The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 42: Reduced to a supporting role

Although Green and his family didn't understand what Zifeng was doing, they also knew that they had to care about the white light just now. Before Green could say anything, Meg immediately ran to Zifeng to help him upstairs.

Green looked at the two men worriedly, but said nothing. He just asked Zhao Zui to carry the body to the back of the house and asked Merlin to help the slave.

Green also noticed that the stone giant was standing next to him, but now the stone giant is more like a statue, motionless, he can see nothing, but he also knows that Zifeng has received two stone giants in space, and now he has a look at the stone giant’s Apparently, I almost knew that the stone giant might have been strengthened by space.

Although Green knows little about space now, he still knows some of the functions of space, such as extracting advantages and strengthening other objects. This is a very powerful function of space, at least in Green's view.

Fortunately, when Zifeng put the bones into space, he threw them directly into the warehouse. Otherwise, he really couldn't stand so many people, but Green soon discovered something different. He noticed the hot springs and the magical peach trees.

When they went out to fight, the magical peach tree had already produced a small fruit, but it hadn't matured yet, and there were only five salamanders in the hot spring. But now, there are no small fruits on the magical peach tree, and the number of salamanders in the hot spring has also increased. Green knew that the phantom peach must mature and the salamander would lay eggs, which made Green a little excited.

Salamanders can only bring some income to the Buda family, which is still a trivial matter. Income may not be too high. This is not to say that salamanders cannot be sold. On the contrary, salamanders can be sold no matter how much they have, but they dare not sell so much.

What Green cares about most is the magic peach. The magical peaches can allow them to collect familiar ones. For a strong person, what he desires most is the familiar, so Green is especially concerned about the magic peach.

Looking around, Green beckoned Chrysanthemum and Ann to come over. They walked to Green in a hurry and saluted Green nervously. Although they were restored to civilian status by Zifeng, they did not dare to show any disrespect to Green. You know, even Zifeng respects Green, let alone them. Green looked at the two men and smiled slightly. "Don't be so nervous, I just want to ask, did the young master just take the magic peach?" After talking about a magical peach tree.

Chrysanthemum quickly nodded and said, "Yes, sir. The young master has just received two magical peaches and put them in the warehouse."

Green nodded and smiled at the two men. "Now there is only space in the space. You can only be wronged. Please help the master take care of the slave first. When our environment is good, I will tell the master to compensate you."

Chrysanthemum and An immediately bowed and said, "No, it is our honor to serve the young master."

Green smiled and said: "Our Buda family must reward outstanding people. Don't worry, Master and I can watch your performance and go to rest." The two responded and turned and left.

Merlin has been standing behind Green. After seeing these two people go, he came to Green and said: "Old man, this time the young master received two magic peaches, which means he can get two magic peaches. How do you want to divide these two magic peaches? "

Green thought for a while and said, "I'll eat one first, but you and Meg won't eat it. You two must always protect the young master beside him. Although the young master can use magic now, you also know that the young master is not in good health. I will rest assured that you are around. Wood and stone are preserved first. Now their power is too weak. When their power is great, let them use it, and there is one more. I want to talk to the little master, Give Laura a magical peach kernel and bring them closer to Laura. This is good for us.

Merlin nodded and said, "This time, the master also gave Meg's magic book. Meg has the ability to protect herself, don't worry about him. People who are familiar with it don't worry. The master has aliens. Meg and I have been following the master. We Don't worry about not having a mount. What kind of monsters do you plan to make this time?"

Green thought for a while, and said: "I'm not worried, you know, familiar things will not be taken away casually, especially this kind of familiar things. I am familiar with nightmares in my ideals, but nightmares are only in the abyss of magic and flames. The island is found, but these two places are too far away from us. I don’t have time to go there now. I can only wait and see. If there are other beasts that suit me, I can also take it. If not, I will have a chance Visit the magical abyss."

Merlin nodded and said, "Well, the nightmare is indeed a good mount, but now the Buda family can’t leave you, you have to wait. As I said, if you really catch the nightmare, don’t accept any mounts, leave it to Master, when the master has more nightmares, you can accept it at will."

Green laughed loudly and said, "Yes, you are right. Hahaha. With this space, we still don't have a mount." He talked and followed Merlin into the house. As soon as he entered the villa, Green said to Merlin, "Merlin, go get something to eat. The young master got up in the middle of the night and worked till now. He should be hungry too. When the master woke up, it was time to eat something. "

Merlin nodded and turned to wood and stone. "You two should take a break, too." At this moment, Meg came down gently from upstairs.

Merlin said quickly: "How is it? Master is okay?"

Meg frowned and said, "Not so good. The young master didn't seem to be asleep, but fainted, frowning all the time, as if a headache."

Both Green and Merlin frowned, and then Green shook his head and said, "It should be fine. The young master was hit by the white light on the cooling wall. The slats are the master's thing and should not hurt the master. Alright, Merlin, get ready. Eat. Meg, go to the young master’s room. If the young master wakes up, you call me immediately.” Meg replied, turning around and going upstairs again.

Merlin watched Meg go upstairs, then frowned and said to Green, "Are you really all right? Master will not be wrong."

Green shook his head and said, "It will be fine. This space is closely related to the owner. If something happens to the owner, this space will no longer exist. Now there is nothing in the space, which proves that the owner is very good. I think the white light It should be similar to the genetic formula of an orc. You know, the master may want to learn how to use magic. As you know, the master has never learned magic before, and now it is normal for him to have three sets of magic in his mind."

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