The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 27: Make a good bond

After Zifeng returned to the room, he immediately wrote to Zhao Zui, asking them to bring someone back immediately. However, he did not disturb the slaves who were resting in the castle. He planned to wait until the next day to call the slave into space. In any case, Iron Mountain Castle is also very safe now, and there will be nothing.

Early the next morning, Zifeng asked Wood and the others to organize, took the slaves to space, and took Zhao Chong and the others back to space.

However, Zhao Qian still did not get a response from there. He still doesn't seem to be able to finalize where these people live.

However, Zifeng was not worried when he arrived. He knew that the other party would wait for Green to return before starting work. Then he has nothing to worry about.

At noon, news from Zhao Qian told Zifeng that they planned to settle in a valley south of Luan Shitou Mountain.

As soon as Zifeng received the news, he immediately sent Zhao Qian back to Shishan. He wants to visit the canyon. However, he believed that someone must be watching outside Qingshi Villa now. In addition, they themselves did not have Green and Zhao Qian. They can walk out of the stone mountain without knowing it, so he can only bring Zhao Qian back.

Zhao Tongrong soon appeared in Shishan. Zhao Dong was not weak before, but what they learned was completely different from ordinary samurai. The most important thing for them was to hide their body shape. , And learning vindictiveness is also the most convenient way to hide the breath of resentment.

And the most good at hiding aura in the world, fighting Qi is a dark attribute, and since Zhao Qian became an undead, his whole person has become a dark attribute, which makes it more convenient for him to hide his aura. It can be said that he is now better than those Those who are trained to die are stronger.

As soon as Zifeng saw Zhao Qian's return, he was immediately recruited into space. As soon as Zhao Qian entered space, she saluted Zifeng. Zifeng waved his hand and said, "Well, let's go. How long can those people reach the canyon?"

Zhao Qian immediately said, "It's getting dark soon."

Zifeng nodded, and handed the evil plank in Zhao Qian's hand. "Take this plank and immediately go to the canyon they are going to. There is nothing else to do."

Zhao Qian replied, and then the evil spirit wall became only half a meter long, and then Zifeng sent him out of space. Zhao Qian immediately walked to the canyon where those people were going. This is one of the benefits of space upgrades. The Devil's Wall is a movable space. Although it is connected with Zifeng and cannot be used by others, it is still possible for Zhao Qian to run around with it. This is equivalent to allowing Zhao Qian to take the world away.

Although Zifeng used to be able to sit in the body of an alien and enter space, space will also follow the alien, but don’t forget that it needs a place, such as an alien’s body or a carriage, so that Zifeng can enter space, but now As long as one person holds the devil's staff, it does not need to be so troublesome.

Merlin has always supported Zifeng. Although she didn't understand why Zifeng handed over his employees to Zhao Qian, she didn't ask any more questions. She thinks that Zifeng must have a purpose in doing this.

Merlin still knew the power of some evil cooling walls. When Zifeng replaced the cooling stave, he had already told them, precisely because he had done so. However, they only know that the stave can use all the energy in the space, but they do not know that the stave is actually a portable space.

As soon as Zifeng walked out of Zhao's room, he walked into the room, turned on the screen, and looked at the image on the screen. He saw that the environment on the screen was constantly changing.

Merlin once understood that after spending so long in space, she always followed Zifeng in and out. She also understands some spatial laws. The space screen will not randomly display the surrounding environment. He will only show the 500-meter environment initially centered on the entry space.

Because of this, the image on the screen does not move normally, but now the image does not seem to be in the way, which proves that the point entering the space is moving. In other words, Zifeng gave Zhao Qian to the staff, which is equivalent to making Zhao Qian Take the entire space to the canyon.

Seeing this situation, Merlin was not worried. He sat there quietly looking at the image on the screen. They are also sitting next to the wood. After naturally arriving at the stone mountain, they have been busy on the mountain. They have not visited other mountains. Only Green had been there, but he did not go too far.

Zhao moved very fast, and the way he moved forward can be clearly seen on the screen. Unlike ordinary soldiers, Zhao Qian's way of advancing is very strange. He doesn't walk in a straight line, and the route he chooses is also very strange. Generally speaking, people live in places where eyesight is difficult to reach, or where the shadow of their body is easy to hide.

It can be said that this way of going forward is difficult to go fast, but Zhao Qian's speed is not slow at all, he quickly entered the mountain.

Upon entering the mainland, Zhao Qian was like a duck entering the water, moving fast in the mountains, and the screen moved so fast that some eyes could no longer keep up.

Zifeng looked dizzy, closed his eyes and opened them for a while, but instead of looking at the screen this time, he stood up and walked out. Meilin's situation is similar to that of Zifeng. They are also a little dizzy. They dare not look at the screen now. After Zifeng got up, Mei Lin immediately said, "Master, what's the matter?"

Zifeng smiled slightly. "It's okay. Zhao Zui and his family are back. I didn't expect these guys to come back so soon."

Zhaozui had been exploring the periphery of the swamp before they entered the carrion swamp, so when Zifeng asked them to come back, although they drove back immediately, they were still not as fast as the wood, and they have not returned to the castle until now.

Zifeng was not polite, just took them back to space. This time Zhaozui and the others came to nothing. They went this time just to explore the road and did not catch the undead beasts, so their strength did not increase.

Zifeng didn't ask Zhaozui about their situation in the Carrion Swamp. Now is not the time. There will be a chance to ask about this kind of thing in the future. Now they are still busy and important.

After more than two hours, Zhao Qian climbed over the mountain and came to what he called the canyon. The location of the canyon is very good. It is located between two mountains, and the terrain is flat with a small stream in between. This is the best camping place.

However, this is not the best ambush location. The terrain is flat and there is no hiding place. For those who want to ambush, this place is not eligible for any ambush.

But for Zifeng, any place can be an ambush location, because he can make Zhaozui and the others appear in the canyon in an instant, there is no need to have any hiding place.

Zifeng and Mei Lin walked out of space and carefully observed the terrain in the canyon. There is really nothing to see here. I can see that the other party chose to stay here. It must be because they had decided that this was not a good place to ambush at all, so they chose this place.

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