The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 48: Unfeeling breath

This made him pay more attention to Zifeng. This time Green went shopping and came to Machiavelli's company to help carry it. He immediately won the task. He was very enthusiastic to help Green put the blue-eyed rabbit into the carriage and transport it to Stone Mountain.

Sean has been working hard to please Green. He arranged everything along the way. He just wanted to get Green's favor. It's best to go to Rocky Mountain with Green.

Now everyone in the Duchy of Versailles knows that a very powerful and mysterious black magician lives on the stone mountain. Once he reached the stone mountain, he used black magic to surround the entire stone mountain. No one knows what happened inside.

Just because I don't know, there are all kinds of rumors in Casa City. Some people say that the black wizard is practicing powerful black magic there, and one day he will attack Casa City. Others say that the dark wizard is collecting human bodies and practicing magic skills there. Others say that the dark wizard is using hot springs to wash away his sins. There are various rumors, but none of them speaks well.

However, Sean knew what these people were saying was not true. In a big city like Casa, let alone an ordinary black wizard, even 100 black wizards dare not attack.

In large companies like Markdel, Sean still knows a lot about black wizards. He knew very well that black wizards were not as scary as rumors. They may behave a little strangely. This is related to the magic they practiced. In fact, many dark wizards are good people. Many methods of healing wounds were created by black wizards. It can be said that the black wizard is no less helpful to people than the white wizard. However, white wizards are very popular and are now called light wizards, while black wizards are the least popular.

However, these have nothing to do with Sean. He is most concerned about the situation of Zifeng. He wanted to learn more about Zifeng, so he wanted to go to the Rocky Mountains to see it.

Sean does not actually belong to the Machiavelli family. He belongs to one of Laura's troops. The Machiavelli family was abandoned by everyone, and Laura's father Karen was the second heir to the Machiavelli family. Ordinarily, the existence of such an identity should not only be assigned to the territory of a small principality like the Principality of Versace to operate, but Karen is really not good at long-term operations, so she will only be assigned to such a small place like the Principality of Versace.

But what everyone didn't expect was Laura. She is actually very good at management, giving a vivid operation to the business department of the Chamber of Commerce in a small place like the Principality of Versace. In addition, every store has a lot of her confidants, and Sean is one of them.

Karen didn't care about anything. Sean and them were arranged by Laura. There is only one loyal object, Laura. It is precisely because of this that Sean cares about Zifeng's affairs so much. Zifeng has contacted Laura. Sean wanted to know what Zifeng had against Laura, and what kind of person he was.

But what Shaun didn't expect was that when they were less than a day away from Stone Mountain, Green left them and ran away, only to let them take things to Stone Mountain.

Although Sean didn't know why Green bought so many rabbits, he didn't ask too much, because he knew certain things he shouldn't ask.

When Sean and his team reached the foot of the rocky mountain, they saw the entire rocky mountain covered in black mist. The visibility is less than one meter, and you can't see the mountain at all.

Although Black Mist is strange, Sean knows that Black Mist is not aggressive, but will block people's sight.

Sean and they reached the foot of the mountain, but they didn't know what to do. Just as they were about to enter, there was a sudden sound of footsteps. Along with this sound of footsteps, there was a creaking sound. The sound is difficult, as if someone is grinding hard with two bones.

Hearing the sound, Sean and his people felt a flurry of hair. Then they saw Green standing in front of them in armor.

Sean didn't know Green's name. He only knew that this warrior was a suitor of those magicians and was very powerful. The soldier kept in touch with them all the time.

As soon as Sean saw Green, he was going to see him, but his footsteps suddenly stopped and his face became pale because he saw the undead behind Green.

This time Green brought 20 undead creatures to help the driver. These undead creatures are ordinary mercenaries. However, after the space is strengthened, their combat effectiveness is also good, and their intelligence is similar to that of normal people. They are just a dark green skeleton, looking fierce and terrifying.

It is precisely because these undead creatures are dark green and look terrible, Sean is afraid. These undead creatures are not easy to deal with at first glance.

Green also noticed Sean’s expression, and said in a deep voice, "Don’t be nervous, everyone. These are the summoned creatures of our crazy family. Well, you have sent things here, and you have successfully completed the task. Sean. , You can go back to work. Take these gold coins back and share them with your brothers."

Green gave Sean five gold coins, which was a lot of money. You know, only ten people came with Sean this time, which means that each of them can get five silver coins, which is a great asset for these porters. But Sean was not happy at all. Although he took the gold coin, he said, "Dear Lord Samurai, let us help you drive the car up the mountain."

Green shook his head and said, "Forget it, my husband doesn't like other people disturbing his cleaning and repairs. Let's go home." So, Sean and his entourage were ignored. The undead waved their hands and immediately walked over and drove the four carriages into the mountains.

Green glanced at Sean, his eyes flashed coldly. "Sean, don't blame me for not reminding you that Mr. Wang raised a lot of undead creatures. If you enter at will, you will be attacked. Go home honestly." After speaking, Sean and his entourage turned and walked into the dark mist. the Rocky Mountains. After two steps, they couldn't see him.

Sean was stunned when he heard Green's words, and then his face changed. He already knew that Green must have found out that he wanted to know them. This is why he said so. Thinking of this, Sean couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. Sean can only be a fourth-level fighter. Although he does not know what level Green is, it is certain that Green's level must be much higher than him. Trying to kill him is almost like strangling an ant.

Sean immediately turned to the porter who came with him and said, "Go, go home." After that, he turned and walked towards Casa City. He was pale now. He was really scared.

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