The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 115: Sha Ling

But the problem is that if they don't participate, as long as things have results, then they must be the first to be unlucky, so they must participate.

However, participation is different from participation. When and how to participate is the most important thing. If the opportunities, styles, and methods are right, they can not only keep themselves, but also get the most benefit.

Just then, a servant ran in from outside and bowed to Laura. "Miss, I just received the news that the Xinya family and other major families have already taken action, but they have not raised the price of food yet. They have sent someone to contact the second and third elders of the vassal family."

Laura frowned and gestured with her hand. "Go and check. If there is anything new, please notify me immediately." The servant replied and bowed away.

Laura turned to Kunzheng and said, "Grandpa Zheng Kun, what do the Xinya family want? Do they want to help the second elder or the third elder to take over the power?"

Kun nodded as scheduled and said, "I'm afraid it will be like this. If the two elders or the three elders really form an alliance with them, they can even give up the rise in food prices this time. As long as they can help one of the two elders to board. At the top, they will get strong support from the elderly. Then they will be able to rule the entire market in the Duchy of Wasser. These guys are really smart in computing."

Laura frowned and said, "What should we do? Can't we wait? This is too bad for us."

Kun's eyes flashed cleanly. "Wait? Of course, we can't just wait, and then we will only become more passive, and finally we may be pushed out by them. Even though we helped a family with food, we hope they will appreciate us. It's useless. Those guys don’t care if you help them. As long as there is always enough interest, everything can be sold out. What we have to do now is to contact a member of the Vansell family and support him, even if he can’t take over, let him We have a certain say in the Van Sell family so that we can keep our business.” Laura was taken aback, “Who? Now even members of the Xinya family have contacted the second and third elders. We’ve gone. too late."

Kun Wei smiled. "Don't forget, there is another person in the Van Sel family who once held power, but his power was weakened to help the Buda family. Isn't this a good opportunity?"

Laura was taken aback, and he immediately thought of who he was talking about, the patriarch of each self, the grand prince of each self principality, Yi.

Iban’s previous power was not much worse than that of the elders. However, because he was young and had no experience in political struggle, and because he helped the Buda family, his power was divided and compressed by the elders. In addition, during this time, he was deeply rooted, looking inward, and completely transformed into a wooden man and ornament. Therefore, Laura really didn't think of him at first.

Kun looked at Laura and smiled slightly: "Evan has calmed down completely recently. People seem to have forgotten his existence, but isn't it the reason why he is smart? Does he really have no power in his hands? No, despite his power. It has been compressed a lot, but it has not been completely ignored. He still has some power, but recently he has been too tolerant and concealed for a period of time, making people forget his existence."

Laura thought for a while, and said, "This seems to be true. Since the fall of the Buda family, Ivan has been very low-key, so low-key that people forget him or treat him as an ornament. Really strong, we can help him, he may be able to go to the front desk again."

Kun just smiled. "That's what it means. Now we'd better divide it into two ways. Miss, you don't have to come up to see Ivan. It's too noisy. The goal is too big. I will do it. Now you go to see Mr. Zifeng. You Mr. Zifeng must be told about the situation here and be prepared there."

Laura nodded and said, "Well, I'll go right away, and Ivan will ask Grandpa Zheng Kun." After that, she led Nier out.

When all of Casa's big families were staring at the Van Sel family, people suddenly discovered that Laura had been out of the city in a carriage and headed straight to Stone Mountain.

Laura was out of town this time, let the big family breathe a sigh of relief. To tell the truth, they are now married to Laura, but they dare not touch Laura, not only because Laura is a member of the Makedel family, but also because Laura is behind her. Standing a dark wizard of unfathomable strength.

The princes' families sent people to deal with Zifeng, and these big families also knew that such high-ranking officials could not really hide their secrets. Because of this, these people feel bad about Zifeng.

Galan's prestigious quarterfinals, or black wizard nemesis white wizard, possessed so many masters, under this circumstance, they were quietly destroyed, and Zifeng's strength was really terrifying.

And the relationship between Laura and Zifeng, they all know that Zifeng saved Lara's life, and then Zifeng produced things there and asked Laura to help sell them. They have formed an alliance. In this case, To offend Laura is to offend Zifeng, and Zifeng is the black wizard they least want to provoke.

These people think that Laura went to Zifeng to talk to him about the current situation of Casa. They are not worried at all. As long as they don't interfere with their plans, they will speak out.

Laura went out of the city this time, not only to tell Zifeng Casa, but also to attract the attention of the big family and make it easier for Kun to get close to Ivan.

Laura walked faster this time than before. It took less than half a day to reach the foot of the stone mountain. Zifeng also received the news. As soon as Laura reached the foot of the mountain, Green immediately took Laura to the mountain.

When Zifeng took Laura into the living room to sit down, he was impolite. He said directly, "Miss Laura is here to find the Vansells, right? I heard that Versailles seems to be a little troublesome now."

Laura already understood Zifeng's intelligence, so she was not surprised. She just smiled and said, "I'm afraid this is not a small problem, but a big problem."

This surprised Zifeng, he didn't know much about the inside story of the Versailles family, and even Green and Merlin didn't know it.

Zifeng was puzzled, "Isn't it just retiring from marriage and then trying to kill people without success? What's the problem?"

Laura smiled bitterly and said, "It would be great if it was like what Mr. Wang said. Mr. Wang didn't know that there might be civil unrest in Versailles this time."

Zifeng frowned and said, "Really? Please tell me carefully."

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