The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 39: It's actually true

Under the cover of the undead, Zhao Qian unknowingly handed the Evil Spirit Wall to Zhao Qi. Zhao Qi picked up the cooling stave and immediately placed it on the back of the undead. This undead is not an alien. Zifeng has left the aliens very close to Garan, and is waiting for the aliens to use spiritual magic to give them a difficult time.

After all, before he found the opportunity, the magical attacks of the alien elves were not very strong, and the previous sneak attacks were the same. If they really confronted each other, he could not be the opponent of the eight magicians of Garan.

Zhao Qizheng's location is not close to Jialan. It is about 30 meters long. This location is relatively safe. The magic general has no way to attack such a distant target. Even if the opponent used the stone giant to throw stones to attack, Zhao Qi still had time to hide.

Zhao Qi stood on the undead. Green couldn't help being taken aback. They get along with Zifeng day and night. Naturally, they realized that it was not Zifeng. Only Zhao Qi and a few of them have the same number, so Green can't tell which of them is Zhao Qi.

Although I don't know which Zhao Qi is, Green is very sympathetic to Zifeng's approach. Based on his life experience, it is natural to see that Garan feels uneasy and kind to Zifeng's call this time. He wanted to remind Zifeng, but thinking of his reminder, Garan might feel something wrong, so all he can do now is to pay close attention to Garan. As long as they change, he will attack immediately. But when he saw Zhao Qi, he was relieved. Zifeng asked Zhao Qi to take his place, which would ensure his own safety. For Green and his family, it has nothing to do with the sacrifice of Zhao Qi. As long as Zifeng is safe, everything will be fine.

After Zhao Qi stood still, a voice from Zifeng said, "I want to know why Mr. Garan saw me? Do you want to talk to me?"

Zifeng's words were destructive enough. Obviously, he was taunting Garan. Jia Lan's face was green. He is a favored figure. He has been smart since he was a child. Otherwise, he would not become an eighth-level light magician at such an age. It is precisely because he is a genius that almost everyone follows him and holds him in their hands. There are no repeated sentences. He received such sarcasm there.

However, Garan still swallowed his breath and lowered his voice: "Mr. Zifeng shouldn't ridicule me either. People in the public domain shouldn't speak swear words. Mr. Zifeng knows my name and naturally knows what we are doing here. This time. It’s wrong for us to disturb Mr. Zifeng. I’m here to compensate Mr. Chen. As long as Mr. Chen is willing to let us go, I am willing to give Mr. Chen the magic iron roll that I will use next time. What will Mr. Chen think?" He said. While reaching into his arms, he took out the magic iron roll.

Zifeng's voice continued, "Why should I let you go? If I kill you, I will definitely get the magic iron scroll."

As soon as his voice fell, he heard Garan's angry voice shouting: "Then you go to die." After speaking, he opened the magic iron scroll, and a white light rushed to the sky.

Both Green and Merlin have bad secrets. They moved one to support Zhao Qi's magic shield almost at the same time, while the other attacked like Garan.

But Green's attack was blocked by the two stone giants. Although Merlin's shield was supported, it didn't work at all. As soon as the white light in Garan's book flew into the sky, it immediately turned into a huge lightsaber and shot Zhao Qi directly.

Merlin knew it was bad when she saw the sword light, because she knew it. This sword light is the most unsolvable attack magic in light magic. It is called the Blade of Judgment. This is a seven-level magic. This kind of magic consumes magic and takes a long time to cast, but its offensive ability is very strong, almost ignoring any defense. If an eighth-level strong man does not equip himself with a large number of shields in advance, he will also be killed by the sword.

The shield that Mei wanted to release in a hurry could not stop the attack of the Judgment Blade, so Mei Lin knew that Zhao Qi was in danger this time, because he saw that the magic released by Garan was actually the Judgment Blade.

But when the sword fell, Zhao Qi and the undead around him suddenly disappeared. The lightsaber was chopped into the open, and a five-meter long mark appeared on the ground. This mark is more than one meter deep and half a meter wide, showing the power of the sword. Seeing this situation, Garan's proud face froze. Even if he is a fool, he knows he has done useless work. Besides, he is not a fool. He just didn't understand that all the undead had been there.

He didn’t understand, but Meilin and the others understood very well. It’s just that Zhao Qi and the others were collected by Zifeng a long time ago. The lightsaber fell very fast, but Zifeng didn’t have the idea of ​​turning fast. As soon as Zifeng had an idea, Zhao Qi They were collected.

When Jian Guang disappeared, Zhao Qi and his team reappeared there, as if they had never touched them just now. Zifeng's voice once said, "I knew you would come here. I have guarded you for a long time. Grandson, wait until you die.

However, Garan turned around and looked at Zhao Qi with a sneer. "Is that so? I don't think I will die here today, Brother Shijia. I will give it to you, and I will avenge you." After speaking, it lit up in a place where the magic iron scroll was opened. This time, the white light enveloped the entire inside of Kalan, and Kalan's body was slowly invisible.

As soon as Merlin saw the white light, she hurriedly said: "Attacking the white light is the magic of light." She said it was for Green and them, but Zifeng heard it too.

Although Zifeng was sitting in space, his eyes were fixed on Garan. His eyes were murderous. He was really angry this time. Fortunately, he was just very careful. If he goes out alone, it will even be very dangerous. He can't guarantee that a big knife will be cut off his head, he will be so calm.

Hearing Merlin's words, Zifeng couldn't help sighing: "I killed you a bastard." After speaking, a huge fly swatter appeared in the white light and slapped it violently.

The fly swatter is a function of the open pasture. It has a 10% chance of being hit and killed. It can also be taken out of the space and used. This is currently Zi Fenghui's only attack skill.

Anyone who has played farm games knows that the swing speed of a fly swatter is related to the speed of your hand. The faster you press, the faster you can play. Zifeng has no advantage. The only advantage is that his hands are fast, at least a little faster than usual.

The speed of the hand is consistent with the person's ability to react. In other words, Zifeng's reaction was a little faster than normal people. Although it's just a little bit faster, it's already very good. Therefore, this cruel slap on Kalan was swiped a dozen times in an instant. You know that the fly swatter is not controlled by hands, but directly controlled by Zifeng's head.

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