The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 82: Go to an appointment

Two days later, Laura's second team arrived. Their car is loaded with many wooden barrels and some oil extraction tools. They are well prepared.

However, the barrel is a bit less. Each barrel can only hold 2000 kg of fruit oil. This time Laura gave them 200 barrels, which means they can hold 20,000 kilograms of oil. These oil purple winds can be squeezed out in five days. Zifeng also asked his team to bring a message to Laura. First, Laura is helping to collect more barrels. Second, he is going to travel, which may take some time to come back, but if there is anything, he can still go to Shishan to find him.

The captain is still Sean. Sean now has a lot of power, but when he came to Zifeng, he was still very polite and careful. He did not dare to ignore it at all.

Sean is very aware of Zifeng's place in Laura's heart. He has always been Laura's confidant. Naturally, he understood Laura's thoughts. Zifeng can now be said to be a staunch supporter of Laura. How dare Sean be a little rude?

After sending Sean and his family away, Zifeng and Green set off. As before, Green dived out of the stone mountain with an evil cane, and then they walked straight to the Ica Plain. Only this time, they moved on at night and rested in space during the day.

The Ark is too big here. Although there are many people, it does little damage to nature. In addition, it is far less developed than the earth. At night, people take a break and don’t look for them. Some big nights are still outside, so Zifeng and the others If you travel at night, you won't be found.

It will not take long from Casa City to the Plain of Ica. After all, it is the main food producing area of ​​the Fansel family. The Fansel family attaches great importance to this. It will not be too far away. It's just too far. They did not have time to rescue what happened in the Ica Plain.

In the Duchy of Wasser, first the Wasser family, then Casa City. Casa City was built by the Wasser family. They built Casa City because of its convenient transportation and wide roads. The most important thing is that the city is not far from Daiyu River, the largest river in the northern part of the Aksu Empire, and water transportation is very convenient.

When Casa City was first selected, it was not far from the Plain of Ica, where the Van Sel family started, and the Van Sel family’s castle was also there.

The reason why the Vansells abandoned the Plain of Ica was that they wanted to build the city on the current location of Casa City. One reason is that Casa City is very convenient here. Another reason is that Ica Plain is not in danger of defense. The Plain of Ica, like his name, is a plain area. At a glance, you can see things dozens of miles away, and the terrain has no ups and downs at all. Even if such a place is built, its defense capabilities are very limited.

Although the core of the Van Sel family has now been placed in the city of Casa, it also attaches great importance to the Ica Plain (IcaPlain). The Vansells are very aware of the importance of the Ica Plain to their family, and the food produced here is their foundation.

Once a family establishes a principality, it will immediately understand the importance of food to a family and a country. Your economic development is very good. If you don't have enough food, you will always have to rely on other people's gasps. Food is the most important thing for people. Although Ark doesn't say that, those experts all know that food is the foundation. Once this foundation is lost, the country will fall into chaos.

It is for this reason that over the years, the Fansel family has used countless methods to seize the entire Ica Plain that does not belong to their family from the hands of the little nobles and commoners. Finally, the entire Ica Plain was named Van Sel.

With Ica as the grain-producing area, the spirit of the bottom of the Fansel family is sufficient. Now, the Vansell family is strong among those old-fashioned families. If they have food, they can train more soldiers. If they have soldiers, you will be strong.

It is precisely because we know that this place is important to every Self family, so every Self family here in the Irakka Plain has five thousand elite soldiers stationed there. These five thousand elite soldiers, but every one The most elite bull guards of the Self family, even in the entire Akelau Empire, are also elite soldiers. As long as these soldiers are kept, the money needed every day is an astronomical figure.

Outside the Ica Plain, plant windbreaks. This windbreak can also be used as a guardrail. Most windbreaks are planted with birch trees, which are tall and straight. Thorns vines and thorns are planted in the middle of the tree.

Thorns and thorns are the two common things above. Many villages were afraid of being attacked by monsters and planted some thorns and thorn grass outside the village. Although these things are not very useful for some high-level monsters, they still have good protection for some low-level monsters.

However, it is said that there are millions of acres of land in the entire Ica Plain. For such a large area of ​​land, how many trees are needed to surround him? This shows the vastness of Versailles.

There is another characteristic of the Ica Plain. This feature is almost non-existent in other places, only in the Ica Plain. In other words, there are no civilians or little nobles here. The people living in the Ica Plain are just one kind of people, slaves, except for the army of the Wasser family.

Yes, there are no civilians in the Ica Plain. They are all slaves. They are all slaves of the Versailles family. The Ica Plain is so large that at least hundreds of thousands of people are needed to cultivate all the land here. Some of these hundreds of thousands of slaves have already settled here. There are millions of people living and millions of slaves in the entire Ica Plain! What is that concept?

Here in the Ark, the permanent population of a medium-sized city is only a few million, and a smaller one is about one million, while the permanent population of a small city is only a few hundred thousand, which means that Versailles is a slave of a medium-sized city.

Big, absolutely big, with this hand, every self-family is also a big family in the Arklau Empire, no wonder they will fall.

The old king of the Aksu Empire wanted to deal with the big family. Every ego family was one of them, and the Buda family was a knife in the hands of the old king of the Aksu Empire. It can be said that the Buda family was engaged to each ego family. It would be impossible if it weren't for the pressure of the old king of the Aksu Empire.

Wan Fansaier said that although he said he had a little friendship with Yaguang's father, he was a good friend, but as the head of a large family, he could not make decisions on too many things. Even the head of the family, there are many things he can't do.

To be honest, Ivan is still a good man. When he was young, he went out to experience and met Adam's father.

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