The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 45: arrogant

After a series of warning sounds, a skeleton finally appeared on the ground. The bones look no different from other undead creatures in space. Zifeng took a closer look and found no difference. He had to say: "Get up, what's your name?"

Immediately, the horse saluted to Zifeng. Master, I call it the Dark Night Shadowless Zone.

Zifeng nodded and glanced at everyone. "Which organization do you belong to? Who is your leader?"

"Master, I belong to the Yeshade Group. Our leader is the Shadow Heizi, but we have another identity on the Ark Continent, the Yeshade Charity Group. We are all members of the Yeshade Charity Group."

Zifeng immediately said, "Then which unit does your assassin group belong to?"

Ye Wuying shook his head and said, "Master, we don't know this. We have been adopted since childhood and have been trained. We only listen to the leader. We don't know what kind of power it belongs to."

Zifeng couldn't help feeling disappointed. Then he said, "Where is your headquarters? How did you accept the mission of the murderer?"

Ye Wuying said: "All the colonels tell us that we will kill whoever he wants us to kill. If you don't dare to fight, you should only die. If you dare to ask more or die, you dare to escape or die."

Zifeng and the others couldn't help taking a breath. Ye Wushadow’s words were filled with endless fragrance and endless murderous aura. You must know that they are all high-level fighters, and their strength has reached level 7. Such existence should still be in their organization. Speaking of killing, how strong is their organization?

Zifeng quickly said, "How many people are there in your organization? How many experts like you are there?"

Ye Wuying said: "We are the gold medal killers in the organization. People like us, there are 50 people in the organization. Before us, there are five crystal killers. The rest are low-level silver medal killers. The number of these killers. It’s huge. They have the power of about six fighters. I don’t know how many there are. Bronze killers are below. These killers are just the most common killers. They are all combat troops with less than five fighters."

Zifeng and Green's face changed. They didn't expect the night without them to organize the shadows to be so severe. There are 50 masters in "Shadowless Night" alone, more powerful than them. Sixth-level samurai masters don't even know how many there are. What a monster.

This power is beyond their current ability to cope. This time they only sent three people without shadows at night. What would happen if they sent all the troops out? The most important thing is that the other party can train a night slayer group, who knows they will train a night slayer group? If this is the case, then Zifeng will have no way to compete with them.

Zifeng continued, "What is the relationship between you and Garan? What is the relationship with Versailles?"

Ye Wuying shook his head and said, "It's okay. We accepted the colonel's mission. This time, the mission is to cooperate with Garan against the master. Garan has nothing to do with Versailles' affairs."

Zifeng couldn't help sighing with disappointment. He had heard from the shadowless night that Garan is a half-key. Unfortunately, light magic is the same as dark magic. If it weren't for Garan's mouth, he would definitely be able to ask some more useful things. .

Thinking of this, Zifeng waved his hand, calling out two brothers, Jia Lan and Shi Shuangling. As soon as Garan appeared, Zifeng and Green couldn't help being shocked, because Garan's image really exceeded Zifeng's expectations.

Kalan’s bones are different from other undead creatures in space. The bones are white, almost transparent, carved like a piece of pure crystal, giving a sense of sacredness.

Can a skeleton feel sacred? This feeling is too weird, right? Zifeng and Green thought at the same time.

When Shuangjie looked at the stone forest, the two brothers were also different from other undead creatures in space. Their bones are yellow, just like yellow emeralds, crystal clear and very beautiful, giving people a calm and mountain-like feeling.

At the same time, Zifeng also noticed that several of them gave him a feeling different from those of ordinary undead creatures. Dark Night Wuying gave them a desolate and extremely dangerous feeling, like a poisonous snake lurking in the dark, ready to bite you at any time.

There seems to be an invisible temperament on these bones, which is very obvious. In the mainland, only the strong have such obvious temperament, this is clear at a glance. This proves that these bones are very strong.

In fact, after several Huaqiang, the combat effectiveness of these undead creatures in space is now very powerful. Like Kalan, if they are primitive, the space will turn them into undead creatures. This is at most the combat effectiveness at the beginning of level 6, but now their combat effectiveness is comparable to that of level 7.

Zifeng asked Jialan a few more questions. Therefore, Jialan's situation is the same as Zhao Qian. His power still exists. He can use all the light magic he ever knew, but he can't remember what happened before he died.

Zifeng sighed disappointedly, and sent Jialan back to the warehouse. At the same time, he changed Garan's name. Jia Lan's name is Zhao Jia, Shi Lin Shuangjie's names are Shi Zhao and Zhao Jie.

This saved Zifeng only changed the name of the mercenary leader to Zhao Qi, and asked him to lead ordinary mercenary soldiers into undead and swamp undead. There were only eight of Alien and Zhaozui, as well as Zhao Jia and Shi Zhao. , Zhao Jie, that night without shadows and the undead creatures that died into him do not belong to him. Zifeng had long discovered that Zhao Zui was not a qualified commander-in-chief. They are black magicians and no commander has fought. They command the undead, and they build up one by one, like gangsters fight. This is not how much combat power can be developed.

Zhao Qi is different. Zhao Qi seems to have a lot of research on marching and fighting, so Zifeng directly asked him to lead the undead, so Zhaozui and the others will be liberated, while the night Wuying is good at assassination and let them control the dead to become undead. Can exert the greatest combat effectiveness.

The statistics now show that Zifeng’s combat effectiveness is not low, but Zifeng doesn’t want to be too arrogant. After arranging these things, he will send Zhao Jia and them all back to the space warehouse, and will also summon him with the Philosopher’s Stone. The stone giant that came out was lifted up, now the magic stone can use three series of magic, and there is no limit to the number of times to summon the stone giant, and Zifeng naturally does not need this big guy to stand there.

When everything in space was over, Zifeng asked Zhao Zui and them to go to Iron Mountain Castle again, and Zhao Qi led those people to follow Zhao Zui into the swamp. Zhao Qi and Zhao Bian led 500 undead creatures to stay behind. Among the 500 undead creatures, Zhao Jia, Shi Zhao and Zhao Jie have no shadows at night. They led 200 ordinary mercenaries into inanimate creatures, 100 dead people became undead and stayed at Qingshi Villa in Shishan, while Zifeng and Green waited at Qingshi Villa.

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