The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 86: is this correct?

Zifeng has not yet told the Green Worm to have a lifespan of one month. The point is that he doesn't understand that the survival time of the worm is one month. What is this concept? Those in the Vansell family who found bugs on wheat would definitely kill them. At that time, even if the worm will be killed, it will naturally not survive for a month. So he didn't tell Green either. However, Green is also someone who has seen big scenes and knows the magic of space. Soon he calmed down, turned to Zifeng and said, "Master, are we going to put some bugs elsewhere?"

Zifeng nodded and said, "Let go, let go. I just want these bugs to eat up all the wheat on the Ica Plain."

Lvha Aha smiled, pulled Zifeng a few times, crossed a hundred acres of wheat fields with few insects, and came to another wheat field. Zifeng then put the insects, and then went on to the next place.

At the end of the day, Zifeng didn't know how many wheat fields he destroyed. However, starting from the edge of the forest, he regularly put bugs into the wheat fields in order to give the Van Sell family a kind of illusion that bugs are a natural illusion.

Zifeng and Green are really tired tonight. They kept running around. Zifeng did not release the aliens. Strangely, when he walked out of the zombies, all the undead in space became zombies. Only the aliens have not changed, they are the same. This is good for Zifeng. If the alien becomes like that, he will not be able to enter the space inside the alien, because there is flesh and blood between them, and he cannot directly see the outside scene.

This time, Zifeng did not release aliens, because aliens are too big, easy to expose, and easy to leave traces. If everyone in my family sees those traces, they may find that the insect disaster this time is It's artificial, it's not fun.

About three hours before dawn, Zifeng and Green returned to space to rest. Green knew that the slaves would not get up to work until daylight was complete. The overseer will not let the slave rest that long. If they have to wait until dawn to rest, they may be found.

The two of them were really tired tonight. They fell asleep when they arrived in space, and the situation outside of space was worse than they thought.

Zifeng underestimated the destructive power of insects on crops. The five big meat worms gnawed the wheat seedlings for a while. The damage to wheat is unimaginable. Tonight, a lot of wheat was gnawed into bare poles.

What's more frightening is that the bugs that ate one kind of wheat did not disappear, but climbed down from that kind of wheat and onto another kind of wheat.

Zifeng did not calculate. In fact, they changed more than a hundred places tonight. In other words, green has now reached the level of eighth grade. Otherwise, it would be impossible to achieve this success.

In other words, Zifeng and the others have planted insects on more than 10,000 acres of wheat fields this night, and each plant has five insects. When they put the insects in the last place, the 100 acres of land had insects. , Has been eaten up by insects, and the powerful army of insects has begun to develop in depth. Zifeng and Green fell asleep when they entered space. Naturally, they didn't know what was happening outside. At dawn, the slaves also got up. Now their main job is to weed the wheat fields. If insects are found, they will also kill them.

This is not a busy farming season, so the slaves are relatively easy to live, and when they get up, they check the fields.

The slaves on the land where Zifeng let go of the insects, when they reached the field, they just stood there, scalp numb looking at everything in front of them.

The big bug lay on the wheat seedlings, eating them frantically. Looking around, there are no complete wheat seedlings, only green stalks standing there.

Not to mention slaves, or even overseers, stupid enough to look at everything in front of them. this is too scary.

Suddenly, a slave responded, screaming frantically and rushing into the wheat field. He kept hitting the insects on the wheat to the ground with his hands, then trampled to death.

The slave's reaction made others react immediately. They immediately jumped up, knocked the bug to the ground and trampled it to death.

The supervisor also woke up immediately. He looked pale when he looked at the situation in the field, and then looked around. Then he did not go with the slaves to destroy the insects, but turned and ran to the small village where they lived.

In their small village, they have raised some scales, which can be used to cultivate the land. If something happens, they can also ride a horse to tell the news. The housekeeper just wants to send letters to his family on the scales.

The supervisor just saw that the insect is more than just a small piece. He looked around and found that a large wheat field had been completely eaten up. At present, he doesn't know how big the pests are, but what is certain is that if the pests are not extinguished as soon as possible, the food production here in Ica Plain will be greatly reduced.

What the supervisor didn't know was that there were still many people with the same status as him doing the same thing, one by one, they rode to the post office in Versailles.

The reason why the slaves bought powerful pesticides was that if they could not get enough food in their fields, they would also get less food. Their lives will be difficult. If the food is decreasing, it is even more difficult.

Business in Versailles on the Ica Plain is very good. In addition to the small village where slaves lived, there is also a small post office not far away. It is usually used to transmit news and distribute materials to slaves. When Qiu received it, it became a granary, dedicated to collecting grains.

With this kind of relay station, the Fansel family controlled the entire Ica Plain. No matter what happens there, they can get news in the shortest possible time. Nate is the stationmaster of Fansel Family Station. For the Fansel family, this is definitely a heavy job. When allocating materials to slaves, they can deduct a little. They can also deduct a little when collecting food. Usually, one or two fast-running horses, such as chasing horses or flamingos, will be left here to pass the news. Of course, these horses cannot feed anything compared to ordinary scales. They need to eat some finer feed, which is also distributed at home. Nate and his family use these feeds.

This kind of thing is very common in the post office of Ica Plain. This is almost an open secret. The family also turned a blind eye to such things. For family members, working at the post office all year round is also a difficult job.

However, Versailles also has the bottom line of these relay stations. It is okay to make them greedy at ordinary times, but the normal operation of the relay station must be ensured. The slaves who pass through their hands will not die too much every year. Otherwise, the family will punish them severely.

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