The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 12: conspiracy

In order to solve this problem, the Karmapa exhausted all means, and finally concluded a shortcut, that is, to penetrate into a stronger world with the help of the world's energy far beyond the architectural city world, break through obstacles, and achieve the purpose of promoting the emperor.

If the fuze is deep, he can even get more resources in these worlds and be promoted to a higher level!

It’s just that the process is not as simple as imagined. No matter how difficult it is to break through the barriers, their identities themselves are unacceptable in these worlds. Once discovered, they will inevitably be hunted down by the powerful indigenous people. Shen will destroy them.

Therefore, the king-level monks who use this method are very careful, worrying that if they are not careful, they will not come back.

Speaking of this, the Duke of Dreams couldn't help sighing: "After all, my war zone is still too weak. It is said that the first 100 war zones can directly invade these worlds and occupy large areas for a long time. Those law kings do not need to sneak in. They all went in openly!" "The stronger the stronger, this is a fact!"

Zifeng nodded when he heard this. Compared with those powerful theaters, he knew that several theaters were not mesa, and the gap between them was too great.

In order to break through the spirit emperor, Duke Dream tried his best to penetrate into a powerful world, but he spent nearly a hundred years, but he was still only one step ahead of the spirit emperor.

Just as the Duke of Dream was about to seize the treasure and attempt to break through, he inadvertently exposed his identity and was immediately chased by the powerful indigenous people.

After nine deaths, the seriously injured Duke Dream finally escaped from this world. As soon as he returned to the war zone, he was told that his building was trapped.

Fearing that Loucheng would be in danger, the King of Dreamland tried every possible method to enter the dreamland. As a result, he fell into the trap of mutation origin.

After a great battle, the seriously injured Duke Dream was sealed and could no longer leave easily.

Fortunately, he has left his successor and there is still a ray of busyness available. When Zifeng saw Duke Dream, he was actually busy. After completing the task, the busyness disappeared.

As for the transaction between Duke Dream and Mutation Source, in fact, they are all related to Loucheng's information. Obviously Mutation Source has had the idea of ​​obtaining World Source in this way since then.

This guy even wants to control Fantasy Tower City and replace it. Unfortunately, he did not get it and must find another way.

Holy Dragon City’s invasion of the dream world is very desirable for the source of mutation, because it has already known the identity of Zifeng from the Duke of Dreamland, and it is clearer that only Zifeng can help it realize its dreams.

It can be said that Zifeng has been involved since meeting Duke Dream. Both the Duke of Dream and the Source of Variation have their own goals, but both require the participation of Zifeng to achieve them.

Of course, Zifeng did not lose either. He not only obtained a large amount of world resources, but also two powerful thugs, which was of great help to him preparing to establish a war zone.

After figuring out the cause and effect, Zifeng smiled, obviously not caring about being calculated. If you know that you have taken advantage of this matter, what reason is there to be angry?

On the contrary, he was very interested in the world mentioned by Duke Dream. When he was promoted to the spiritual emperor, he found that his strength could not continue to improve. This matter has been bothering him.

After inquiring about the main console, I learned that for ordinary war zones, the spiritual cultivation of the emperor's power is already at the limit. If you want to continue to improve, unless the war zone level is increased, the energy concentration of the war zone is increased, except There is no other way.

But when he thought of the conditions needed to upgrade the theater level, Zifeng felt a strong sense of powerlessness. The huge demand for resources frightened Zifeng.

Indeed, the method of Duke Dream will be very attractive to Zifeng. If it is really effective, Zifeng will go to these worlds and continue to improve his strength after completing the refinement of this architectural city. His goal is not only to establish a theater, but to become the supreme leader of 3000 theaters. To achieve this goal, his own strength cannot be too weak.

In Loucheng, the strong in the world are respected, and if they do not advance, they will retreat. Zifeng knew this a long time ago.

In the following chat time, Zifeng asked in detail about this powerful world, and gradually came up with a plan, and then returned to Shenlong City.

He didn't plan to leave before finishing the refinement of Loucheng. After all, there are still many things waiting for him to deal with.

After returning to Loucheng, Zifeng asked about the battle situation in the world of the corpse clan, and found that the monks in Loucheng had attacked the area controlled by the soul brain corpse king and broke through all the way.

Four of the eight largest corpse kings in the world, including the corpse king, have been captured by Shenlong City, and their corpse brothers are running away.

According to the development of this situation, it is estimated that it will not take long for you to reach the tomb mentioned by the King of Bones, and then obtain the origin of the corpse world.

For today's Holy Dragon City, the strength of the corpse world can only be average, and it is only a matter of time before winning the final victory.

There is only one thing that puzzles Zifeng, that is, from the beginning of the invasion to the present, the Soul Brain Corpse King has never appeared, and he does not know where it is hidden.

For this guy who once invaded the world of Loucheng, Zifeng always maintained a little vigilance and was able to enter the world of Loucheng in another way. No need to mention the ability of the other party.

However, what Zifeng worries most is that he gave up everything, and then tried every means to integrate into the world of Loucheng. Therefore, if Zifeng wants to find another needle, he will be looking for a needle in a haystack.

For a monk who is obsessed with research, this is easy. What's more, the original goal of the soul brain king corpse was to escape from the world of the corpse clan. The invasion of the Holy Dragon City now provides a godsend opportunity.

To say that the corpse of the Mind Brain King did not use this opportunity to do things, he would not believe that Zifeng was killed.

Thinking of this, Zifeng issued an order to once again strengthen the defense force of the aircraft passage, in order to prevent the Spirit Brain Corpse King from getting confused and breaking into the Loucheng world.


At the entrance of the Zombie World, this huge building still stands proudly, various defensive weapons are activated, and the aircraft passage is completely blocked. Anyone who passes through here without permission will be attacked by powerful firepower.

As the war continues, monks and cars will pass through Loucheng every day, and the harvested materials will be transported back to Shenglongcheng.

About 20 kilometers from here, there is a huge mine, which contains a very rare metal. It was mined immediately after being discovered in Shenlong City.

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