The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 72: Secret method

Kun looked at Laura with darkness in her heart. Laura is still too young. Although she is very smart, in the long run, she didn't think about things. He had to explain: "Although I only had contact with Zifeng once, I also saw something. There must be a developing territory behind Zifeng. This land is very fertile and can grow high-quality magical vegetables. Zifeng may have offended someone, so he can't let us see him. He doesn't dare to seek direct cooperation from those big companies, so he found us because he understands us and treats you very well. With other companies In comparison, we are trustworthy."

Laura couldn't help nodding when she heard what Kun was talking about. "Yes, I think so too. If Zifeng doesn't offend anything and uses what he has, he doesn't need to cooperate with us at all."

Kun nodded on time, and then said: "Zifeng can be said to be a very smart person. He knew that he had just cooperated with us to ensure the quality of the goods and put the sign on it. So he gave us the best quality magic radish. , But little Laura, you have to pay attention. He gave us the best quality. Where did the inferior products go? If he does not cooperate with others, these vegetables will not be sold and can only be eaten by themselves."

Laura seemed to understand what Kun was talking about, but she still looked at Zheng Kun motionlessly. Kun looked at Laura and smiled slightly: "If he gives all those magical vegetables to his men, then his men must be much better than ordinary people. Judging from Zifeng's appearance, he knows that there are not many people around him. If he leaves enough magic carrots, his people can almost eat magic vegetables. Do you think there is a private army that can eat magic vegetables now? No, no. Even the big nobles, their private soldiers, only Only the most elite can eat magical vegetables. If Zifeng's soldiers are really treated like this, what will his future look like?"

Ginger is still old and spicy. Although Zheng Kun's analysis is not very correct, he cannot know the existence of space. However, his analysis is precisely the direction of their future development in Zifeng. Zifeng and Zifeng just want all his employees to eat vegetables and meat produced in space to enhance their physical fitness. Zheng Kun also likes Zifeng.

Laura looked at Kun Zhengdao with blinking eyes: "Grandpa Zheng Kun means that Mr. Zifeng will become stronger in the future? If so, it is really good for us."

Kun said with a smile: "We are merchants, merchants are not aristocrats, we don't want to dominate everything. However, this does not prevent merchants from investing in these aristocrats. If we find an aristocrat worthy of our investment, we will invest in him. When he grows up , We will follow him. This is the highest state of merchants."

Laura nodded and said, "Grandpa Zheng Kun thinks Mr. Zifeng is a worthy investment person? Then should we give Mr. Zifeng a little more discount? Or give him more help?"

Zheng Kun shook his head and said, "Don't do that. Although we have only contacted Mr. Zifeng once, I found that he is a person with strong self-esteem, that is to say, he is still very arrogant in his heart. He will not accept this kind of charitable assistance. If we do this, it will only make him dislike us. What we have to do now is to cooperate with him like an ordinary collaborator, which is the greatest help to him. But what he asks us to do for him, we must do beautifully For example, find a meat processing factory. Laura nodded and said, "Tomorrow we will go to Shishan and ask Mr. Zifeng about his production of blue-eyed rabbits. Then we will contact the meat processing plant. "

Kun nodded on time and said: "This is the right thing to do. We should first know the output of Mr. Zifeng's blue-eyed rabbits, and then contact the processing plant. This is also good for Zifeng."

Laura nodded, turned to look at the sky outside the window, and whispered, "I hope this is an opportunity. Although I don't care about the important position in the Machiavelli family, I hope I will not become a gift and be affected by my family. Pack it away."

There is a reason for Laura to say that. She is 18 years old this year. One of them has been in a weak position in the Machiavelli family, and all large families have a way to consolidate their power. This method has been used several times. Thousands of years, it is still in use now. It seems that it will always be used, that is, marriage!

This is an abused technique, but some large families still use it. Although in the face of interests, marriage is equivalent to shit, but you have to deny that when two families cooperate, their marriage can really act as a mediator and make the relationship between the two more harmonious.

Laura is a member of the Machiavelli family. Despite her high business talents, her family is too weak in the Machiavelli family. Laura is now eighteen years old. I believe that the Machiavelli family will use her to get married soon, which is what Laura hates most.

Laura also wants to know that if she does not want to be used as a bargaining chip for marriage by the family, there is only one way to become strong so that the family dare not send her to marriage. Only in this way can she dominate her life.

Kun is understanding Laura's thoughts. Laura had long wanted to do business, but there was no way. She could not get help from the Machiavelli family. There are no good suppliers, no good partners, and no strong allies. These external factors make people stronger. Even if Laura is smart, she can't make herself more powerful.

However, the appearance of Zifeng is an opportunity to make Laura and her family stronger. As long as they seize this opportunity, the Machiavelli family will find it difficult to manage them after that.

Although Laura's father Karen is not very responsible, he loves Laura very much. Laura was not considered a marriage partner until she was 18. It's only because of Karen that Karen doesn't care what the family says. He has always believed that Laura's happiness should be determined by Laura herself.

Karen believes that when she came to a small place like the Duchy of Wasser, the family did not give them any help and naturally did not have the power to decide Laura's fate.

But this alone is not enough, they need strength, strong power, or sooner or later this family will attack Laura. Because in the eyes of the head of a large family, personal happiness is nothing compared to family interests. Zifeng knew nothing about this. On the second day of Laura's escort, Green had already taken 1,000 gold coins to Casa.

Unlike the past, Green didn't sneak away this time, but instead rode a scaly horse and swayed along the road to Casa.

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