his whole body was so limp that he could hardly move, he couldn't even move his hands.

With a bitter smile in his heart, he has never been hurt so badly since he was born.

There is nothing wrong with this description. Although he was only a copy of two places at a time, it was controlled by Zifeng's spirit and was no different from himself.

Although Zifeng felt very tired, he did not rest because he had to make sure that he was absolutely safe.


The door of the ward opened and two secret service personnel came in, followed by the hospital staff.

Zifeng did not move, pretending to be a comatose patient. Because he has changed his appearance and body shape, he is not worried about being found abnormal.

Sure enough, the two special service personnel looked at Zifeng, and after asking the medical staff a few words, they glanced at Zifeng with disgust, and turned and walked towards the door.

Zifeng breathed a sigh of relief quietly, then felt boundlessly sleepy, and fell asleep on the hospital bed.


Compared with this unfortunate double body, the situation of the other four double bodies is much better, at least not in the process of being attacked and spread by the void monster.

After transmission, they secretly hide their identities, and when the time is right, they will immediately establish a rune array.

Half a month passed unconsciously. Zi Feng, who was practicing, suddenly got news that the last major city in the dream world had successfully won. Zifeng will naturally not miss this critical moment. After receiving the report, he immediately entered a dreamland and appeared directly outside the last major occupied city.

As soon as Zifeng entered the world of dreams, he heard the cheers of the mountains and the tsunami. It was the Pacers who celebrated their victory.

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