The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 109: reaction

He hates green. While Green was drinking coffee, he began to hate Green. He felt that the poison Green invited him to drink was definitely not, but a pot of poison, or the most poisonous poison he had ever drunk. As soon as Green walked into the living room, he deliberately said, "Elder Stern, didn't you say that the Grand Duke wanted me? Where is he?"

Stern said coldly: "I don't know, maybe the Grand Duke went back because he waited too long." Then he sat on the sofa without saying a word, closing his eyes, and didn't even prepare for Green.

Green looked at Stern with a funny smile on his face. He understood why Stern would behave like this. Stern has such a performance because he thinks there is no need to hide it anymore. Once he got to the Grand Ducal Palace, he couldn't run away, so Stern tore off his disguise.

However, the more he did, the more excited Green became. Green wanted to see what these people would look like when he disappeared in front of them.

Green didn't speak either. He just sat there quietly. He is also waiting. He wanted to cooperate with Stern and their tricks, so that Stern felt that everything was under their control. At the last moment, he used his actions to tell these people that I was just teasing you!

After a while, Green heard footsteps in the distance. He just opened his eyes and looked at Stern. Elder Stern, do you want to sit with me like this all the time?

As soon as his voice fell, an old voice came from outside, with a triumphant voice: "Of course not, I will give you an explanation!"

Greenshun’s popularity is attributed to Caesar, the great elder of the Van Sel family!

Caesar Green knew and had some contacts, but these contacts were limited to understanding. However, Caesar did not leave a good impression on Green. Green felt that Caesar was a very hypocritical old man.

But now this hypocritical guy is standing behind another arrogant guy, this arrogant guy looks very old, his hair and beard are white, the wrinkles on his face can trap mosquitoes, he wears a very Ordinary magic robe, holding a very ordinary wand, but his expression is not ordinary at all.

There was a hint of impatience in his expression. His eyes are not concentrated at all. However, this does not mean that he is blind. On the contrary, this is just an act of arrogance. He doesn't seem to think that everyone present is an adult. In his opinion, all the people present are air.

He does have this qualification, because he is one of the two patrons of Versailles, Feng Samba is extraordinary!

Feng Shengbafei is very interesting. He is the magic genius of the Van Sel family, and he also likes magic. He has never married a wife in his life. He devoted all his energy to researching and practicing sophisticated methods. His interpersonal relationship is in a mess. His only use to the Van Sel family is to kill. It can be said that since he started to learn magic, he has been a sword of the Fansel family. He will kill the people in his family who let him kill, and he will do everything except murder.

Some people say that he is a lunatic, some people say that he is a manic person, but in any case, he is now a ninth-level strong, is the existence of Shen Ya, is the patron saint of the Versailles family. Perhaps because of his madness and persistence, he has achieved today. Buffy hasn't shot for many years. For ten years, he has been an outstanding athlete in the 9th grade. As early as the eighth grade, he didn't give much. That was 30 years ago.

This time Caesar has been very proud to invite him to do this. Knowing that Buffy’s strange temper is as famous as his magical talent.

When Green saw the blood brown, his eyes couldn't help shrinking. He knew very well that the average ninth-level strong would respect his identity and would not easily attack low-level fighters. Even if he did, he would be fair, but the blood brown was different. Blood brown is not clear. For him, killing is killing. There is no fairness and sneak attack.

So when he saw Buffy appear, Green immediately lifted his heart and looked at Buffy vigilantly. However, Buffy still stood defiantly.

In space, Merlin directly noticed the situation here, and when Buffy appeared, he was stunned. Then he changed his face and said to Zifeng, "Master, ready to pull Green into space at any time. This old guy doesn't want to live anymore. He dares to face the strong in the 9th grade."

Upon seeing this, Merlin understood everything. Before she realized that Green was not entirely correct, she couldn't tell what went wrong. Now she knew that Green knew long ago that he would face the strong in the ninth grade. This is why he looks strange.

Zifeng was stunned, then his face changed. Grandma Merlin, are you saying that the old man standing outside is a strong man in grade 9? The old man that Zifeng refers to is of course Buffy, and no one is older than him.

Merlin nodded and said, "Yes, this old man is Feng Sheng Bafei. He has been famous for nearly 50 years. He is a training madman and a cold-blooded killer. He has been there since the day he became the fifth wizard. Killing for Versailles. It can be said that his entire growth process is a killing process, and it is also a terrible number."

Zi Feng's face changed. Although he has never seen a strong player in the 9th grade, he has heard of the reputation of a strong player in the 9th grade. Green is the person he cares about most. Now Green is facing a good 9th grade player. Zifeng pulled Green back into space almost immediately.

Although Zifeng didn't do this immediately, his attention was completely focused outside. As long as the opponent changes, he will immediately take Green into space.

Green looked at Buffy and said, "Elder Caesar, what do you mean?"

Caesar looked at Green, smiling like an old fox. Then he said in a deep voice: "Green, didn't you come to dissolve the marriage today? I tell you, we ended this marriage. Here you are. This is the marriage certificate." He raised his hand, a piece of paper like a sharp sword. It flew away like green.

There is a custom in the Aksu Empire. If both parties are engaged, but one party suddenly wants to withdraw from the marriage, it must take the initiative and obtain the other party's withdrawal documents. Green looked at the paper and held it up. The newspaper has fallen into his hands. Green read the contents of the newspaper carefully. The content is very general. In other words, the Fansel family agreed to the Buda family's request to cancel their marriage, but it was as simple as that.

Green carefully held the paper in his arms and looked up at Caesar. Green is here to thank the elders.

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