The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 18: Stupid brother

"Space now has the ability to establish two transmission points, just like the front door and the back door of a house. I have established two transmission points on the rocky ground and the castle respectively, so that we can get in and out of these two places at any time as we do now."

Green, they both looked at Zifeng in surprise. They did not expect such a good thing. The half-month journey will come soon. This is really amazing.

Zifeng told them about the changes after the space was upgraded, and followed a few people out of the house and into the square of the inner castle. Several people went into space again. Zifeng chose to enter the space here because if they wanted the slaves to return to Iron Mountain Fort from this space in the future, they couldn't let the slaves also come out of their rooms, or better be in the castle square.

Several people entered the space, and Zifeng took them to the ranch and looked at them. He told them there might be some Warcraft here. Green is happier. There may be Warcraft here, so they will have another source of income.

Until Zifeng told Green about the new features in space, several people came out of space. As soon as they went out of space, Zifeng gave Green 100 gold coins and asked Green to go to Casa City tomorrow to buy 300 blue-eyed rabbits and keep them in space. These gold coins were found in space.

Green and his family were not too surprised. They also know some new features in space. This ability to display gold coins is even one. To be honest, Green and his family are very concerned about this function of space.

They also found that the space here is mainly used for farming. It is not very good at fighting, but agriculture alone is also a problem. The harvest here is too much. Take turnips as an example. If Zifeng doesn't grow anything now, if he grows turnips alone, as long as he continues to grow turnips for a year, he will leave the turnips he consumes in the next ten years in the mainland.

This output is really too high. It will have a huge impact on the market across the continent. In fact, selling is a big problem. However, if the gold coins in the space can be displayed, it will be different. They can buy turnips in space. Although the prices are not as high as those sold outside, they have no worries about the market. At that time, they can take many gold coins bought in space to use. Gold coins are hard currency and you can buy anything.

After a rest night, Green set off early the next morning and really went to Casa City. This time they did not hide anything. Fair and Plaza people Shishan headed to Casa City. In any case, they go shopping and are not afraid of being seen.

After Green left, Zifeng also came to the yard. He intends to send all the slaves back to the Dark Iron Castle. Now in Casa City, it is best to move them back to the Dark Iron Castle sooner or later. This is also a relief.

Zifeng did not worry about the safety of his slaves. Once Zifeng enters space, people outside cannot contact Zifeng. But now it's different. Now Zifeng's undead creatures have been upgraded, and Zhao's mouth is still there. Even though the slaves were sent back to Iron Mountain Castle, Zhao Zui and some of them were sent there to watch. If there is anything, Zhao Zui can contact Zifeng directly.

This may also be one of the benefits of the space upgrade. After Zhaozui and the others leave space, they can also have direct contact with Zifeng, but it is much stronger than before. Unfortunately, the aliens can't speak, nor can they be Zhaozui.

Zifeng also discussed with Green, and Green agreed yesterday. After all, this place is too small, too close to Casa City. It is easy for people to see defects and then let them go back to the castle.

After saying that the castle is their root, no matter what they say, they can also install the millstones and treadmills made during this period, or use the stones mined from the stone mountain to restore the castle.

Although the castle has not suffered much damage, it is inevitable that some small places will be destroyed over the years. However, it was inconvenient to pick up stones in Tieshan before, so it was not repaired. Now, there are stones in Shishishan, which can be properly repaired.

Of course, Shishan cannot keep people here. Zhao's mouth covered it with black mist. However, if Zhao Zui left for a long time, the black mist would lose its effect. In that case, Shishan's situation is clear at a glance. Zifeng didn't want to do this, so Zhao Zui had to stay at least two people here.

Forget Zifeng, he plans to stay here with Zhao Qi and Zhao Lianshishan, leading a hundred undead beasts, enough to deal with the overall situation, if there is any situation, as long as they blockade for a while, Zifeng can lead the reinforcements. .

Zifeng is also preparing to leave Zhao Qian. Although Zhao Qian can't remember his past, his abilities still exist. Staying here can only put him on the mountain outside. There were so many people from other troops on the mountain outside watching them, and Zifeng just sent one person out to see those people.

At the same time, Zifeng also worried that Zhao Qian and the people behind Zhao Qian could not deal with them temporarily. Someone must have instructed him to do it. But because of amnesia, I don't know who is behind him, so I can only check it slowly. For the remaining six Zhaozui, Zifeng prepared to send them back to Iron Mountain Castle, leaving two guarding the castle, and the other four leading the undead to the Carrion Swamp to catch the undead and monsters.

The ranch is now open. As long as they catch undead creatures and monsters, they can put them in space to raise them, so that Zifeng can slowly form an army of monsters.

Only after the Legion of Warcraft was really established, could Zifeng dare to improve the land of Iron Mountain Castle, otherwise he would have no courage.

In addition, Zifeng also prepared wood and stones to visit the castle, one for the convenience of slave management, and the other for the safety of the slaves.

Zifeng, they can't go yet, they can only wait in Stone Mountain. They can't leave until Laura comes back and reaches an agreement with Laura.

Although they said that they can now sell things to Space City with gold coins, the prices in space are too low to be cost-effective, so Zifeng still wants to cooperate with Laura.

After planning his future work, Zifeng also started to do it. He first asked the slaves to return to Iron Mountain Castle. It didn't take much time to get there. The slaves were used to going into space, so they didn't know that Zifeng wanted them to return to Iron Mountain Castle. They thought Zifeng was going out, so they took them into space as before.

As soon as everyone entered space, Zifeng said, "Let me tell you one thing. Now the space has been upgraded. We can go directly back to Iron Mountain Castle from this space. I want everyone to go back so that everyone can You can install millstones and repair the castle."

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