The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 25: This is a great person

And those great nobles also relied on Huo Ding Yu and made a lot of money. Huo Ding Yu was the envious of the royal family, but those great nobles were old nobles, so even the royal family could not take them in.

Before arriving at Qingshi Villa, when Zifeng saw the hot spring, he thought of raising fire fish to make a fortune. However, they did not know the situation there at the time. Later, he also gave up the idea of ​​raising fire fish in Qingshi Villa. Now he can finally raise fire fish in space.

Merlin looked at the salamanders in the hot spring and said happily: "It's great, great. As long as we can raise salamanders, we don't have to worry about money."

Zifeng smiled. "Grandma Merlin, I don't raise too many salamanders. If this fish appears on the market in large numbers, it's worthless, isn't it?"

Zifeng's words were like a basin of cold water, making Meilin calm down instantly. Merlin knew very well about the price of salamanders on the mainland. Because she knew she would think more than Zifeng.

Zifeng just wants to prevent too many newts from appearing on the market, otherwise it will affect the price, but Merlin believes that if people know that their Buda family can breed newts, they will even be killed immediately. The temptation of the salamander is too great. Merlin said with a sullen face, "The master is right, but master, we must not let people know that this fish is related to our Buda family, otherwise we will be finished. This fish has no market value in the mainland, it is a big one. A tool for the nobles to accumulate wealth for themselves. If those people know that we can raise this fish, they will surely drive us away at all costs. We must be careful."

Zifeng nodded and said, "Don't worry, Grandma Merlin, I will be careful. We use the identity of the black magician in all our transactions with Laura and them, so that no one will doubt us. Now I have asked Zhao Zui and They went to the swamp to catch monsters. When there are more monsters, the black soil wasteland will be safer."

Merlin nodded, then sighed and said, "Everything on the mainland is inseparable from money. Even the old-fashioned nobles are thinking about making money desperately. For us, the Buda family, hiding in the black soil and wasteland may be a thing. Good thing. As long as those people don’t know that we have fire fish in our hands, we should be safe for the time being."

Zifeng also nodded and said, "Yes, it might be a good thing for us to hide in the black soil wasteland. It's best for everyone to forget our existence."

Merlin nodded, but then sighed, and said, "It may not be that easy. Not long ago, a large-scale monster and undead broke out in the swamp. People outside must have noticed the situation a long time ago. However, I believe they have seen it when we came out. They don’t know what actions they will take when they see us disappear."

Zifeng frowned when she heard Merlin's words. Is it dangerous for them to stay in Iron Mountain Castle?

Merlin shook his head and said, "I don't think so. The young masters left those undead creatures there to watch. There should be no problem. Many undead creatures are very sensitive to human flesh and blood, but if anyone really wants to go to Iron Mountain Castle, they will definitely We will find out in advance that it is not too late for us to prepare now."

Zifeng nodded, now it seems that this is the only way. In any case, Tieshanbao is also their root. They can no longer go back to Tieshanbao to avoid those people. This is too unrealistic.

If Zifeng has no room, it would not be a pity to give up Tieshanbao, but he has room to improve the land. Tieshanbao is too important to Zifeng and them.

The two chatted for a while, and then went back to the villa to rest. In any case, nothing is happening in these two places now. Zifeng was not in a hurry, so he stayed in space.

Zifeng also likes to stay in space very much. First of all, the design of the space villa here is closer to the villa on earth. He feels very comfortable living here. Secondly, Zifeng can be calculated in space. He can control everything in space. When Zifeng felt that he was staying in space, he would not feel weak. But once you leave this space, this feeling will reappear. Zifeng didn't like this feeling. There is no difference between darkness and daytime in space. The sky here is always the same color. If Zifeng wants to know whether it is dark or day outside, he must know through the screen.

In the evening, Zifeng still called the wood and stones to rest in the villa, leaving the castle to the slaves. Anyway, there is food and drink, and there is enough firewood, so it's good to live there.

In fact, slaves still like to live outside. Although it is said that living in this space is very comfortable, when they think of sleeping next to Zifeng every day, they feel that they are not as comfortable as living in such a castle, because they may still be sleeping and Zifeng has already gotten up.

Zifeng has also been paying attention to the situation of Magic Peach. Fortunately, the magic peach grows very well. The magical peach tree is quite different from the peach tree in the image of Zifeng Seal. The magical peach tree is not very tall, but the whole tree looks very clear, as if it was carved with crystals. It is very beautiful.

Looking at this little magical peach tree, Zifeng couldn't help sighing. To say that there are treasures in this space, this magical peach tree is quite gratifying no matter how powerful it is. Okay. thing.

Merlin and Meg are also very concerned about this magical peach tree. This magical peach tree is so important to them, they can't help but care.

In the evening, Zifeng collected another season of radishes and planted another season of radishes. Now he has 14 acres of radishes in his hand. With these carrots, even if Laura returns now, Zifeng can immediately trade with them.

Turnip has nothing to do with this. The fastest turnips and salamanders in space are now, followed by magical peaches, and finally oily fruit trees.

Xmas trees mature at the latest, and their prices are not high, but as Zifeng calculated before, there is too much demand for Xmas trees. Although the price is not high, this is a long-term business.

Salamanders are the most valuable, but in Zifeng they only dare to shoot a small amount, not too much. Otherwise, they will definitely attract people's attention, and they are not far from death.

Radish is also a popular dish, but it is a magical vegetable after all. Although ordinary people usually buy some, only those nobles or big merchants can really eat it for a long time. After all, ordinary people cannot eat carrots every day.

Therefore, although radishes may be bought more than salamanders, in general, it is impossible to buy too much, because then the impact on the entire radish market will be too great, and the ultimate loss will only be his own.

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