The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 69: Got revenge

In addition to this is the first time to cooperate with Zifeng, there is another very important reason, and that is the quality of the carrots that Zifeng brings.

Laura is good at daily necessities. Although radish is only a low-end consumer product here, if the radish is of good quality, it will still have a great impact on his business.

It's like two food stores, both buying carrots. One of them is big and nice, and the price is not expensive. The other has turnips, but not as good as the first. the same price. Everyone will go first. Of course, you can't just buy carrots when you go to the food store. After buying carrots, you will also buy some other commodities. Therefore, the business of their store is naturally better than other stores. This is the real use of radish.

Although Zifeng assured Laura that all the radishes he produced there were of the same quality, Laura still didn't believe it. When doing business, she must always maintain this mentality. Laura was deceived several times before realizing this fact. Zheng Kun is also in the store. If this is normal, Laura and Zheng Kun would not care about such a small cooperation of about 10,000 kilograms of cargo. However, this time is different. This kind of cooperation is related to the rise and fall of Laura and their team.

At this moment, a small team came from a distance and saw the banner of the side flower sticking to the team from a distance, letting everyone know that the team belonged to the Macedel Commercial Bank.

As soon as Laura saw the convoy coming back, she walked to the backyard. She knows very well that the return of the convoy represents the arrival of the goods. The goods will not be placed directly in the front yard, but in the warehouse in the back yard, and then placed in the front store.

Kun is also following Laura. They want to know whether the magic radish from Zifeng is as good as the one from Shishan.

The convoy quickly entered the courtyard behind the store. The yard is very large, with many rooms, and some places are separated by horses and cars. Most of the rest are warehouses, and then some office and living spaces.

Although no one dares to touch the Machiavelli family in Casa City, the cattle here still need to be taken care of at night, and there will be guards in the backyard of the shop at night.

It was Sean who led the team. Now Sean has been promoted and is no longer the original porter's manager. He is now the captain of this special station in charge of dealing with Zifeng and his team.

In the three days Laura returned from Zifeng, she not only helped Zifeng buy five hydraulic machines. Not expensive at all. There are many places in Casa City that she can buy. During these three days, Laura's main task was to clean up her shop.

This cleanup does not mean to clean up her store, but to clean up all the people who are not her in the store. This time she was attacked on the way to Montenegro. Some members of the Markdel family also participated in the attack. At the same time that Laura was attacked, many people were placed in their shop, trying to put Laura and them on the shelves.

But Laura is not so easy to deal with. After she comes back this time, she won't be so fast, but she will have a good fight with those guys. However, after meeting with Zifeng and forming an alliance with Zifeng, Laura was not in the mood to fight with those people. If Zifeng finds that her store is still unstable, this may affect Zifeng's determination to cooperate with her. Therefore, Laura returned to the newspaper and spent three days cleaning up all the people assigned by the other Macidel family forces in the shop, and let some of her confidants hold important positions.

Sean has always been loyal to Laura, and he is still in touch with Zifeng, so this time Laura promoted him to the team leader.

Although the team leader and the porter leader are both team leaders, relatively speaking, the team leader has to work harder and run around to pull goods almost all year round, but the team leader's treatment is much better than that of the porter leader. Sean knew that Laura attached great importance to the cooperation with Zifeng, but he did not expect to pay attention to this achievement. Laura and Kun were actually waiting for them in the yard.

Sean quickly walked up to Laura and said to Laura, "I have met the lady and the manager."

Laura just nodded slightly, and quickly walked to a carriage. The carriage itself is equipped with a wooden carriage. The carriage is very tall, more than one meter high, and can hold many things. The carriage was covered with coarse cloth, which was carefully closed with a rope.

Sean saw Laura's movements and immediately walked to the carriage. He opened the rope and lifted the coarse cloth. Laura looked at the carriage.

The trunk is covered with weeds, and the weeds are covered with tender white radishes. The radishes were carefully stacked in rows, and they didn't look messy.

Lao stretched her hand to get a white radish, which was no different from the white radish she saw at Qingshi Villa that day. Although the texture of radish may be somewhat different, it is about the same size, without insect eyes, smooth skin and tender water. At first glance, you know that this is a high-quality, good product.

Laura put down this radish and picked up another one. The result is the same. She weighed with her hands. The weight of the two white carrots is almost equal.

Laura turned to Sean and said, "Have you seen all the magic carrots? Is it all the same?"

Xiao En quickly nodded and said, "Yes, all magical carrots have been seen. They are of the same quality and almost the same weight. This is the best magical carrot that his subordinates have seen in years."

Laura turned to look at Zheng Kun, both of them were shocked. You must know that magic radish is not a valuable commodity. Because of this, the quality requirements for magic radish are not particularly strict. Some major magic radish producing areas, they all collect magic radish in the field, and then sell it directly to dealers like Laura and them. They will not specifically pick out some bad magic carrots. This resulted. The magical radishes they sell are very large, come in various shapes and sizes, and some particularly bad radishes will be disposed of at a low price. Many high-income civilians will also buy some poor-quality magic carrots to eat.

However, the quality of the magic radish given to them by Zifeng is quite good. There is only one explanation. Zifeng has singled out bad ones before. Why did he do this? Doing so will cost him a lot of magic carrots, and their magic carrots are not more expensive than others. Is this the quality of their magic radish? This is impossible. Even people who study plants cannot guarantee that everything they produce will grow like this.

This really makes Laura think right. Everything grown in Zifeng is the same. You know, everything in space has something digital. Almost all digital things are engraved in the same mold. How can you own everything like ordinary land?

Laura frowned and said, "But even if his land is good, it is impossible for every magical carrot to have such good quality. If he picks out the bad ones in advance, will the loss be too great?"

Kun Wei smiled and said: "That's why I said he has the sincerity of cooperation. He seems to want to play a brand effect. He picks out all the bad magic carrots and gives us all the good ones. Naturally, we will sell these good ones together. Magic carrot. Gradually, people will only recognize him as a magic carrot. Haha, this is the way to do business."

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