The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 123: When will the bright moon come

Most importantly, this time these big companies offended the Van Selec family. If they support good people, that is, they will not embarrass them and may also give them some benefits. However, this time the superior was ten thousand, and he had no contact with them at all. They don't want to say anything good. Ivan would not drive them out of the Duchy of Fansel directly, even if it gave them face.

Zifeng didn't care what happened in Casa City. He is now concerned about the conditions of the black soil wasteland and carrion swamp.

When the Fansel family held the first presbytery, Zifeng had already received news from Zhao Zui. They saw the wind in Santa Buffy, but nothing happened. Buffy was very curious about these zombies, but he did not touch them. After all, this is a rotten swamp.

When he heard that Buffy had really entered the Carrion Swamp, Zifeng breathed a sigh of relief. He released the slave and put everything in the castle. The hydraulic press started to work, and the stone mill started to work. This time they are going to process rice, which is much better than ordinary bamboo rice. Zifeng still had a lot of rice in his hands, which he left for them to eat. It turns out that the bamboo rice that Green bought was given to Laura by Zifeng. Laura sold the bamboo rice Green bought from the beginning. You know, the bamboo rice produced in space is much better than the one Green bought. Zifengke couldn't bear to sell all the good things, leaving some bad things for himself.

At the same time, Zifeng also began to save a lot of improved land other than black soil wasteland. It is August now. It's too late to plant some food this month, so Zifeng didn't plant seeds for himself, and there are some wild vegetable seeds that are common in Ark. The slaves were allowed to try planting, and the golden boy also began to save some firewood to prepare winter coats for the slaves.

When Zi Fengtian was at the ball, he was full and the whole family was not hungry. When he arrived here, more than 100 people looked at him. Only then did he realize that he had many things to prepare.

The first is to burn wood. In winter, the less such things, the better. Without it, people would freeze to death. In addition to cotton clothes and grain, there are many things in this forest.

Fortunately, however, Zifeng now has a temporary transmission point in Casa City. This transmission point is not a fixed transmission point established by Zifeng, but Green arrived at Casa City, bought a house in a relatively remote place in Casa City, and then entered the space from that house, thus becoming the transmission point there.

Through this transit station, Zifeng bought a lot of things. He could not use glass windows for slaves. It's too expensive, so he can only buy some curtain cloth. Then he put a bed, a cupboard, a table, four chairs, a brazier, a copper kettle, and some slave food.

When all these tasks were completed, Zifeng discovered that he had spent nearly 5,000 gold coins unknowingly, which was much faster than making money.

The time has come to September. Around this month, Casa City has completely calmed down. Not only did food prices not rise, but the prices of some daily necessities were also much cheaper than before.

Those big companies have no choice. If they don't cut prices, no one will go to their store to buy things. As a result, their price cuts caused a chain reaction, and the prices of all daily necessities fell a lot.

Of course, the florist has also lowered the price, but when it comes to buying food, most people still go to the florist, not only because the florist helps them, but also because the food in the florist is really good.

At first, only the Bianhua store didn't pay much attention to sales here. When other shops reduced prices and purchased food from other shops, civilians discovered that the original food was also divided into 369 levels. If the food in the Bianhua store is first-level, the food in other stores is only ninth-level.

The most important thing is that the food in Bianhua shop is not only of good quality, but also full of magical elements, just like the carrots they sell, so civilians buy more food. After learning the news from Laura, Zifeng immediately made a decision. He gave his food a brand name. The brand name is Taoyuan.

No one knows what Ark’s Taoyuan is, but Taoyuan is a place that everyone knows. If you use foreign words, it is utopia.

Zifeng's biggest wish now is to build this black soil wasteland into the paradise in his heart and the utopia that everyone longs for.

It is precisely because of this idea that Zifeng uses the name Taoyuan. Zifeng not only thought of the name, but also designed a trademark himself. The trademark is simple. The above is a simple picture of a small bridge and a flowing water family, but it is already very new in this world.

The trademark of this world is just a name, and it has not been officially printed on the product. This is just something passed down orally. However, Zifeng really took out the trademark this time, which is a big step ahead of the world.

Laura is not stupid either. As soon as she saw Zifeng's trademark, she immediately made a decision. Everything she extracts from Zifeng will be called Taoyuan Commodities. The rice will be packed in a big box. The outside of the box will be carved with a pattern of Taoyuan. The same goes for radishes, even fruit oil. In the shortest possible time, all products produced in Taoyuan will be sold separately from those produced elsewhere.

In order to open up the market, Taoyuan's products did not increase in price, but were sold at normal prices. This is a great pleasure for ordinary people. Taoyuan’s products are really great, especially for children from families who go to magic schools. The family even gave them bamboo rice from Taoyuan every day, and occasionally gave them a radish.

The reason why these parents recognize Taoyuan’s products so much has to start with Julie. Julie was the first woman to buy radishes from the flowers on the opposite bank, and his son got up after eating radishes for the first time. He learned. Ghosts become official apprentices of magic and can receive subsidies in guilds.

In this way, their family's living conditions will be better. Although Rose was just a magic apprentice and received very little subsidy from the guild, only one gold coin per month, it was already very good for a commoner family. A gold coin can save some money, almost enough for them to spend a month.

Julie is a good housekeeper. This time when the food crisis broke out, Julie was not afraid, because they had food. Julie has a habit of scooping out rice from her hands every time she cooks. A small handful was placed in the rice jar at home. For so long, she unknowingly stored a large jar of rice, enough for the family to eat for a few months, so Julie was not worried.

However, food prices did not rise, and Julie did not move the rice in the rice jar. She still buys rice at the Bianhua store.

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